2013-08-21 Jason Etheridgehandle general test failure
2013-08-21 Jason EtheridgeMove from integration branch to master
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgego to correct directory
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgecss tweak
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgemore the merrier
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgefix quotes
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgemore output
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgeadd overall timing info
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgesys info tweaks
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgesystem info
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgegit logs
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgeshow commit tips
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgelink the rss
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgelet's peg this as the new home
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgeadd RSS to the webifier. temporary URL for now
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgehave the output parser generate a set of HTML files
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgepoint to a better named integration branch
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgecleanup
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgemore tweaks for EG make check
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgenot finding oils_utils.h
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgetry to prevent EG make check from failing
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgeecho the return value from these tests
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgestyle expected failures differently
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgecolorize some of the output from settings-tester
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgeinclude output
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgewithin the HTML output, link to first error
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgetypo
2013-08-07 Jason Etheridgesample CSS for
2013-08-07 Jason Etheridgefilters to trim/highlight test output
2013-08-07 Jason Etheridgeinvoke 'make check' with OpenSRF and Evergreen
2013-08-06 Jason Etheridgeinclude the right PATH
2013-08-06 Jason
2013-08-05 Jason Etheridgepoint to new integration branch
2013-07-16 Jason Etheridgeintegrate pgTAP with a -t option for live testing
2013-07-16 Jason Etheridgeadd -s argument for loading sample data
2013-07-11 Jason Etheridgeadds arguments for full-auto install and run
2013-05-16 Bill Ericksonwheezy installer; updates to match eg master
2013-05-16 Bill Ericksonsqueeze installer updates to match eg master
2013-05-16 Bill EricksonUpdating squeeze auto-installer
2012-06-26 Bill EricksonUse the repo version of the rsyslog config file
2012-06-21 Bill Ericksonmerge wheezy target into master checkout instead of...
2012-06-21 Bill Ericksonwheezy installer uses wheezy target branches pending...
2012-06-18 Bill EricksonDebian squeeze evergreen installer script
2012-06-01 Bill EricksonLaunchpad digest script
2012-03-23 Bill Ericksonupdate config; cleanup
2012-03-23 Bill Ericksonre-add ld_lib_path to opensrf bashrc
2012-03-23 Bill Ericksoncpan prompt repairs
2012-03-22 Bill EricksonEvergreen Squeeze installer script
2012-03-22 Thomas BerezanskyAdd quick README to the master branch master