2016-02-26 Kathy LussierLP#1548143 Stamping upgrade script for Vandelay parts...
2016-02-26 Dan WellsLP#1548143 Support for parts import in Vandelay
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Stamping DB upgrade for actor.passwd
2016-02-26 Dan WellsLP#1468422 Use auth_internal.validate to shore up AuthProxy
2016-02-26 Dan WellsLP#1468422 "Aut" to "Auth" typo fix
2016-02-26 Dan WellsLP#1468422 Make AuthProxy.pm work with new auth
2016-02-26 Dan WellsLP#1468422 Tighten AuthProxy argument requirements
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Release notes example avoid re-migrate
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Manual password migrate does not re-migrate
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Release notes manual pw migration comments
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Drop auth work factor from 14 to 10
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Always default to root org unit
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Auth efficiency improvements
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Login permission checks are global
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Return vanilla login failure on nonexistent...
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Report inactive card on password OK
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 auth-internal validate API
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Remove deprecated open-ils.storage remote_update
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 SIP password verification
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Implement password reset updates
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Port user update to cstore
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Password verify and password update
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Admin seed data sets new-style passwd
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Password storage release notes
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Admin seed data sets new-style passwd
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 New open-ils.auth_internal service
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Add libpcre to build for open-ils.auth
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 open-ils.auth API salted pw changes
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1468422 Password storage/migration SQL getting started
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1333254 Improve entry debit maintenance for inv...
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1333254 Support closing new invoices
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1333254 Release notes
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1333254 Perl live tests
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1333254 Disencumber on invoice close
2016-02-26 Kathy LussierLP#1527342 Stamping upgrade script decouple checkout...
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Improve display of C/O history delete warning
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron CO history CSV update core type
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron checkout history CSV export repair
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron checkout history table release notes
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron checkout history PGTAP tests
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 search result history tagging
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron checkout history TPAC display
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron co history remove on purge
2016-02-26 Bill EricksonLP#1527342 Patron checkout history SQL/IDL
2016-02-25 Galen CharltonLP#1452950: add release notes
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg pending users
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg. clone user
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 date input supports null dates
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 re-attach unload warning after click-through
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Support free-text stat cats
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Stat cat maps store values, not links
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Remove unsaved data warning after click...
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Unload prompts more handlers / dupe styling
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Secondary groups dialog scrollable groups...
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg pass=phone on new patrons only
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg avoid data re-fetch
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Remove dupe/doc floating div dashed border
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg. unload prompt stub
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 page unload warning prompt service
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg dupe links wording consistency
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg refactor alert pane
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron dupe search links
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron dupe search / plumbing
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg invalidate fields
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg secondary groups done
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg secondary groups part 1
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg loading dialog; more caching
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg code cleanup
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Field doc display repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 survey dates/sorting; stat cat sorting
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 pat. reg surveys and stat cats
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 pat. reg surveys and opt-in settings
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg additions (phone pw, hiding stuff)
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 focus barcode field
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 username defaults to barcode
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 save/delete/modify addresses
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 extract and save patron settings
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg i18n repair; more saving
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg saving new patrons repairs
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg new patron defaults
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg replace barcode
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg initial save operation
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg barcodes dialog
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg post code lookup
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 add/delete patron address
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 browser client patron reg additions
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 quiet chatty grid field logging
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron summary show/hide repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 required/suggested/all fields selectors
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg fixed css repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg fixed navigation
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Register v.s. Edit patron banners
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patrong reg. style repairs
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1464767 Patron edit billing => physical
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1464767 Sort browser client org selector
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg. UI improvements / repairs
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 angularize patron registration phase I
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1206936 Base SQL schema repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1501516 'paid' lineitem release notes
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1501516 PO lineitem 'paid' indicator