2017-06-09 Chris SharpLP#1612752 - Add cancel_time to action.transit_copy...
2017-06-09 Dan ScottLP#169787 High contrast text in patron summary alert...
2017-06-06 Jason BoyerLP1690434: Date Comparisons in the Reporter
2017-05-31 Galen CharltonLP#1694497: fix record links on 2nd+ page of grouped...
2017-05-30 Galen CharltonLP#1312824: follow-up to fix whitespace
2017-05-30 Kathy LussierLP#1312824: Change success message for transferred...
2017-05-30 Jason BoyerLP1312824 open-ils.circ.hold.change_title fix
2017-05-26 Bill EricksonLP#1672775 Stamping A/T purge SQL upgrade
2017-05-26 Galen CharltonLP#1672775: add purge_at_events.srfsh to example crontab
2017-05-26 Bill EricksonLP#1672775 Action/Trigger retention interval release...
2017-05-26 Bill EricksonLP#1672775 Action/Trigger CRON-able purge script
2017-05-26 Bill EricksonLP#1672775 Action/Trigger purge PGTAP tests
2017-05-26 Bill EricksonLP#1672775 Action/Trigger retention interval SQL/IDL
2017-05-26 Cesar VelezLP#1691284 alpha sort circ modifiers on the copy editor
2017-05-25 Remington SteedDocs: Fix buggy AsciiDoc rendering of backticks
2017-05-25 Jason EtheridgeLP#1077212: add qstore to eg_db_config.pl --update...
2017-05-25 Galen CharltonLP#1687971: stamp DB update
2017-05-25 Galen CharltonLP#1687971: follow-up fix to copy location editor
2017-05-25 Michele MorganLP#1687971 - Make copy locations in the OPAC clickable.
2017-05-25 Galen CharltonLP#1498155: stamp DB update
2017-05-25 Chris SharpLP#1498155 - Also remove user-assigned SET_CIRC_MISSING...
2017-05-25 Josh StomproLP1498155 - Remove SET_CIRC_MISSING permission.
2017-05-25 Galen CharltonLP1574141: add release notes
2017-05-25 Galen CharltonLP1574141: minor code tweaks
2017-05-25 Josh StomproLP1574141 - Allow invalidate for all patrons with the...
2017-05-25 Bill EricksonLP#1691801 Webstaff grid column move controls
2017-05-25 Ben ShumTranslation updates - po files
2017-05-25 Ben ShumTranslation updates - newpot
2017-05-24 Galen Charltonforward-port 2.12.1-2.12.2 schema update
2017-05-24 Galen Charltonforward-port 2.11.4-2.11.5 schema update
2017-05-24 Galen Charlton2.10.11-2.10.12 schema update
2017-05-24 Galen Charltonrelease notes for 2.10.12
2017-05-24 Galen Charltonupdate 2.11.5 release notes
2017-05-24 Galen Charltonupdate 2.12.2 release notes
2017-05-24 Dan ScottLP#1478128: Avoid XSS in public catalog
2017-05-24 Kathy LussierDocs: 2.12.2 Maintenance release notes
2017-05-24 Kathy LussierDocs: 2.11.5 maintenance release notes
2017-05-23 Kathy LussierLP#1677902: Remove search formats from advanced search...
2017-05-20 Galen CharltonLP#1650410: include --days_back in synopsis and other...
2017-05-20 Jane SandbergLP#1650410: doc authority_control_fields.pl's --days_ba...
2017-05-19 Jeff DavisLP#1690468: fix Exclude Electronic Resources checkbox...
2017-05-19 Galen CharltonLP#1678638: use new preferred extension for AsciiDoc...
2017-05-19 Galen CharltonLP#1678638: add text versions the qstore and query_sche...
2017-05-19 Galen CharltonLP#1678638: technical documentation for qstore
2017-05-19 Galen CharltonLP#1564508: disable selecting Hatch status menu item
2017-05-19 Bill EricksonLP#1564508 Hatch status in hamburger, remove statusbar
2017-05-19 Jason StephensonLP 1672519: Make marc_export descendants aware.
2017-05-19 Galen Charltondoc: fix location of a release note stub
2017-05-19 Galen CharltonLP#1610246: add upgrade note
2017-05-19 Chris SharpLP#1610246 Classic Circulation View excluding circulations
2017-05-19 Jason EtheridgeLP#1491875: avoid erroneous "unsaved data" popup during...
2017-05-18 Bill EricksonLP#1677661 Hold targeter live test use API, etc.
2017-05-18 Bill EricksonLP#1677661 Targeter V2 remove unused batch API
2017-05-18 Bill EricksonLP#1677661 Targeter V2 extras release notes
2017-05-18 Bill EricksonLP#1677661 Hold Targeter V2 Repairs & Improvements
2017-05-18 Jason BoyerLP1274999: Next Link Appears at "End" of Copy List
2017-05-17 Bill EricksonLP#1618949 Required patron stats format repairs
2017-05-17 Billy HornLP#1618949 Patron edit forces required stat cats
2017-05-17 Bill EricksonLP#1670242 Webstaff checkin transit holds addr fix
2017-05-17 Bill EricksonWebstaff: hide behind-desk option when not supported
2017-05-17 blakeLP1244354 Unnecessary user refresh after deletion can...
2017-05-17 Galen CharltonLP#1641208: util.file no longer mangles UTF8 when writi...
2017-05-17 Bill EricksonLP#1673799 Stamping EDI query SQL update
2017-05-17 Galen CharltonLP#1673799: new acqedim index to speed up duplicate...
2017-05-17 Josh StomproLP#1650807: fix rollover_phone_to_print.pl to ack faile...
2017-05-16 Bill EricksonLP#1672824 A/T complete_time set on grouped events
2017-05-15 Chris SharpLP#117794 - Remove references to "Keep" field in Vandel...
2017-05-15 Chris SharpLP#1177794 - remove "Keep" field from Vandelay Import...
2017-05-15 Jason BoyerLP1689576: Fix ALARM -> ALRM Typo
2017-05-15 Galen CharltonLP#1552861: stamp database update
2017-05-15 Galen CharltonLP#1552861: add upgrade script
2017-05-15 Jeff DavisLP#1552861: use correct datatype for vandelay.default_m...
2017-05-15 Bill EricksonLP#1170514 Stamping vandelay bib-overlay resync SQL
2017-05-15 Chris SharpLP#1170514 - Upgrade script for vandelay.auto_overlay_b...
2017-05-12 Jeanette LundgrenDocs: LP#1673841 Fix formatting in Apache docs
2017-05-12 Jeanette LundgrenDocs: Update reporter_cloning_shared_templates.adoc
2017-05-11 Bill EricksonLP#1648234 Retain myopac redirect and keep refs
2017-05-11 Bill EricksonLP#1648234 Remove Apache JSPAC redirects
2017-05-11 Bill EricksonLP#1648234 IP Redirect honors client port
2017-05-11 Galen CharltonLP#1648234: fix Apache 2.2 version of redirect rules
2017-05-11 Bill EricksonLP#1648234 Apache redirects to standard ports
2017-05-10 blakeDocs: Update MARC editor docs for web client
2017-05-09 Jeff DavisLP#1647852: Use correct method during adjust to zero...
2017-05-09 Dan ScottDocs typo: s/minimum/maximum/
2017-05-08 Bill EricksonLP#1687649 Z39.50 CQL query parser honors bools
2017-05-08 Dan ScottLP#1646638 - Fix SIP timeouts due to invalid sessions
2017-05-08 Galen CharltonLP#1667221: (follow-up) remove comment that is now...
2017-05-08 Jeff DavisLP#1667221: use library currency as SIP patron currency...
2017-05-06 Jason StephensonLP#1378829 Stamp Upgrade Script & Add Release Note
2017-05-06 Jeff GodinLP#1378829 Fix long overdue override permission
2017-05-05 Kathy LussierDocs: Remove stray bullet entry
2017-05-05 Kathy LussierDocs: Add files to the list of tpac files that should...
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840 Release notes for Google Books Preview rewrite
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840 Activate Google Preview "extras" bar on...
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840: Dojoless Google Books Preview as external...
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840: Dojoless Google Books Preview: remove TT2...
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840: Google Books Preview: responsive sizing
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840: Dojoless Google Books Preview does not...
2017-05-04 Dan ScottLP#1685840: Dojoless Google Books Preview
2017-05-03 Ben ShumLP#1427392: Stamping upgrade script for hard due date...