2010-08-20 dbsGive the Authority List interface the ability to merge...
2010-08-19 ericksonsubmit unified search query on Enter when focused on...
2010-08-19 ericksonmove PO status to top of page for clarity
2010-08-19 dbsClass::DBI::Frozen::301 needs to be forcefully installe...
2010-08-19 ericksoncirc_modifier codes could be defined, but non-true...
2010-08-19 ericksonadded util function for printing an html string; use...
2010-08-19 senatorSerials: an alternative batch receiving interface,...
2010-08-19 senatorAcq: make view/place orders open a new tab w/ xul brows...
2010-08-19 dbsFurther enhancements to the authority list interface
2010-08-19 mikerAdd support to BibTemplate for arbitrary XML chunks...
2010-08-19 ericksonadded missing closing td
2010-08-19 ericksonfor consistency, use same 'icons' to indicate PO and...
2010-08-19 ericksonautomatically create lineitem assets (i.e. load bibs...
2010-08-19 ericksonadded clear_marc to po li retrieval to cut down network...
2010-08-19 ericksondowngraded a debug log message from error() to debug()
2010-08-19 dbsGive the authority list interface a place on the staff...
2010-08-19 dbsFix some defects in the first iteration of the authorit...
2010-08-19 dbsDon't show deleted authority records in startwith brows...
2010-08-19 dbsDon't return deleted authority records in a browse...
2010-08-19 dbsForgot to set the open-ils.pcrud controller for are...
2010-08-19 dbsAdd basic authority browse/edit/delete interface
2010-08-18 ericksonmoney_open_user_summary may not exist if the user has...
2010-08-18 ericksonprovide an explicit import() sub to collect the boostra...
2010-08-18 dbsOnly Debian Squeeze currently packages MARC::Record...
2010-08-18 atzFixup ctx.page_title and script type declarations
2010-08-18 mikerso, some datasets have records with multiple 245a subfi...
2010-08-18 mikerso, some datasets have records with multiple 245a subfi...
2010-08-18 dbsGive authority records an XML-valid XML formats list
2010-08-18 phasefxsome defensive coding. TODO: disable actions in Holds...
2010-08-18 dbsFedora packages perl-MARC-Record at 2.0.0, but 2.0...
2010-08-18 atzFix closing </tr> tags
2010-08-18 atzDescriptive notes in interface
2010-08-18 phasefxthinko here was throwing off the tallies for checked_ou...
2010-08-18 dbsCreate indexes on some Vandelay tables to speed up...
2010-08-17 dbsTell developers that they need to install Dojo
2010-08-17 dbsMove to CSS-based styling of validated vs. unvalidated...
2010-08-17 dbsFix typo in i18n Makefile that afflicted install
2010-08-17 ericksonlibbusiness-creditcard-perl is installed with DEBS...
2010-08-16 ericksonpatch from Ben Ostrowsky to help clarify the CREATE_MAR...
2010-08-16 phasefxui.circ.suppress_checkin_popups disables dialog prompts...
2010-08-16 phasefxforwardport of 17216, org hiding depth in opac
2010-08-16 atz0372 - acq.edi_message.vendacct
2010-08-16 phasefxredundant refresh() can cause duplicate rows in list...
2010-08-16 phasefxtsbere pointed out this typo
2010-08-16 phasefxDisable Replace Barcode button for new patrons, and...
2010-08-15 scottmkPedantic changes for const-correctness:
2010-08-15 scottmkPedantic change for const-correctness: replaced two...
2010-08-15 scottmkPedantic change for const-correctness: replaced a call to
2010-08-14 scottmkPedantic change for const-correctness: changed three...
2010-08-13 senatormerge seials-integration [sic] branch into trunk
2010-08-13 dbsAdd Debian Squeeze prereq support, drop out-of-date...
2010-08-13 phasefxmeant to hide these Find in Page buttons
2010-08-13 phasefxgo ahead and expose the Find in Page functionality...
2010-08-13 phasefxplaying around with Find in Page functionality; the...
2010-08-13 ericksonrepaired class name typo (thanks dbs). made args more...
2010-08-13 phasefxspawn external text editor for Patron Letter during...
2010-08-13 phasefxadd standing penalty prompt to Mark Item Missing Pieces...
2010-08-13 phasefxadd title to item notes window and an accesskey for...
2010-08-13 mikerfix cut-n-paste-o
2010-08-13 ericksonDOM text/pattern highlighter
2010-08-13 phasefxchange the (Copy) link next to addresses in the patron...
2010-08-13 mikerprotect authority linking trigger against broken $0...
2010-08-12 atzAllow * in file portion of pathname
2010-08-12 ericksonre-label recv_date as 'Invoice Date' to avoid confusion...
2010-08-12 ericksonyet more auto-scrolling to stamp out
2010-08-12 phasefxyet more auto-scrolling to stamp out
2010-08-12 phasefxyet more auto-scrolling to stamp out
2010-08-12 ericksoncreated batch/streaming versions of hold placement...
2010-08-12 ericksonavoid confusion by not installing the non-functional...
2010-08-12 dbsRemove broken old JavaScript in Google Book preview...
2010-08-12 scottmkComplain when a sequence name is not qualified by a...
2010-08-12 mikerregister the autoloader earlier, and log about the...
2010-08-11 scottmkPlug some memory leaks.
2010-08-11 ericksonGave the base login code the ability to find username...
2010-08-11 phasefxredundant with util_overlay.xul
2010-08-11 mikerUse a COALESCE/NULLIF nested structure instead of CASE...
2010-08-11 atzRespect activate_po option in interface
2010-08-11 atzAdd page title and tidy up
2010-08-11 mikermissed one fix in previous optimisation effort
2010-08-11 phasefxtweak the layout for the volume/copy creator so that...
2010-08-11 phasefxchange Check Barcodes? checkbox in Volume/Item creator...
2010-08-11 phasefxtweak auto-barcode method to support barcodes of arbitr...
2010-08-11 ericksonadded an UI for editing vandelay import item attribute...
2010-08-10 senatorAcq: fix certain dialogs needlessly flashing on-screen...
2010-08-10 gmcbug 592777: allow authoritative version of open-ils...
2010-08-10 ericksonuse staff query for lineitem->bib linking ui
2010-08-10 gmcfix age protection proximity test for in-DB circ
2010-08-10 mikerTwo things: 1) match old output, with rows for no holdi...
2010-08-10 phasefxreplace this broken regexp with cleanse_ISO8601
2010-08-10 phasefxeasier to read and corrected regexp for munging iso8601...
2010-08-10 ericksonsimilar to findbib, replace dojox.data.dom.textContent...
2010-08-10 mikeraaaaand, another typo of the r17147 ilk
2010-08-10 ericksonrepaired typo/pasto in copy vis upgrade script
2010-08-09 gmcremoved executable bit from files that don't need it set
2010-08-09 dbsCreate the label_class object if null was returned...
2010-08-09 dbsCopy/paste-o; asset.call_number ne asset.call_number_class
2010-08-09 mikerIn order to speed up the API call where we ask for...
2010-08-09 dbsSQL 101: Remember to name all of the columns before...
2010-08-09 dbsTeach the staff client volume copy creator to respect...
2010-08-09 scottmkAdd middle layer functions for maintaining actor.usr_sa...