2011-07-06 berickadded edit support for lwm_ratio on merge_profile;...
2011-07-06 berickadded missing lwm_ratio field to vandelay.merge_profile
2011-07-06 berickrecord import error handling improvements
2011-07-06 senatorthe vandelay match set editor now does quality metrics too
2011-07-06 berickBest Match w/ quality ratio merging
2011-07-06 senatorworking in quality metric editor
2011-07-06 berickgrab attr value from vandelay.extract_rec_attrs hstore...
2011-07-06 berickrepaired copy/paste error in match_bib_record
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderAllow different quality measures for different values...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderSave incumbent record quality in bib_match.quality...
2011-07-06 berickinitial support for selecting merge-on-best-match and...
2011-07-06 berickshow match score/quality in VL record match grid
2011-07-06 berickadded missing bib_match.match_score field to IDL
2011-07-06 berickslight mods to vandelay match set page to sync w/ updat...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderGive authority flattening the same treatment as biblio...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderOnly ingest bibs and items and run matches /before...
2011-07-06 berickmore vandelay menubar slimming
2011-07-06 berickdon't match on deleted bib records
2011-07-06 berickalso remove matched_set from IDL
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderClean up uses of vandelay.incoming_record_quality to...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderAdd MARC::Charset dance to the remaining plperlu function
2011-07-06 berickmatch set selection support in vl uploage UI, part 1
2011-07-06 berickdelete match_set_point's starting with leaf nodes to...
2011-07-06 berickcreate an embedded view of the vandelay match-set admin...
2011-07-06 berickadded support for viewing all import-items related...
2011-07-06 berickadded view for all failed item imports for a queue...
2011-07-06 berickadded support for 'limit records to those with any...
2011-07-06 berickadded 'with_import_error' option to queued record retri...
2011-07-06 berickVandelay file upload page cleanup
2011-07-06 berickadded new stub actions for limit-to-import-errors and...
2011-07-06 berickadd error and item import/error summary info to queue...
2011-07-06 berickNo longer limit to non-imported items by default in...
2011-07-06 berickhide item import error grid when not in use
2011-07-06 berickshow rec summary and import failure reason when appropriate
2011-07-06 berickshow item import error counts and rec import error...
2011-07-06 berickrecord / item import failures summar links
2011-07-06 berickadded virtual field for import_items to queued record
2011-07-06 berickadded option to flesh import items on queued record...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderMake sort order of imported item retrieval stable
2011-07-06 berickadded api call open-ils.vandelay.import_item.queue...
2011-07-06 berickadded with_rec_import_error and with_item_import_error...
2011-07-06 berickrec import bug error capturing bug fixes
2011-07-06 Mike Rylanderremove unused match_attr and actually capture eg_record...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderSecondary sort by quality ratio (higher means incoming...
2011-07-06 Mike Rylanderfunctions for performing queue-wide vandelay.auto_overl...
2011-07-06 Mike Rylandermatch_score column for recording matchiness; functions...
2011-07-06 senatorBugfix for negative matches
2011-07-06 senatorsome changes in the UI to reflect DB side changes
2011-07-06 senatorReplace vandelay.match_bib_record() with the new tree...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderWe don't have a matched_attr column anymore, because...
2011-07-06 berickinitial cut of capturing bib/auth import errors
2011-07-06 berickinitial item-import-failure reporting; needs testing
2011-07-06 berickprevious cast solution didn't work. casting inline...
2011-07-06 berickrepaired some thinko's in vandelay.match_bib_record...
2011-07-06 berickcleaned out some non-existent fields from vandelay...
2011-07-06 senatorWorking ML method to update a tree
2011-07-06 senatorTerminology change, more consitent with existing crad...
2011-07-06 senatormake the "Your Expression" preview more accurate by
2011-07-06 senatorAdmin -> Server Administration -> Import Match Sets
2011-07-06 senatormove parts to conify namespace
2011-07-06 senatorUI perfection. it previews. it saves...
2011-07-06 senatorMatch Set Tree editor improvements/cleanup
2011-07-06 senatormake sure user can only add reasonbly valid match point...
2011-07-06 senator1) implemented working replace mode 2) autocreate new...
2011-07-06 senatorlots of things here, but nearly last big UI todo is...
2011-07-06 senatorAbility to delete nodes from working tree. Show metadat...
2011-07-06 senatorAdd an autogrid-based interface for CRUD ops on vms...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderCorrected merge from trunk
2011-07-06 Lebbeous Fogle... Initial vmsp tree editor
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderStructure match set points as a tree
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderProtect bib matching from 901$c which has no correspond...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderSQL schema cleanup
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderAdd table and columns for tracking current import/overl...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderMostly, new function(s) for bib matching based on SVF...
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderTeach fieldmapper about the new vandelay classes
2011-07-06 Mike Rylandermoving functions around; tables for configuring match...
2011-07-06 Thomas BerezanskyDelete protection - Ensure you can touch group
2011-07-06 Thomas BerezanskyCan't use 0 in true/false, use defined instead
2011-07-05 Thomas BerezanskyFix checkout on alternate patron barcode
2011-07-05 Dan ScottLP805971: Specify UTF8 encoding in password reset templates
2011-07-01 Mike RylanderNormalize facet values
2011-07-01 Mike RylanderStampping upgrade for authorsort fix from Lebbeous
2011-07-01 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix the SVF authorsort field (metabib.record_attr-...
2011-07-01 Jason StephensonUse open-ils.circ.checkout.full in SIP2.
2011-06-30 Jason Etheridgewhen using params.data keys as print macros, render...
2011-06-30 Jason Etheridgeadd Print button and associated template for Holdings...
2011-06-30 Jason EtheridgeHold Notes column
2011-06-30 Jason EtheridgeStaff UI for batch holds on items.
2011-06-28 Mike RylanderCorrect copy-paste-o spotted by Dan Scott
2011-06-28 Lebbeous Fogle... Michael Peters provided a patch to add some missing...
2011-06-28 Dan ScottFix broken images for items without ISBNs in search...
2011-06-28 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2011-06-28 Mike RylanderAdd a method to generate a URI from extracted or suppli...
2011-06-28 Jason Etheridgebatch menus for Volume Edit
2011-06-28 Jason EtheridgeSaner behavior for Actions for Selected Holds -> Transf...
2011-06-27 Mike RylanderCleanup of missed commit from the original topic branch
2011-06-27 Mike RylanderPinning upgrade script for copy visibility speed boost
2011-06-27 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script
2011-06-27 Thomas BerezanskyAttempt to speed up cache visbility trigger
2011-06-27 Bill EricksonConfiguration interface for config.metabib_field table