2023-05-03 Mike RylanderLP#2006971: Custom system penalty business logic
2023-05-03 Mike RylanderLP#2006971: Custom system penalties
2023-05-03 Michele MorganLP#1965446 Stamping upgrade script
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1965446 Option to Disable Title-Level Holds on Bib...
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot - main branch
2023-05-03 Stephanie LearyLP2018403 Update sr-only class in Facets sidebar
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) add caveats to documentation
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) update dataset for upcoming...
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) update help in make_release
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) update release notes
2023-05-03 blakeLP#1901932 Wish List - Enhanced Concerto dataset
2023-05-03 blakeLP#1901932 Wish List - Enhanced Concerto dataset
2023-05-03 blakeLP#1901932 Wish List - Enhanced Concerto dataset
2023-05-03 Jeff DavisLP#1979345: Stamping upgrade script
2023-05-03 Jeff DavisLP#1979345: restrict access to holds pull list
2023-05-03 Jane SandbergLP1993305 stamp upgrade script
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay release notes
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay support, middle layer bits
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay support, UI bits
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay support, schema
2023-05-03 Jane Sandberglp1857911 follow-up: remove console.log
2023-05-02 Jane Sandberglp1857911: stamp upgrade script
2023-05-02 Jane Sandberglp1857911 (follow-up): update mock to match new AdminPa...
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 follow-up tweaks
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 angularized stat cat admin interfaces
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 underline links in normal eg-grid cells
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 allow override of IDL class label for display...
2023-05-02 Stephanie LearyLP2018326 Contrast fix for catalog pagination
2023-05-02 Jason BoyerLP#2000482: (Followup) Update Angular Version in Makefi...
2023-05-01 Andrea Buntz... Docs: fixing image file reference
2023-05-01 Galen CharltonLP#1979071: stamp DB update
2023-05-01 Galen CharltonLP#1979071: add release notes
2023-05-01 Galen CharltonLP#1979071: (follow-up) fix various DB schema and updat...
2023-05-01 Galen CharltonLP#1979071: (follow-up) install ingest_ctl by default
2023-05-01 Bill EricksonLP1979071 Fix column/value name ambiguity
2023-05-01 Mike RylanderLP#1979071: Queued Ingest
2023-04-30 Gina MontiUpdating fonts and sounds settings
2023-04-29 Stephanie LearyLP1615707 ARIA landmarks for staff interface
2023-04-29 Galen CharltonLP#1977554: (follow-up) fix delayed dictionary reification
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977554: (follow-up) include release notes entry
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977554: (follow-up) tag new strings for translations
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977554: (follow-up) style tweaks
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977554: (follow-up) remove "switch" role
2023-04-28 Scott AngelLP1977554 - Add Password visibility toggle on login...
2023-04-28 ScottLP1977554 - Add Password visibility toggle on login...
2023-04-28 Scott AngelLP1977554 - Add Password visibility toggle on login...
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1967328: add release notes entry
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1967328: (follow-up) tweak layout
2023-04-28 Dan BriemLP#1967328 Add multiple new permission group mappings...
2023-04-28 Galen CharltonLP#1997485: stamp database update
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#1997485: (follow-up) flesh out reingest intructions
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#1997485: (follow-up) fixes to the authority suggesti...
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#1997485: (follow-up) fix propagation of settings
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#1997485: (follow-up) update release notes
2023-04-27 Mike RylanderLP#1997485: Include authority headings in symspell...
2023-04-27 Mike RylanderLP#1997485: Release notes for multi-term Did You Mean
2023-04-27 Mike RylanderLP#1997485: Reify baseline schema
2023-04-27 Mike RylanderLP#1997485: Multi-term Did You Mean
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#2000482: add a brief release notes entry
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#2000482: (follow-up) couple more layout tweaks
2023-04-27 Galen CharltonLP#2000482: (follow-up) update Angular cheat sheet
2023-04-27 Jane SandbergLP2000482: Get tests passing
2023-04-27 Jane SandbergLP2000482: update tsconfig options to satisfy compiler...
2023-04-27 Bill EricksonLP2000482 Bootstrap 5 continued
2023-04-27 Bill EricksonLP2000482 Angular 15 and Bootstrap 5 upgrade
2023-04-26 Galen CharltonLP#1791791: remove a regression regression on bug 1923225
2023-04-26 Galen CharltonLP#1791791: prevent regression on bug 1923225
2023-04-26 Garry CollumLP1791791: Google book previews not displaying from...
2023-04-26 Galen CharltonLP#1863387: multi-select now allows filtering shelving...
2023-04-26 Britta DorseyDocs: updates to record buckets
2023-04-26 Andrea Buntz... Docs: adding Angular Staff View docs for 3.11
2023-04-19 Galen CharltonLP#1970946: stamp schema update
2023-04-19 Stephanie LearyLP1970946 Adjust color contrast in result highlights
2023-04-19 Stephanie LearyLP2009865 Revised search result headings & source order
2023-04-19 Stephanie LearyLP1994711 Restore <eg-title> to staff banner
2023-04-19 Stephanie LearyLP1994711 Semantic H1 headings for page titles
2023-04-19 Jane SandbergLP1929593 stamp upgrade script
2023-04-19 Jane SandbergLP1929593 (follow-up) address make livecheck warning
2023-04-19 Jason EtheridgeLP1929593 UPDATE_COPY_BARCODE permission
2023-04-18 Jeff DavisLP#1996651: treat empty string as null for preferred...
2023-04-16 Stephanie LearyLP2016337 Refresh grids in booking return tabs
2023-04-16 Stephanie LearyLP2016341 Fix duplicate ID in staff catalog record
2023-04-07 Garry CollumLP1889916 SMS Carrier does not include region in borrow...
2023-04-04 Galen CharltonLP#1716479: (follow-up) fix handling of onSave callback...
2023-04-04 Jane SandbergLP1716479: Make sure authority linker works in embedded...
2023-04-03 Jason StephensonDocs: More README Cleanup
2023-04-03 Jason StephensonDocs: Remove extraneous blank line from README introduc...
2023-03-31 Galen Charltondocs: (follow-up) tweak OpenAthens doc
2023-03-31 spmorrisonAdd files via upload
2023-03-31 spmorrisonDocs: Configuring sign-on to OpenAthens
2023-03-31 Jason StephensonLP1970476: Restore Localization Function Wrapper
2023-03-31 Terran McCannaLP1970476 Where filter in Bootstrap Catalog Produces...
2023-03-31 Jason StephensonLP1965797: Add Acq Lineitem Detail Audit Table
2023-03-31 Galen CharltonLP#1981774: (follow-up) fix a straggling "opac-button"
2023-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1981774: use Bootstrap CSS classes for buttons inste...
2023-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1981774: fix button CSS on curbside in Bootstrap...
2023-03-31 Galen CharltonLP#1752334: (follow-up) adjust to allow "0" as a note
2023-03-31 Josh StomproLP#1752334 - BadContact, use additional note if provided.
2023-03-30 Jane SandbergLP1879517: Surveys shouldn't end before they begin
2023-03-30 Galen CharltonLP#1990968: add release notes