2019-08-25 Dan Allendocument the site.path property in the UI model
2019-08-24 Dan Allenmerge !90
2019-08-24 Dan Allenmake current page URL argument to relativize helper...
2019-08-24 Dan Allenexplain page attributes more clearly in docs
2019-08-24 Dan Allenmerge !89
2019-08-24 David JencksUpdate templates.adoc to clarify page.attributes usage...
2019-08-24 Dan Allenadd helper to return current year as a string
2019-08-22 Dan Allenadd hint about how to disable the page.editUrl property
2019-08-21 Dan Allendisable hyphens for bare URLs
2019-08-21 Dan Allenclarify info about canonical URL [skip ci]
2019-08-14 Dan Allenformat source
2019-08-14 Dan Allenactivate syntax highlighting immediately instead of...
2019-08-14 Dan Allenadd syntax highlighting for Go
2019-08-14 Dan Allenenable strict mode for highlight.js script
2019-08-01 Dan Allenonly thicken bottom border of th inside thead
2019-07-23 Dan Allenremove redundant property assignment in toolbar CSS
2019-07-22 Dan Allenfix typo in README [skip ci]
2019-07-22 Dan Allenmerge !87
2019-07-22 Dan Allenuse CSS var for doc margin
2019-07-22 Dan Allenuse desktop media qualifier instead of mobile media...
2019-07-22 Dan Allenupdate variable convention
2019-07-22 Dan Allenuse variables for line heights
2019-07-22 Dan Allenextract font families and bold font weight into variables
2019-07-22 Dan Allenrecalibrate font sizes
2019-07-21 Dan Allenmerge !88
2019-07-21 Dan Allenput global click listener on document element instead...
2019-07-21 Dan Allendrop nav state functionality
2019-07-21 Dan Allenfix stylelint error
2019-07-19 Dan Allenupdate shared button styles
2019-07-19 Dan Allennormalize line height
2019-07-19 Dan Allenonly adjust root text size on webkit
2019-07-19 Dan Allenfix comment on highlight.js style
2019-07-19 Dan Allenuse fancy caret for menu sequence
2019-07-19 Dan Allenlighten weight of pre annotation
2019-07-19 Dan Allenrevert emphasis for nested em and strong
2019-07-18 Dan Allenfix rendering of page version menu
2019-07-18 Dan Allenpromote more button styles to base
2019-07-18 Dan Allenset button font size to inherit by default
2019-07-18 Dan Allendarken caption; lighten pre annotation
2019-07-18 Dan Allenadd border radius to bottom of navbar dropdown
2019-07-18 Dan Allendon't scale font size of navbar dropdown
2019-07-18 Dan Allenfix invalid nav item in preview site [skip ci]
2019-07-17 Dan Allenchange border color and style of example block; dim...
2019-07-17 Dan Allenmake font color of inline code configurable
2019-07-17 Dan Allenstyle caption on block image like other captions
2019-07-17 Dan Allenconstrain width of inline image wherever it's located
2019-07-17 Dan Allenslide nav explore panel up, over nav menu panel
2019-07-17 Dan Allenadd support for underline role
2019-07-17 Dan Allenreorganize doc styles
2019-07-17 Dan Allengroup heading styles together
2019-07-17 Dan Allenadd page class to doctitle for more accurate styling
2019-07-17 Dan Allenuse correct apostrophe on 404 page
2019-07-17 Dan Allenstyle code element in thead
2019-07-17 Dan Allenapply hyphens more carefully
2019-07-17 Dan Allendon't change font family of + in key sequence
2019-07-17 Dan Allenadd right position of listing block annotation (source...
2019-07-17 Dan Allenadd border radius to sidebar; tighten space between...
2019-07-17 Dan Allenmove callout list closer to previous block
2019-07-17 Dan Allenmove styles for paragraph higher up in stylesheet ...
2019-07-17 Dan Allenchange style of block titles
2019-07-17 Dan Allenremove superfluous hyphens assignment in breadcrumbs
2019-07-17 Dan Allenupdate preview page [skip ci]
2019-07-16 Dan Allenmerge !85
2019-07-16 Dan Allenextract all colors into CSS variables
2019-07-16 Dan Allenremove dependency override for gifsicle
2019-07-16 Dan Allenupdate package lock file
2019-07-16 Dan Allenmerge !86
2019-07-16 Dan Allenchange CI image from alpine to stretch
2019-07-14 Dan Allenadd ordered list numeration styles
2019-07-10 Dan Allenmerge !84
2019-07-10 François VioletteFix typo in build-preview-ui.adoc
2019-07-05 Dan Allenfix google analytics code for real
2019-07-05 Dan Allenswitch back to plain old Google Analytics
2019-06-28 Dan Allenmerge !83
2019-06-27 Dan Allenrename CSS classes and add more CSS variables
2019-06-26 Dan Allenmerge !81
2019-06-26 Dan Allenrefactor body partials
2019-06-26 Dan Allenmerge !82
2019-06-26 Dan Allenconfigure preview server to allow access from any host
2019-06-25 Dan Allencssnano already applies postcss-calc, so remove redunda...
2019-06-25 Dan Allenadd hide-for-print utility CSS class
2019-06-20 Dan Allenmerge !79
2019-06-20 Dan Allenrefactor the head partials
2019-06-18 Dan Allenupgrade dependencies
2019-06-18 Dan Allenoptimize the browserify bundle for the browser
2019-06-18 Dan Allenenable audit when installing npm packages
2019-06-18 Dan Allenmerge !78
2019-06-18 Dan Allenswitch from Yarn to npm
2019-06-17 Dan Allenconditionally enable sourcemaps for CSS
2019-06-17 Dan Allenmove pack task to end of task list; remove description
2019-06-17 Dan Allenmerge !71
2019-06-17 Dan Allenrevise styles for quote blocks
2019-06-17 Antonioadded styling to quote blocks
2019-06-17 Dan Allenmerge !68
2019-06-17 Dan Allenadd CSS selectors for float roles (left and right)
2019-06-17 Dan Allenmerge !65
2019-06-17 Dan Allenadd sourcemap for CSS
2019-06-17 Dan Allenupdate sourcemaps integration
2019-06-17 Daniel Mulhollandadd source map for compiled javascript
2019-06-17 Dan Allenfix check for preview in task plan