2019-04-29 Galen CharltonLP#1814943: (follow-up) remove ersatz ctx.page_type...
2019-04-29 McCannaLP#1814943 Closed Dates Editor Tab Missing Title
2019-04-29 Jeff DavisLP#1823387: avoid double slashes in booking URLs, which...
2019-04-25 Bill EricksonLP1642036 Group member detail grid query repair
2019-04-25 Remington SteedDocs: Fix TIP block and list formatting
2019-04-25 Katie G. MartinDocs: Updated checkin modifiers
2019-04-24 Bill EricksonLP1793005 Stamping upgrade / print settings as workstat...
2019-04-24 Bill EricksonLP#1793005 Angular6 Hatch support / printer settings
2019-04-24 Galen CharltonLP#1778940: stamp schema update
2019-04-24 Galen CharltonLP#1778940: (follow-up) create indexes concurrently...
2019-04-24 Jason BoyerLP1778940: Add Indexes to ate.*_output
2019-04-24 Galen CharltonLP#1825578: reverse direction of sort-order arrows...
2019-04-18 Dan WellsTrivial change to file header comment
2019-04-18 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for holds prefetch setting
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 WS Option to pre-fetch record holds
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 Grid checkboxes emit events
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 Release notes - record holds tab
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 Ang staff catalog record detail holds tab...
2019-04-12 Dan ScottDocs: fix uneven lengths of code delimiter blocks
2019-04-11 Jane SandbergLP1821196: Remove arrow function from item status
2019-04-11 Dan WellsForward port 3.3.0 upgrade script
2019-04-11 Remington SteedDocs: Point to release notes for new version 3.3
2019-04-10 Jason Etheridgelp1145213 avoid race condition in bib merge test
2019-04-08 Jane SandbergLP1744386: Alphabetize stat cats in volcopy attr editor
2019-04-08 Dan ScottLP#1666987: Include a user-agent to build the relator map
2019-03-28 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.11 upgrade script
2019-03-28 Dan WellsTranslation updates - po files
2019-03-28 Dan WellsTranslation updates - newpot
2019-03-28 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.5 upgrade script
2019-03-28 Bill EricksonCoerce numbers for bib IDs in Angular staff catalog
2019-03-26 Dan WellsFix Asciidoc levels in 3.3 release notes
2019-03-26 Bill EricksonLP1821067 Angular i18n uses XMB; cs-CZ examples
2019-03-26 Bill EricksonLP1821067 Angular Czech translation bundle
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Sandbox editor handles dismissals
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Allow Combobox to default to field id
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Admin grids preload combobox values
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Basic admin page readonlyFields repair
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Angular fm-editor uses combobox
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Combobox support entrylist+async / id labels
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1821409 Ang admin editor clears fields on new
2019-03-25 Jane SandbergLP1797934: follow-up: make the reservations tab in...
2019-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: finalizing 3.3 release notes and related document...
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1819179 PCRUD selector fleshing handles maps
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1819179 IDL2js includes 'map' attribute data
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1819179: Angular value formatter gets link smarts
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1812670 Angular grid shows selector labels
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1807461 Admin page avoid errors on dialog dismissal
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1807458 Eg2 grid Edit option lint repairs
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1807461 FM-editor show danger toasts when create...
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1807458 Angular admin grid Edit Selected option
2019-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: more improvements to 3.3 release notes and relate...
2019-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: Revising 3.3 release notes and related docs
2019-03-22 abneimandocs: Statcat updates
2019-03-22 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.2.5
2019-03-22 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.1.11
2019-03-20 Bill EricksonLP1776736 Record merge marc edit repairs
2019-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1780639: fix error made when stamping DB update
2019-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1709698: fix error made when stamping DB update
2019-03-19 Josh StomproLP1749502 - Holds Pull List Print Order
2019-03-19 Jason StephensonLP 1749502: Add Call Number Prefix & Suffix to pull...
2019-03-19 Kyle Huckinslp1749502 Prefix patch
2019-03-19 Kyle Huckinslp1749502 Holds Pull List Print Order
2019-03-13 Bill EricksonLP1739293 Record merged edit-in-place avoid wrap
2019-03-13 Bill EricksonLP1739293 Record merge fits container
2019-03-13 Bill EricksonLP1739293 Record merge horizontal; optional holdings
2019-03-13 Jason StephensonLP 1819796: Fix method call on undefined value in gener...
2019-03-08 Remington SteedLP1793196 Fix console error when none selected
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP1793196 Volume batch editor offers MARC call numbers
2019-03-08 Jane SandbergLP1665534: Make pickup library in bib record holds...
2019-03-08 Steven CallenderLP1808006 - Sitemap generator fix to allow shortname...
2019-03-08 Jason BoyerLP1798628: Copy alert counts in Holdings
2019-03-08 Chris SharpLP#1780639 - stamping upgrade script
2019-03-08 Cesar VelezLP#1780639 - add marc tag identifier field 758
2019-03-08 Remington SteedLP#1778571 Fix logic error converting JS bool to DB...
2019-03-08 Chris SharpLP#1759238: stamping upgrade script
2019-03-08 Ben ShumLP#1759238: Add upgrade script to fix typo for Physical...
2019-03-08 Ben ShumLP#1769238: fix typo in 950.data.seed-values.sql for...
2019-03-08 Jason StephensonLp 712490: Stamping UPgrade Script
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP#712490 Vandelay replace/merge PGTAP tests
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP#712490 Vandelay merge-based field replacement
2019-03-08 Chris SharpLP#1709698 - stamping upgrade script
2019-03-08 Rogan HambyLP#1709698: no longer require descriptions in report...
2019-03-08 Jason EtheridgeLP1794588 Web client edit single call number changes...
2019-03-08 Sam Linklp1802662 - Splash Page Icon Links
2019-03-08 Terran McCannaLP#1818576 Offline Noncataloged Checkout Preview
2019-03-08 Michele MorganLP1716473 A few tweaks to correct field labels
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP1716473 Release Notes: copy edit hide disabled
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP1716473 Copy editor hide disabled defaults
2019-03-08 Galen CharltonLP#1812389: make Group Penalty Threshold admin page...
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP1811689 Stamping upgrade - truncate simple rec
2019-03-08 Bill EricksonLP1811689 TRUNCATE when rebuilding simple record
2019-03-08 Jason BoyerLP1734775: Show multiple items in Item Status
2019-03-07 Jane SandbergLP1721109: Update item status when holdings are edited
2019-03-07 Adam BowlingLP #1705497 Replaces functionality in web client from...
2019-03-07 Jane SandbergDocs: Fixing broken link
2019-03-05 Remington SteedLP#1800178 Holdings View should also sort by part
2019-03-05 Bill EricksonLP1818153 Stamping DB upgrade - WS user activity
2019-03-05 Bill EricksonLP1818153 Log user activity for websocket login/verify
2019-03-05 Terran McCannaLP#1746360 Add Deleted Column to Record Bucket
2019-03-04 Josh StomproLP#1667497 - Define $params{depth} to avoid uninitializ...