2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin Mark Damaged fix
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin modifiers sticky settings repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin Update Inventory fix
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin Retrieve Last Patron opens in new tab
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron summary show full dob year
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Circ events (checkout) copy alert display...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Fix Secondary Groups Apply button bug
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Display alert_message in patron summary
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Address deletion / replace repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Replace card correct deactivates current...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 SMS number / carrier required if SMS enabled
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Un-check email notify allows save on cleared...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron bills tab honors editor change warning
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron search barcode/last-name links
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron search DoB month/day repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin clear effective date option
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Billing history payments fix date filter
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bill details voider / accepting user
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bill statement Item Summary section
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bill grid columns; data refreshing
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bills grid color coding; lint
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron holds uncancel option; display title
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin grid UI improvements
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin route dialog sanity/data checks
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin never capture deleted copies for...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Items Out claims returned refreshes grids...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Items Out grid allows due dates in the past
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout quick receipt indicate default
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout grid hide Alert Message column
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout grid row selection repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout specific due date persists until...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout disable date select when not enabled
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout grid title/barcode links
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron UI shows pref name for summary/banner
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Angular Patron edit/search repairs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron search show fewer columns by default
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Added missing 'noop' checkin modifier
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Circ service refactor; renewal failures
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Grid column header label fix
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Historical xacts/payments sort newest to...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Improve checkin transit/hold handling
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Merge repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Use new due date display options
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1934164 egDueDate and egOrgDateInContext Angular...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Items Out more auto columns
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Grid auto columns label/etc fixes
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 CC dialog repairs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Show item barcode in circ events dialog
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Avoid re-prompt on strict barcode
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 DoB is YMD, not ISO (for correct timezone)
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Grid wildcard column support cleanup
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout/renew grid auto columns
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin grid auto columns
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1891699 Ang grid column picker sorting
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Grid wildcard column support
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Add Alert Message columns
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Sanity check empty cards
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Barcode checkdigit / dialog support
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 template repairs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 SQL repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkout/renew receipts
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLPLP1904036 Adding renew interface and entry points
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Sanity check lack of barcode (card)
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Sanity check missing mailing/billing addresses
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Apply default address type
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron summary status colors
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Minor style tweak
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Hold print template configs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Route dialog repairs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Group details fines owed repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Recent patrons fixes
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Tracking/showing recent patrons
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Tracking/showing recent patrons
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Hold Capture entry points
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Cancel transit improvements during checkin
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 improve checkin modifiers; handling noncats
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Address copy improvements
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Group display tree repairs / multiple parents
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Group display tree repairs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Check patron edit save state on page load
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Opt-in settings patron edit fix
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Transit audio timing repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Group details API call repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Remove dupe print template
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 offline data checks cache date
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 lint
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 offline data retrieval
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 offline data continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 getting started with unified offline data...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin experimental link from angjs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 billing history tabs; sql cleanup
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 lint
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 clear holds on checkout support
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 work log continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 circ work log entries
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin actions continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Checkin cancel transits; lint
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron purging
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 more billing
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 more billing