2012-03-10 |
Dan Wells | Tie AuthProxy.pm to brute-force prevention setup |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-10 |
Dan Wells | Initial external authentication support via proxy |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-09 |
Mike Rylander | Fix OU Editor save bug |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Thomas Berezansky | Stamping User Activity Upgrade Script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity : only delete transient activity for... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User Activity : SIP activity tracking |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking : staff client last activity... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking : user usr_activity field |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking : activity type admin UI |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking: ingress, auth.verify, and login... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking : auth verify test for srfsh.py |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking: open-ils.auth additions |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | User activity tracking: schema and IDL |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Bill Erickson | ACQ MARC upload barcode extraction |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-08 |
Dan Scott | Remove Z39.50 server definitions from opensrf.xml.example |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Dan Scott | Decode the string to UTF8, always |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Dan Scott | Fix Unicode mangling in clean_marc function |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Jason Stephenson | Add clean_marc function to OpenILS::Utils::Normalize. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Jason Etheridge | lp944947, receipt template per hold list interface |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Jason Etheridge | Remove Browse Unfulfilled Holds interface |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Jason Etheridge | lp945091 save columns independently for hold lists |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Dan Scott | Restore autofocus to the searchbar in TPAC |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-07 |
Bill Erickson | Refresh PO activatable state after all prices entered |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Dan Scott | Give copy table in search results some style |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Mike Rylander | Speed up autosuggest in large data environments |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Jason Etheridge | lp948051 new tab button |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Ben Shum | Add default preference for max tabs in staff client. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Thomas Berezansky | Add locale-aware menu sort, use it for admin menu |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Bill Erickson | Rename sample patron file for clarity/consistency |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Bill Erickson | Sample staff user data |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Bill Erickson | Sample patron data |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-06 |
Jason Etheridge | lp948012 double-clicking on list rows |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Number the autosuggest normalization upgrade script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Address "bouyancy" typo (should be "buoyancy") |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | AutoSuggest: suggest "josé" when the user types "jose" |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Add the CC-BY-SA license footer from the Release Notes |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Fix sorting by pubdate for records migrated to 2.1 |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Bill Erickson | TPac: load config.tt2 from header.tt2 |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Remove reference to CentOS and RHEL from the README |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Default to table of contents & numbering for README |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Be more precise about Ubuntu Precise in the README |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Jason Stephenson | Update PGSQL 9.1 server install for Debian/Ubuntu. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Jason Stephenson | Add Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal CPAN dependency... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Proceed with caution on the Squeeze backport repo |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Mike Rylander | Use Postgres 9.1 on Debian Squeeze, as it is now availa... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Improve Fedora instructions in README |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Add tests for TPAC Perl modules |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Dan Scott | Add perl-Locale-Codes to Fedora prereq installer |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Thomas Berezansky | TPac: Make subjects less confusing |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-04 |
Thomas Berezansky | TPac: Make view changing more patron-friendly |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-03-02 |
Michael Peters | Improve the readability of the rdetail_extras headers... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-29 |
Thomas Berezansky | Speed up 0663 upgrade script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-28 |
Mike Rylander | Stamping default-merge-profiles upgrade script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-28 |
Bill Erickson | Default Vandelay merge profiles |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-28 |
Bill Erickson | Vandelay: refresh upload and inspect queue pages |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-28 |
Mike Rylander | Stamping circ limits upgrade script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-28 |
Thomas Berezansky | Asciidoc documentation for circ limits |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-28 |
Thomas Berezansky | New Circ Limits |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-27 |
Thomas Berezansky | Fix inability to suspend holds |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-24 |
Mike Rylander | Correctly quote regexp-y characters in phrase quoting... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-23 |
Thomas Berezansky | Re-enable use of BAR_PATRON and UNBAR_PATRON perms |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-21 |
Thomas Berezansky | Stop targeter crash on empty metarecord with holds |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Bill Erickson | Update pickup lib from holds shelf status test repair |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | Acq: minor usability improvements to receiving copies... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Mike Rylander | Stamping autosuggest upgrade script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | AutoSuggest: prevent building a bad tsquery when user... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | AutoSuggest: more UI tweaks regarding typing after... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | AutoSuggest: Make directly clicking a suggestion initia... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | AutoSuggest |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-20 |
Dan Wells | Correct special winter handling in predictions |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-16 |
Dan Scott | Escape content when generating DTD for fieldmapper |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-14 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | Vandelay record match sets: fix bug loading some trees |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-14 |
Dan Scott | Fix typos in lp820006 that broke clean schema creation |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-14 |
Dan Scott | Fix up 3-day courtesy notice with better title / author too |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-14 |
Steven Callender | LP#820006: Action trigger notices fixes |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-13 |
Bill Erickson | TPac: facet display filtering and sorting |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-13 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | Booking: make pick up interface show resources captured... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-09 |
Mike Rylander | Stream results from targetable holds list retrieval |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-08 |
Bill Erickson | Stamping upgrade for LP#928896 |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-08 |
Galen Charlton | LP#928896 improve row estimate for action.usr_visible_c... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-03 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | JSON_v0 has been superseded, and it has insidious bugs... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-02 |
Michael Peters | Tweak the opac-button elements to avoid blending with... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-02 |
Michael Peters | Tweak style.css to bring facet headers into sync with... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-02 |
Thomas Berezansky | Fix HoldIsAvailable validator |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-02 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | TPAC: Avoid hold placement problems à la 80d5c4a4 |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-02-01 |
Thomas Berezansky | Re-teach the clear shelf process "one copy" |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | Upgrade script finalization, adding new perm to database |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Jason Etheridge | remove this old speedbump, which now lies |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Jason Etheridge | Improve COPY_DELETE_WARNING event handling |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Jason Etheridge | Use the restrict_copy_delete field on copy status |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Jason Stephenson | Add upgrade script for config.copy_status.restrict_copy... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Jason Stephenson | Add restrict_copy_delete field to config.copy_status. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Jason Etheridge | Handle search timeouts more gracefully |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Bill Erickson | Example Evergreen rsyslog configuration file |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Bill Erickson | TPac: Avoid long-running, unintended empty searches |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Bill Erickson | TPac: avoid SMS org setting check for non-SMS pages |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Lebbeous Fogle... | Missed increment in 002.schema.config.sql for last... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Bill Erickson | ACQ: remove piles of unused cancel_reasons |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Dan Scott | TPAC: Cleaner title display in simple and detailed... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2012-01-31 |
Michael Peters | Increase the year in copyright statements to 2012 |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
next |