2012-08-22 Bill EricksonImporting translations for 2.3.beta2, Part II
2012-08-22 Bill EricksonImporting translations for 2.3.beta2
2012-08-21 Dan ScottProtect against installs with no locales
2012-08-21 Dan ScottTPAC: Standardize i18n file installation
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonACQ return-to-[search/invoice] buttons repair
2012-08-20 Dan ScottTPAC i18n: Turn UA locales into Evergreen locales
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonMake tpac cache locale-aware
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonSet the default CStoreEditor locale on page load
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonCStoreEditor default session locale
2012-08-17 Dan ScottTPAC: size_bigger, not size-bigger
2012-08-17 Dan ScottTPAC: Autosuggest focus() throws a JS error
2012-08-17 Thomas BerezanskyUse XUL_REMOTE_BROWSER constant in reporter
2012-08-17 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add one paragraph to Auto Override...
2012-08-17 Sally FortinDocumentation: add Auto Override Patron Hold Events...
2012-08-16 Dan ScottTPAC locale picker: use POST instead of GET
2012-08-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix thinkos in EDI Invoicing
2012-08-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for copy editor field hiding...
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyUpdate permission name to match existing ones
2012-08-16 Mike RylanderProvide permission for copy editor field hiding
2012-08-16 Dan ScottHide OPAC-invisible holdings from SRU/Z39.50
2012-08-16 Dan ScottTPAC: Centralize font size definitions
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyUpdate make_release script for Linux 64 building
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyAdd 64 bit Linux Client building
2012-08-16 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add triggered events and holds managemen...
2012-08-16 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add sections to Local System Administrat...
2012-08-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Simplified Hold Pull List: Fix broken filters
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyJoin subqueries as OR'd groups in QueryParser
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyExpose ability to use filter groups in TPac
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyStage 2: Staff Client
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyStage 1: Perl
2012-08-15 Lebbeous Fogle... Trying to update patron CSS color fails here, so don...
2012-08-15 Thomas BerezanskyCheck for filled hold on transit checkin
2012-08-15 Thomas BerezanskySuperCat fixes - Child Init
2012-08-15 Dan ScottSilence warnings in search results for holdable copies
2012-08-15 Dan ScottTPAC: Silence two uninit variable warnings
2012-08-15 Dan ScottTPAC: Give login boxes a border
2012-08-15 Ben ShumTPAC - Fix footer on hold history page
2012-08-15 Melissa LefebvreChange grammar for lost and missing failure messages
2012-08-15 Thomas BerezanskyPhysical Location Fixes/Enhancements
2012-08-14 Ben ShumTPAC - fix pickup locations for edit holds
2012-08-14 Bill EricksonDefault to current fiscal year in ACQ order upload
2012-08-14 Bill EricksonEnable pcrud access to fiscal year / fiscal calendar
2012-08-14 Bill EricksonFiscal year selector in ACQ order record upload
2012-08-13 Ben ShumChange "Reset form" to "Clear Form"
2012-08-13 Dan ScottTPAC: Reset Form and New Search should clear queries
2012-08-13 Ben ShumTPAC - add library scoping to shelf browser
2012-08-13 Jason StephensonMake opac/results.tt2 remember facet when sorting,...
2012-08-13 Ben ShumTPAC - fix alignment of "You are now browsing..." in...
2012-08-13 Thomas BerezanskyFix TPAC shelf browser's previous link
2012-08-10 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Fix some issues which caused a2x epub...
2012-08-10 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: add a missing image.
2012-08-10 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: remove line break characters from file.
2012-08-10 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add kids catalog documentation from...
2012-08-10 Dan ScottAuthorities: Fix broken UI due to new XUL/Dojo/regressions
2012-08-10 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Update upgrade instruction to 2.3.beta1...
2012-08-10 Dan ScottSet a sane initial MFHD Editor size
2012-08-10 Lebbeous Fogle... Simplified Hold Pull List: Fix several sorting bugs
2012-08-08 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Remove a space causing an error during...
2012-08-08 Dan ScottTPAC: Remove explicit width on "View my list" button
2012-08-07 Thomas BerezanskyRemove extra xulG redefines
2012-08-07 Thomas BerezanskyFix timestamp typo
2012-08-06 Thomas BerezanskyRedirect to OILS in staff client
2012-08-03 Dan ScottAdd dependencies for Fedora
2012-08-03 Bill EricksonImport updated translations from Launchpad; stage 2
2012-08-03 Bill EricksonImport updated translations from Launchpad; stage 1
2012-08-03 Bill EricksonInitial cut of 2.3 release notes.
2012-08-03 Bill EricksonAdd simple README to RELEASE_NOTE_NEXT
2012-08-03 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: adjust documentation for 2_3 release.
2012-08-03 Lebbeous Fogle... Add basic release notes for 2.2.1. Not as thorough...
2012-08-02 Bill EricksonRepairing upgrade stamp number
2012-08-02 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Add Staff account management chapter.
2012-08-02 Dan ScottFix up whitespace in a couple of SIP modules
2012-08-02 Jeff GodinAdd SIP support for Fine Items field
2012-08-02 Jeff GodinPass authtoken to OpenILS::SIP::Patron objects
2012-08-01 Dan ScottWrap upgrade script for search filter group admin UI
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonSearch filter group doc repair
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonAdd missing search filter group view/admin perm
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonSearch filter groups release notes
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonSearch filter groups admin UI staff menu entry
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonSearch filter groups admin UI / API
2012-08-01 Jason StephensonAdd WEBDIR to Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile.am.
2012-08-01 Thomas BerezanskyFix place hold hiding logic
2012-08-01 Dan ScottTPAC: Wrap "holdable copies" upgrade script
2012-08-01 Art RhynoBlock "Place Hold" link in TPAC if item is available
2012-08-01 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Hide place hold links when not holdable
2012-08-01 Thomas BerezanskyOperator Change Fun
2012-08-01 Thomas BerezanskyRip modal_xulG_stack out, replace with openDialog
2012-08-01 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for JEDI with Copies
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonEDI ORDER template, now with copies
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonAdded debug-only option to edi_pusher.pl
2012-08-01 Lebbeous Fogle... Feed JEDI to the EDI translator to get EDI, and vice...
2012-08-01 Lebbeous Fogle... Whitespace fixes in Collections.pm
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonCollections user balance API / batch file output
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonFieldmapper toXML repairs and additions
2012-08-01 Mike RylanderTeach Fieldmapper how to turn FM objects into simple XML
2012-08-01 Lebbeous Fogle... Stamping upgrade script 0732
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonACQ unified search submit on enter (for real)
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonACQ invoice formatting improvements
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonACQ invoice inline lineitem search and add
2012-08-01 Bill EricksonEditPane setFieldValue method