2019-10-21 Andrea Buntz... Merge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2019-10-21 Andrea Buntz... Docs: added Request Items section to Items Status doc
2019-10-21 Galen CharltonLP#1816475: offset the start time after end time alert
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: form validation prevents users from making...
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: give booking pull list columns the correct...
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Strip whitespace from patron barcodes
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Change calendar_today icon to event icon
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: use [routerLink] instead of href in Angular app
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Fix resource type filter in manage reservati...
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Add ancestors checkbox to manage reservation...
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Don't let users edit reservation.email_notif...
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Add action buttons to Pickup and Return...
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Return reservations screen refreshes properly
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Fix an icon spacing issue
2019-10-21 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Add a Create Reservation button to the Creat...
2019-10-21 Bill EricksonLP1830973 Remove no longer needed navbar margin mods
2019-10-21 Bill EricksonLP1830973 Angular8 lint repair
2019-10-21 Bill EricksonLP1830973 Angular 8 updates
2019-10-21 Bill EricksonLP1830973 Angular reversioning script
2019-10-21 Bill EricksonLP1830973 Node install v12.6.0
2019-10-21 Bill EricksonLP1830973 Deps installer uses Angular 8
2019-10-21 Michele MorganLP1821969 Additional fix to second_given_name
2019-10-21 Garry CollumLP1821969 Patron Prefix and Suffix Display in Summary
2019-10-21 Galen CharltonLP#1802952: stamp schema update
2019-10-21 Dan WellsLP#1802952 Check bib visibility for located URI auto...
2019-10-21 Jeff GodinLP#1749970 Fix paging of pending patrons
2019-10-21 Chris SharpLP#1657171 - Adding upgrade script
2019-10-21 Michele MorganLP#1657171 - Normalize right and left single and double...
2019-10-21 Dan BriemLP#1777698 Duplicate barcode alert appearing on new...
2019-10-21 Suzanne PaternoLP 985957 Prevent hold activation date being in the...
2019-10-21 Dan BriemLP#1778606 Web Client - Place Hold Requires Two Clicks...
2019-10-18 Galen CharltonLP#1555791: add release notes entry
2019-10-18 Josh StomproLP#1555791 - Hide Print List from checkout screen
2019-10-11 Jeff DavisLP#1842763: Vandelay: disable grid row select on queued...
2019-10-04 Dan BriemLP#1841089 Apply button in Patron Bill History screen...
2019-10-04 Galen CharltonLP#1729435: stamp DB update
2019-10-04 Michele MorganLP#1729435: Add Seed Data for WS type for Bill Full...
2019-10-04 Remington SteedLP#1729435: Allow saving Bill Full Details grids
2019-10-04 Galen CharltonLP#1803790: apply alphabetization fix to Angular admin...
2019-10-04 Terran McCannaLP#1803790 Re-alphabetize Local & Server Administration...
2019-10-03 Jeff DavisLP#1609556: only include OPAC-visible copies in SRU...
2019-10-03 Jason StephensonLP 1827250: Fix Last Captured Hold Check for Holds...
2019-10-03 Garry Collumlp1813056 Fixes Current Date in Date Returned in Circ...
2019-10-03 Mike RylanderLP#1836963: reduce the cost of utility functions, speed...
2019-10-03 Jane SandbergDocs: adding basic documentation for new 3.4 features
2019-10-02 Galen Charltonforward-port 3.3.3-3.4.0 schema update
2019-10-02 Galen Charltonforward-port 3.4 release notes
2019-10-02 Galen Charltonnote minimum OpenSRF version in upgrade instructions
2019-10-02 Galen CharltonLP#1846369: add libhtml-defang-perl to Debian Buster...
2019-10-02 Galen CharltonLP#1846357: fix circulation and billing aging
2019-10-02 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - po files
2019-10-02 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot
2019-10-01 Jane SandbergLP1842940: stamping and slight tweak to upgrade script
2019-10-01 Mike RylanderLP#1842940: Improve Alert
2019-10-01 Mike RylanderLP#1842940: Alert when editing is disallowed
2019-10-01 Jeff DavisLP#1842940: add perm to permit staff to edit their...
2019-10-01 Mike RylanderLP#1842940: Don't allow self-edit or perm-restricted...
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1835458: bump up OpenSRF requirement
2019-10-01 Galen Charltonupdates to 3.4 release notes
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1835085: stamp DB update
2019-10-01 Jason StephensonLp 1835085: Update Item Status templates for auto-renewal
2019-10-01 Jason StephensonLp 1835035: Refactor auto_renewal back end code
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1835577: stamp schema updates
2019-10-01 Jason StephensonLp 1835577: Add more missing auto_renewal fields
2019-10-01 Jason StephensonLp 1835577: Add missing Auto Renewal fields to the IDL
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1839002: stamp DB update
2019-10-01 Jason StephensonLp 1839002: Default circulation auto_renewal field...
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1840669: stamp schema update
2019-10-01 Jason StephensonLp 1840669: Handle autorenewals when aging circulations
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1845050: fix issue where reports interface was parti...
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1845260: add additional DB update to be sure
2019-10-01 Jeff DavisLP#1845260: fix error in vandelay.auto_overlay_org_unit...
2019-10-01 Bill EricksonLP1844812 Combobox avoids processing matching entry...
2019-10-01 Chris SharpLP#1811442 - Assign copy alert permissions.
2019-10-01 Bill EricksonLP#1560805 Webstaff locale picker repair
2019-10-01 Jeff DavisLP#1830642: add tests for authenticating users when...
2019-10-01 Jason BoyerLP#1768141: Stamping Upgrade Script
2019-10-01 Galen CharltonLP#1768141: (follow-up) change schema update
2019-10-01 Chris SharpLP#1768141 - Mark permission.grp_descendants STABLE.
2019-10-01 Jane SandbergLP1739607: Add missing columns to patron record
2019-10-01 Andrea Buntz... Docs: minor formatting changes to Hide Fields doc
2019-10-01 Beth WillisDocs: adding Hiding Fields in Holdings Editor docs...
2019-09-27 Andrea Buntz... Docs: added another contributor
2019-09-26 Terran McCannaLP#1843637 MARC View Display Issues
2019-09-25 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding contributors and employers; fixing formatting
2019-09-25 Andrea Buntz... Docs: typo corrections and added dev funders
2019-09-24 Jane SandbergDocs: rearranging 3.4 release notes
2019-09-24 Andrea Buntz... added code formatting to text
2019-09-19 Dan WellsForward-port 3.3.4 upgrade script
2019-09-19 Galen Charltonupdate 3.4 release notes for security bugfixes
2019-09-19 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release notes for 3.3.4
2019-09-19 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release notes for 3.2.9
2019-09-19 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release notes for 3.1.15
2019-09-19 Jeff DavisLP#1822630: fix sanitizing CGI params on place_hold_result
2019-09-19 Jeff DavisLP#1822630: further sanitizing of CGI params when embed...
2019-09-19 Jeff DavisLP#1822630: sanitize user input before display on brows...
2019-09-19 Jeff DavisLP#1559239: use rel="noopener" when opening external...
2019-09-10 blakeLP1735847: Remove patron info from default Hold Transit...
2019-09-10 Remington SteedDocs: Group similar release notes together
2019-09-10 Remington SteedDocs: Make "staff catalog" titles consistent in 3.4...