2010-06-23 |
Joe Atzberger | Item Info extensions and general cleanup |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-23 |
Joe Atzberger | Cleanup and adjustment |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-23 |
Joe Atzberger | Update to current default EG values. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-22 |
Joe Atzberger | Startup and shutdown scripts |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-22 |
Joe Atzberger | Perltidy/whitespace cleanup |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-22 |
Joe Atzberger | Tiny comment |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-11 |
Joe Atzberger | Disable checksums in tests |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-03 |
Joe Atzberger | Propagate $inst_id to checkout handler |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | At least attempt to use the same formatting.... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Catch undef parameter (avoid warning/failure on substr) |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Use common vars from SIPtest (stop hardcoding individua... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Whitespace and stylistic cleanup only. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Use more of SIPtest.pm exported values, avoid hardcoding |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Not an Exporter and not implemented |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Avoid undef warning, provide lanuage failover to 000... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Pure stylistic and whitespace changes |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-06-01 |
Joe Atzberger | Failover to language '000' (unknown/default) |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-28 |
Joe Atzberger | Tighter indent |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-28 |
Joe Atzberger | Executable python script |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-24 |
Joe Atzberger | Checksum computation overhaul |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-24 |
Joe Atzberger | Debug output capability |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-24 |
Joe Atzberger | whitespace cleanup |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-12 |
Joe Atzberger | Extra read_it catches telnet confirmation prompt |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-12 |
Joe Atzberger | Tests are executable |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-12 |
Joe Atzberger | Robust string cleaning and flexible CRLF from Socket |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-12 |
Joe Atzberger | Simple test showing telnet vs. RAW handling. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-11 |
Joe Atzberger | Cleanup and more paranoid whitespace filtering |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-11 |
Joe Atzberger | Kill useless sub _count_tests |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-11 |
Joe Atzberger | Correct log message: Sip::MsgType::_initialize |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-11 |
Joe Atzberger | Get rid of weird evals, useless use's |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-10 |
Joe Atzberger | LOG_ERROR is not a valid loglevel. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-10 |
Joe Atzberger | Append extensions fields to checkin response |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-10 |
Joe Atzberger | Add back FID_HOME_LIBRARY |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-10 |
Joe Atzberger | Patron password is a required field |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-10 |
Joe Atzberger | Add 3M extension constants and structuralize EXPORT_TAGS |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-07 |
Joe Atzberger | LOG_WARN is not a valid syslog loglevel |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-07 |
Joe Atzberger | Proper id (copy/paste error) |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-07 |
Joe Atzberger | Script should be executable. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-07 |
Joe Atzberger | Alarm messages that mean something. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-07 |
Joe Atzberger | Allow log ident string to be pulled from ENV |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-05-04 |
Joe Atzberger | Initial Commit |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-01-13 |
djfiander | Dan Scott's patch: |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-01-13 |
djfiander | Minor fix to UTF8 support |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-01-08 |
djfiander | Various utf8 fixes |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2010-01-07 |
djfiander | Restore the byte-by-byte checksum method, since the... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2009-06-09 |
djfiander | Fix missing parens in hash dereference |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2009-02-11 |
djfiander | Log incoming connections promptly |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-10-17 |
djfiander | Only try to strip off the leading newline if there... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-10-17 |
djfiander | Untested fix for dealing with the incorrect record... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-06-18 |
djfiander | Handle various dates associated with items consistently. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-03-19 |
djfiander | Add copyright statements |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-03-19 |
djfiander | Update dependencies |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-03-11 |
djfiander | Add support for PINES requested extension: Patron Info... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-03-11 |
djfiander | Add support for "home_library" field in patron database |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2008-03-11 |
djfiander | Check the protocol of the client connection properly. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2007-04-27 |
djfiander | Clean up field parsing so it's more perlish and less... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2007-04-24 |
djfiander | Force the key to the 'listeners' hash to be all lowerca... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2007-04-24 |
djfiander | Fix code so that it will run with Net::Server 0.96... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2007-04-06 |
djfiander | Apply Bill Erickson's patch to clean up matching an... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-09-16 |
djfiander | Move code that connects to ILS back end out of |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-09-16 |
djfiander | Test logging in with invalid username and invalid password |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-31 |
djfiander | Log both raw input and raw output messages. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-31 |
djfiander | Cope with trailing whitespace on the titles returned... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-30 |
djfiander | Properly transmit the patron's fee amount and currency... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-28 |
djfiander | Tighten up test for value of the BX field in the ACS... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-28 |
djfiander | Added missing value for whether the server supports... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-27 |
djfiander | Transmit screen message and print line in Patron Inform... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-26 |
djfiander | Go back to using unpack to generate the checksums,... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-25 |
djfiander | Add test case for checking titles that have a diacritic... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-25 |
djfiander | Add entry to "catalogue" that has a diacritical in... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-25 |
djfiander | Replace idiomatic perl checksum code, which seems to... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-22 |
djfiander | Make two shut down messages different, to simplify... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-08-03 |
djfiander | Use correct boolean format for 'OK' field of Checkin... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-29 |
djfiander | Don't rely on clients sending the exactly protocol... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-29 |
djfiander | Allow clients to violate the protocol specification... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-28 |
djfiander | Add support for protocol extension 'Patron Internet... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-28 |
djfiander | Adjust tests run for OpenILS. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-28 |
djfiander | Accept either 'other' or 'available' for circulation... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-19 |
djfiander | Parameterize the "Renew All" tests, even though they... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-19 |
djfiander | Added target to run just the Evergreen-compatible tests |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-19 |
djfiander | Basic instructions for running tests |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-19 |
djfiander | Basic installation README |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-18 |
djfiander | Initial system integration with Evergreen code. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-07-16 |
djfiander | It's not "FID_CHARDED_ITEMS_LMT", it's "FID_CHARGED_ITE... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-29 |
djfiander | Rewrite so that each message is a single test, which... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-27 |
djfiander | Add code to check out two items and confirm that both... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-27 |
djfiander | add code to check item out, rather than depend on the... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-27 |
djfiander | clean up by cancelling the second user's hold. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-27 |
djfiander | Add code to check item in when done testing. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-27 |
djfiander | fix handling of hold_queue, add second item to DB to... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-27 |
djfiander | fix handling of Item::hold_queue |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-23 |
djfiander | Add tests for Invalid patron password and invalid patron id |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-23 |
djfiander | FID_PATRON_PWD is a valid field in a "Renew All" messag... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-23 |
djfiander | Check patron password in ILS::renew_all |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-23 |
djfiander | Add test for attempting to renew item that has outstanding |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-23 |
djfiander | Fix definition of Item::available to eliminate warning... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-23 |
djfiander | Change definition of Patron::available to test to see... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-22 |
djfiander | Add tests for invalid patron and invalid item |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-16 |
djfiander | Test for a blocked patron attempting to check out a... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-06-16 |
djfiander | Fix ILS::checkout to handle more error conditions prope... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
next |