2009-11-04 phasefxgui for Edit Shelf Expire Time for holds
2009-11-04 phasefxShelf Time and Shelf Expire Time columns for holds
2009-11-04 ericksonadd detail to some error logs. add a few info logs...
2009-11-04 ericksondon't die silently, let's log some error output to...
2009-11-04 dbsSet the encoding for oilsweb templates for systems...
2009-11-04 dbsAdjust the leader/05 of records that have been deleted...
2009-11-04 phasefxtypos
2009-11-04 djfianderInitial support for displaying the type of unit (eg...
2009-11-04 djfianderInitial support for displaying the type of unit (eg...
2009-11-03 ericksonfile was accidentally added during Craftsman skin porti...
2009-11-03 ericksonadded support for setting shelf_expire_time to hold...
2009-11-03 ericksonmake event firing more fault-tolerant to allow continue...
2009-11-03 phasefxFor backdating circs post-checkin in the Checkin interf...
2009-11-03 phasefxtoward easier row refreshing
2009-11-03 ericksonadded a .count version of the hold pull list. added...
2009-11-03 scottmkAdd column shelf_expire_time to action.hold_request.
2009-11-03 mikeruse the individual opcodes instead of the :load tag...
2009-11-03 mikeradding count variants of the pull list and status-filte...
2009-11-03 scottmkAdd column prev_dest to action.transit_copy and
2009-11-03 mikerAdd is_renewal, total_copy_hold_ratio and available_cop...
2009-11-03 mikeradding total and available copy-hold ratio support...
2009-11-03 mikermoving the hold ratio stats function, and fixing a...
2009-11-03 ericksonpatch from Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley to add an org setting...
2009-11-03 mikeradding stored procedure for calculating available and...
2009-11-03 phasefxmissed these entities for the hold copy quality option
2009-11-03 dbsPatch from Jeff Godin to make holds placed by staff...
2009-11-03 ericksonthere could be many pending events, up the timeout...
2009-11-03 mikeradd support for, and use, the mint_condition flag on...
2009-11-03 phasefxFix minor typos for plural versus singular strings...
2009-11-02 phasefxindentation
2009-11-02 phasefxRemove restriction of editing pickup-lib for holds...
2009-11-02 scottmkChange default of mint_condition to true
2009-11-02 scottmkChange default to true
2009-11-02 phasefxReintroduce the previous Charge Patron for Damage?...
2009-11-02 scottmkAdd mint_condition column to asset.copy, auditor.asset_...
2009-11-02 ericksonadded option to override the note for when overriding...
2009-11-02 phasefxcalculate change
2009-11-02 ericksonremoved reference to 'percent' on fund allocation....
2009-11-02 phasefxwire up Bill Patron, and have it append to the list...
2009-11-02 phasefxsome refactoring. redistribute payment when Payment...
2009-11-02 phasefxFEATURE: bill patron dialog on mark item damage given...
2009-11-02 phasefxFEATURE: Renew with Specific Due Date option for Items...
2009-11-02 phasefxthese make more sense in the overlay
2009-11-02 ericksonexit with help if the script is not told to process...
2009-11-02 ericksonadded explicit --process-hooks flag to turn on hook...
2009-11-02 phasefxdue date entry option for dedicated renewal interface
2009-10-30 ericksonrepaired more upgrade script names that were missing...
2009-10-30 ericksonrepaired upgrade script name
2009-10-30 ericksonrepaired upgrade script name
2009-10-30 ericksoncreated a new ApplyPatronPenalty A/T reactor
2009-10-30 ericksonadded support for overrideing the amount to charge...
2009-10-30 ericksonwrap permission and status check around hold request...
2009-10-30 ericksonPatch from J. Atzberger to change SAN datatype to TEXT
2009-10-30 ericksonrepaired function name and JSON
2009-10-30 mikeradd a validator (for stacking) to optionally check...
2009-10-29 ericksonwhen changing the pickup lib of a hold that is already...
2009-10-29 ericksonadded permission protected way to change a hold's picku...
2009-10-29 mikerteach the IDL how to teach JSON_v1 how to load classes...
2009-10-29 phasefxtoggle for displaying normal holds and cancelled holds...
2009-10-29 ericksonadded feauture to org unit settings interface to displa...
2009-10-29 mikerteach AutoIDL how to load just a subset of classes
2009-10-29 mikeradd INCLUDES processing back into the example apache...
2009-10-29 mikeradd partial IDL vivication support to fieldmapper....
2009-10-29 mikerrevert the dojo-ification from yesterday
2009-10-29 ericksoncombined patch from Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley to add optio...
2009-10-29 mikervivicate from the lowest-common-denominator
2009-10-29 ericksonuse return instead of continue to exit the foreach...
2009-10-29 ericksonadded API call for just grabbing canceled holds
2009-10-29 mikeruse more dojo-tastic methods
2009-10-29 scottmkRemove the percent column from acq.fund_allocation...
2009-10-29 phasefxSome refactoring and payment distribution logic. Refun...
2009-10-29 phasefxtweak some of the debug output here
2009-10-29 phasefxparams.on_retrieve() inside a retrieve_row handler...
2009-10-29 phasefxsilence most of the debug chatter and tweak the configu...
2009-10-29 mikerreverting previous change and correcting the use of...
2009-10-29 phasefxmodified patch from Steve Callender; exposes the patron...
2009-10-29 mikersimplify fieldmapper class building and reduce duplicat...
2009-10-29 mikeradding specialized apache module for returning specific...
2009-10-28 ericksonpatch from J. Atzberger to add the IDL entry for the...
2009-10-28 ericksonpatch from Joe Atzberger to add a SAN (Standard Address...
2009-10-28 phasefxbecause lists are pre-pending rows by default now,...
2009-10-28 phasefxfix some indentation from the great tab to space conversion
2009-10-28 ericksontarget_weight must evaluate to false by default, or...
2009-10-28 ericksonpickup_lib is an object. stringify to get the ID for...
2009-10-28 ericksonfixed typo in JOIN clause
2009-10-28 mikeradd support for sorting the pull list by asset.copy_loc...
2009-10-28 scottmkAdd CREATE statement for asset.copy_location_order
2009-10-28 ericksonplugged in load time ordering and apply changes operati...
2009-10-28 ericksonturned location ordering into a drag-n-dop ui. TODO...
2009-10-28 ericksonadded menu entry for new copy location ordering interface
2009-10-28 dbsThem thar comments needs them some semicolons to be...
2009-10-28 mikerForward-porting patch from James Fournie to increase...
2009-10-27 mikerforward-porting r14636: correct ambiguous select includ...
2009-10-27 dbsUpdate find_orphaned_reports.pl to modern Evergreen...
2009-10-27 mikeradd view and change permission slots to config.org_unit...
2009-10-27 mikeractually use JSON syntax, not perl
2009-10-27 mikermove the hook configuration out to a config file (actio...
2009-10-27 ericksonPatch from Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley to fine-tune credit...
2009-10-27 ericksonalso clear cancel cause and note during un-cancel
2009-10-27 ericksoncanceled holds, when they exist, happened in the past...