2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgetoast, comments, logging
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgeprogrammatic selection of tree node still not working
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgerefactor
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgegetting changes to stick within a session
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgebetter stub out the other tabs, and try to select CONS...
2016-08-18 Jason EtheridgeToward an Angular replacement for Org Units Conify
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add admin interface for MARC tag tables
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: a couple strings for a generic record deletio...
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: new directive: egEditFmRecord
2016-08-18 Galen CharltonIDL improvements for classes releated to MARC tag tables
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix typo in field name
2016-08-18 Mike RylanderLP#1585369: Angular broke my copy editor!
2016-08-18 Bill Ericksonwebstaff: circ audio alerts
2016-08-18 Bill Ericksonwebstaff: audio disable and testing options
2016-08-18 Bill Ericksonwebstaff: egAudio HTML5 audio service
2016-08-18 Galen CharltonLP#1581126: webstaff: make egDateInput respect format...
2016-08-18 Jason EtheridgeAdd images for angular-tree-control to bower
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: tweak legacy OU editor
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: tweak permission group editor
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add server administration page
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: work log: various improvements
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgewebstaff: egWorkLog service and Work Log UI
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: transit list: improve styling of form
2016-08-18 Galen Charltonwebstaff: transit list: don't reset form
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgewebstaff: Transit List
2016-08-18 Jason Etheridgewebstaff: links to Surveys, Transit List, Work Log
2016-08-12 Jim Keenanlp1592934 removed lines referencing edition fields...
2016-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1587639: stamp schema upgrade
2016-08-11 Galen CharltonLP#1612054: unbreak test case now that SSN is no longer...
2016-08-10 Dan WellsLP#1611495 Don't use .xml for MARC21 files in Vandelay...
2016-08-10 Galen CharltonLP#1609556: (follow-up) restore previous 852$d output
2016-08-09 Mike RylanderLP#1587639 Avoid double-update of editor/edit_date
2016-08-09 Bill EricksonLP#1587639 Vand. authority updates release notes
2016-08-09 Bill EricksonLP#1587639 Vand. authority updates PGTAP
2016-08-09 Bill EricksonLP#1587639 Vandelay authority update editor/edit_date
2016-08-09 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade for bib_source-in-901
2016-08-09 Galen CharltonLP#1037553: bibliographic record source now copied...
2016-08-09 Jason StephensonLP 1503867: Use ws_ou in open-ils.circ.copy_transit...
2016-08-09 Jeff DavisLP#1609556: use unapi functions to retrieve holdings...
2016-08-09 Thomas BerezanskyDelay Novelist loading slightly
2016-08-09 Liam WhalenLP#1499537 Fixed kpac.xml caching problem
2016-08-09 Michele MorganLP#1588450 asset.copy.cost Field Missing from Client...
2016-08-09 Kathy LussierLP#1576502 Fulfilled holds also should not display...
2016-08-09 Kathy LussierLP#1575177 Add text informing users they cannot add...
2016-08-09 Thomas BerezanskyLP1559281: Allow Baker and Taylor Fake ISBNs
2016-08-09 Kathy LussierLP#1424656: Fix grammatical error in My Account holds...
2016-08-09 Kathy LussierLP#1604515: Remove Advanced Hold Options link when...
2016-08-09 blakeLP1496556 Claimed never checked out count not increased...
2016-08-09 blakeLP1534283 SIP prevents renewal when user has any blocki...
2016-08-09 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade for payment limits.
2016-08-09 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade for accent-ignoring patron search
2016-08-09 Jason StephensonLP 1501781: Make patron name search diacritic/space...
2016-08-09 Jason StephensonLP 1501781: Make patron name search diacritic/space...
2016-08-09 Dan PearlLP#1501781 - Make patron name search diacritic/space...
2016-08-09 Jason BoyerLP1183964: Payment Limit Options
2016-08-09 Jason BoyerLP 1481441: Improve Hold Failure Messages
2016-08-09 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade for reingest speedup
2016-08-09 Galen CharltonLP#1588543: schema update script
2016-08-09 Galen CharltonLP#1588543: tests for verifying correct generated of...
2016-08-09 Galen CharltonLP#1588543: further speed up record attribute ingest
2016-08-09 Dan WellsLP#1588543: Speed up record attribute ingest
2016-08-03 Dan ScottLP#1608711: Update schema.org property name from "selle...
2016-07-29 Kathy LussierLP#1549505: Stamping upgrade scripts 0983-84 for stat...
2016-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#1549505: update $modal to $uibModal
2016-07-29 Kathy LussierLP#1549505: Decrease value of Max popularity importance...
2016-07-29 Kathy LussierLP#1549505: Remove stray semicolon from PgTap test
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: Query literal interpolation casts incorrectly
2016-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#1549505: fix staged browse
2016-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#1549505: update baseline database schema
2016-07-29 Jason StephensonLP 1549505: Fix syntax error in OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader...
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: Release notes for statistically generated...
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: PGTap test to show the infrastructure is...
2016-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#1549505: add flag to tweak popularity-adjusted relevance
2016-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#1549505: add admin interface to manage badges
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: Add ability to set default sorter via globa...
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: Provide a cron-able script to perform badge...
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: Teach QP and its caller stack how to use...
2016-07-29 Mike RylanderLP#1549505: schema and IDL for statistical poularity...
2016-07-22 Galen CharltonLP#1581196: webstaff: fix dirty form detection in patro...
2016-07-22 Jeff DavisLP#1589586: use all fund debits (even encumbrances...
2016-07-13 Remington SteedDocs: Fix syntax for code block within list
2016-07-08 Remington SteedDocs: Small syntax fix, formatting improvements
2016-07-05 Ben ShumLP#1568046: Stamping upgrade script for eliminating...
2016-07-05 Jason StephensonLP#1568046: Replace last two uses of connectby with...
2016-06-26 Yamil SuarezDocs: Add tip for using "temp" as a login_types when...
2016-06-16 Galen Charlton2.10.4-2.10.5 schema upgrade script
2016-06-16 Kathy LussierDocs: Adding 2.10 Release Notes
2016-06-16 Jeff GodinLP#1592891: Fix SIP2 standing penalty failures
2016-06-16 Galen CharltonLP#1592891: tweak tests
2016-06-16 Jeff GodinLP#1592891: Tests - SIP2 standing penalty failures
2016-06-15 Jason StephensonForward port 2.9.5 to 2.9.6 upgrade script.
2016-06-15 Bill EricksonLP#1592565 Log successful authtoken and workstation
2016-06-14 Ben ShumLP#1554714: Set angular 1.5.5 as minimum, not exact...
2016-06-10 Kathy LussierLP#1526858: Stamping upgrade script for faster alhr...
2016-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1526858: speed up queries for shelf-expired holds...
2016-06-10 Codey KolasinskiAdds two missing link fields (patron profile and patron...
2016-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1566016: remove SSN as a stock ident type
2016-06-02 Galen CharltonLP#1373578: fix translatability of hold placement errors
2016-06-02 Jason StephensonLP 1548993: Remember the Show More/Fewer Details button...
2016-06-02 Jason StephensonLP 1548993: Restore Show More/Show Fewer Details button...