2011-07-27 Lebbeous Fogle... It's ugly and hacky, but numeric search fully works...
2011-07-27 Bill EricksonMerge branch 'template-toolkit-opac' of git.evergreen...
2011-07-27 Bill EricksonMetarecord list on results page
2011-07-27 Lebbeous Fogle... Numeric search mostly works (except for item barcode)
2011-07-27 Bill EricksonMerge branch 'template-toolkit-opac' of git.evergreen...
2011-07-27 Bill Ericksonminor I18N text wrapping
2011-07-27 Lebbeous Fogle... Don't show users who are already logged in a login...
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Confirm CC payments with another page load, not confirm...
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Show most up-to-date email address in update-email...
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... CC payment improvements:
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Better to tell the user something rather than nothing
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Remove ? icon by "Security Code" in payment form
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Give the patrons the opportunity to see and change...
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Persistent logins are more of a "stay logged in" featur...
2011-07-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Links to return to payment history from receipt print...
2011-07-25 Lebbeous Fogle... Select-all checkboxes for fine payment
2011-07-25 Lebbeous Fogle... Empty case for payment history
2011-07-25 Lebbeous Fogle... YAOUS to limit OPAC payment history display to configur...
2011-07-24 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'template-toolkit-opac' of git.evergreen...
2011-07-24 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-07-22 Lebbeous Fogle... More better call number browser, uses supercat directly...
2011-07-22 Lebbeous Fogle... Also was missing the author search link
2011-07-22 Lebbeous Fogle... Call number shelf browser: fix prev/next links, wrong...
2011-07-22 Lebbeous Fogle... Shelf browser!
2011-07-20 Lebbeous Fogle... More power to present friendly messages when hold place...
2011-07-20 Bill EricksonMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-07-20 Michael PetersLP#647121 Event handling on override abort
2011-07-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'master' of git://git.evergreen-ils.org...
2011-07-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge remote branch 'working/user/dbwells/lp_811255_com...
2011-07-19 Thomas BerezanskyMake inactive cards/patrons "not exist" via SIP2
2011-07-19 Galen Charltonrerun DB update 0582 to avoid upgrade problem
2011-07-19 Dan WellsMFHD compressed holding fixes
2011-07-19 Steven Callenderlp#812550: Removed nulls from showing for patron penalt...
2011-07-18 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix the wrongish way we were doing staff-assisted holds
2011-07-18 Jason Etheridgebump xulrunner version
2011-07-18 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge remote branch 'working/collab/phasefx/unified_vol...
2011-07-18 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'master' of git://git.evergreen-ils.org...
2011-07-18 Lebbeous Fogle... Alert or block holds on available copy at same pickup lib
2011-07-18 Dan ScottRemove extraneous COMMIT message in 950 seed data
2011-07-18 Jason EtheridgeItem Status->Alternate View support for the dynamic...
2011-07-18 Jason Etheridgedynamic Record Summary layout based on preference
2011-07-18 Jason Etheridgesome refactoring in prep for dynamic Record Summary...
2011-07-18 Jason Etheridgein staff Record Summary (bib brief) pane, stretch the...
2011-07-18 Dan ScottAddress minor code formatting consistency
2011-07-18 James FournieSpine label editor assumes LC as reported in LP #780665.
2011-07-17 Jason Etheridgefix bill ui display update bug where total owed and...
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for "Bad join condition all_cir...
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderBad join condition in secondary (physical) address...
2011-07-16 mrpeters-islLP795032 Fix cursor rendering and dropdown position...
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for "Opac Renewal at original...
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderDefault to existing behaviour for the new circ-behaviou...
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyCache global flag at first use
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyOpac Renewal at original circ library
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for "Prevent OU loops at DB...
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script for ou loop protect
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyPrevent OU loops at DB level
2011-07-16 Dan WellsMake spell-checking case insensitive
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for "INDB Circ Matrix + Checkou...
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script for checkout overrides
2011-07-16 Thomas BerezanskyINDB Circ Matrix + Checkout Overrides Fix
2011-07-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for "Fix part holds in reporter...
2011-07-15 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script
2011-07-15 Thomas BerezanskyFix part holds in reporter.hold_request_record
2011-07-15 Lebbeous Fogle... Allow overriding some hold events when permissions...
2011-07-15 Bill EricksonVandelay item import copy location inheritance
2011-07-14 Lebbeous Fogle... Corrected the logic of format string building for metar...
2011-07-14 Mike RylanderCorrect CDBI thinko -- search_where is smart about...
2011-07-13 Lebbeous Fogle... Preset correct default pickup lib for staff placing...
2011-07-12 Bill EricksonRemove deprecated, conflicting version of vandelay...
2011-07-12 Jason Etheridgepin an upgrade version for fix_maintain_901_quoting
2011-07-12 Galen Charltonupgrade script for bugfix for lp#809540
2011-07-12 Galen Charltonlp#809540: quote replacement values properly in maintai...
2011-07-12 Jason Etheridgealert the user when the OPAC's Quick Search->Item Barco...
2011-07-12 Lebbeous Fogle... copy and volume level holds for staff
2011-07-12 Jason Etheridge"Mark Local Result as Overlay Target" action in z39...
2011-07-12 Mike RylanderRemoving errant comma spotted by Thomas Berezansky
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... When coming from staff client patron interface,
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'template-toolkit-opac' of git://git.everg...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Staff can now place title-type holds for patrons
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'template-toolkit-opac' of git.evergreen...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-07-11 Galen Charltonappend line items to table in specified order
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'authority-control-sets-squashed_for_master'
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Stamping Mike's upgrade script for authority control...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUnstamped upgrade script for Authority Control Sets
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMerge/rebase cleanup -- remove useless/incorrect versio...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMerge/rebase cleanup -- authority template by id is...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Make search by authority ID actually work on the first try
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Provide sorters for browse axes
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Create facet for going right to records linked to a...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... attempted to add sanity to paging, but not really there yet
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Make linking to bib records work better by saying any...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... working! with paging and linking to bibs, except:
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Finally starting to get somewhere: record display
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Closer to being able to get authority control set from...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... towards using fielder in openils.AuthorityControlSet
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... working on an auth browser
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd function to set Control Set by Thesaurus Code
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderNormalize fixed field names to OCLC values where they...