2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1793585: Support Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonAdd Release Notes for Lp 1662535 & Lp 1743783
2018-12-14 Terran McCannaLP#1743783 Web Client Bill Full Detail Display Issues
2018-12-14 Terran McCannaLP#1662535 Patron Bill Grid Columns
2018-12-12 Remington SteedDocs: Fix screenshot file name
2018-12-11 Remington SteedDocs: LP#1731048: Update json_query documentation for...
2018-12-10 Bill EricksonLP#1807398 marc_stream/oils_header auth repairs
2018-12-10 Jason BoyerLP1807398: Add workstation to marc_stream_importer
2018-12-09 Ben ShumDocs: Followup commit to fix screenshot for My_Lists3.jpg
2018-12-07 abneimandocs: update my_lists.adoc for 3.2, with new and update...
2018-12-06 kilsdonkaDocs: virtual index definitions
2018-12-06 kilsdonkaDocs: Infrastructure changes to authority browse
2018-12-06 kilsdonkaDocs: bibliographic record merging and overlay
2018-12-06 abneimanDocs: Batch actions from search
2018-12-06 katiegmartinDocs: LP1783387: update print templates to reflect...
2018-12-06 abneimanDocs: LP1488497: Update Org_Unit_Proximity_Adjustments...
2018-12-06 abneimanDocs: Update purchase_requests_patron_view.adoc
2018-12-06 abneimanDocs: Update purchase_requests_management.adoc
2018-12-06 abneimanDocs: Update basic_holds.adoc
2018-12-06 abneimanDocs: Update marc_tag_table.adoc
2018-12-06 jamundson5Docs: Binding Template added to G-binding.adoc
2018-12-03 Remington SteedLP#1739606: Allow saving Billing History xacts grid
2018-11-28 Cesar VelezLP#1746769 - add item tag owner OU to label in volcopy...
2018-11-27 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.2 upgrade script
2018-11-27 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.8 upgrade script
2018-11-27 Jason EtheridgeLP#1714070 Stamping upgrade script
2018-11-27 Bill EricksonLP#1714070 Parent/guardian field release notes
2018-11-27 Bill EricksonLP#1714070 Patron parent/guardian field
2018-11-26 kilsdonkaDocs: Copy alerts documentation
2018-11-26 Jane SandbergDocs: removing broken link from circ manual
2018-11-26 abneimanDocs: create autorenewals documentation
2018-11-26 Jane SandbergDocs: correcting syntax error in copy location document...
2018-11-20 Dan WellsRelease notes entry for LP#1804038
2018-11-20 Dan WellsLP#1804038 Fix-ups for older 'clense' functions
2018-11-20 kilsdonkaDocs: Multilingual search documentation
2018-11-20 Dan WellsRelease notes entry for LP#1793154
2018-11-20 Jason BoyerLP1793154: Cancel Holds from OPAC Record
2018-11-20 Jane SandbergDocs: documenting multiple emails in patron editor...
2018-11-20 Jane SandbergDocs: release notes for 3.2.2
2018-11-20 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release notes for 3.1.8
2018-11-20 Ben ShumLP#1643709: Stamping upgrade scripts
2018-11-20 Rogan HambyLP#1643709 User merge + purge pgtap test
2018-11-20 Rogan HambyLP#1643709 purge users on merge instead of flag deleted
2018-11-19 Jason BoyerLP1801156: Add missing assets to 3.2 Offline mode
2018-11-19 Garry CollumLP#1761242 Z39.50 Marc View Usability with Mobile Repso...
2018-11-19 Jason StephensonLp 1753813: Wrap all oils_persist:source_definitions...
2018-11-19 Ben ShumLP#1764542: Fixing upgrade script stamping
2018-11-19 Ben ShumLP#1764542: Stamping upgrade script
2018-11-19 Chris SharpLP#1764542 - Update older sites to MODS 3.3
2018-11-19 Mike RylanderLP#1792621: Fix think-o in Hold Shelf Delay YAOUS test
2018-11-19 Mike RylanderLP#1792621: Ignore deleted items on hold shelf
2018-11-16 Jason BoyerLP1755625: Multiple emails in patron editor
2018-11-16 Jeanette LundgrenDocs: LP#1578719 Update DIG Attributions page
2018-11-16 Dan ScottLP1490616: Adjust "Penalties & Messages" label (webby)
2018-11-16 Ben ShumLP#1091885: Stamping upgrade script
2018-11-16 Rogan HambyLP#1091885: make sure bibs get reingested on undelete
2018-11-15 Ben ShumLP#1757455: followup to fix installing i18n
2018-11-15 Bill EricksonLP#1797007 Grid cell tooltips apply to all cells (Ang)
2018-11-15 Bill EricksonLP#1797007 Grid cell tooltips apply to all cells
2018-11-13 Ben ShumLP#1757455: Deprecate i18n building for XUL client
2018-11-13 Galen CharltonLP#1783440: add release notes entry
2018-11-13 Rogan HambyLP#1783440: adding UPC to numeric search types in advan...
2018-11-13 Cesar VelezLP#1684202 - fix holdings grid refresh... bre_id array...
2018-11-13 Cesar VelezLP#1684202 - fix bug the prevented automatic refresh
2018-11-13 Mike RylanderLP#1684202: Protect against missing features; Make...
2018-11-12 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script
2018-11-12 Dan WellsLP#1773479 Show Located URIs in browse
2018-11-07 Dan WellsLP#1724348 Honor default tab from catalog search
2018-11-07 Bill EricksonLP#1635737 Due date DST noncat thinko fix
2018-11-07 Bill EricksonLP#1635737 Due date DST-aware thinko fix
2018-11-07 Mike RylanderLP#1635737 Apply DST-aware timezone to context dates
2018-11-07 Dan WellsLP#1635737 Use new OpenSRF interval_to_seconds() context
2018-11-07 Mike RylanderLP#1635737: Unit tests for DST and date math
2018-11-07 Dan WellsLP#1635737 Add optional context to interval_to_seconds
2018-11-06 Ben ShumAdd eg_startup back to .gitignore
2018-11-06 Kathy LussierLP#1783602: Remove copy counts from mr search results...
2018-11-06 Kathy LussierLP#1755543: Change placement of help popovers
2018-11-06 Kathy LussierLP#1755543: Add help tips to Print Item Labels Settings tab
2018-11-05 Garry CollumLP#1755896: Web Client mobile menu font color contrast.
2018-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1789747: tweak disabling the offline circulation...
2018-11-05 Bill EricksonLP#1789747 More SharedWorker sanity checks for egLovefield
2018-11-05 Bill EricksonLP#1789747 SharedWorker sanity checks
2018-11-05 Bill EricksonLP#1798170 Load grid data after settings are applied
2018-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1801759: enable mod_remoteip by default
2018-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1801759: add mod_remoteip configuration to example...
2018-11-04 Jane SandbergDocs: updating holding, item, call number terminology
2018-11-02 Remington SteedDocs: Update old command osrf_ctl.sh to osrf_control
2018-11-02 Jason BoyerLP1796988: Fix Saving Last Copy Template
2018-11-01 abneimanDocs: Emergency Closing Handler
2018-10-31 Remington SteedDocs: Fix minor release notes formatting bug
2018-10-25 Jason StephensonForward Port Release Notes for 3.0.13.
2018-10-24 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.7 upgrade script
2018-10-24 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.1 upgrade script
2018-10-24 Jane SandbergDocs: adding another entry to 3.2.1 release notes
2018-10-24 Jane SandbergDocs: adding another entry to 3.1.7 release notes
2018-10-24 Bill EricksonLP#1797923 Browser client iframe initial loading page
2018-10-24 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding release notes for 3.2.1
2018-10-24 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release notes for 3.1.7
2018-10-23 Jason StephensonForward port 3.1.5-3.2.0-upgrade-db.sql.
2018-10-23 Kathy LussierLP#1746536: Remove input-group-addon class from Add...