2018-09-14 Chris SharpLP#1745610 - Add release notes for hold targeter script...
2018-09-14 Chris SharpLP#1745610 - Update Makefile.am to reflect filename...
2018-09-14 Chris SharpLP#1745610 - Deprecate original hold_targeter.pl
2018-09-14 Galen CharltonLP#1642344: XUL report cloning
2018-09-14 Kyle Huckinslp1511742 Additional Scaffolding Fixes
2018-09-14 Bill EricksonLP#1511742 Org selector typeahead UI formatting
2018-09-14 Bill EricksonLP#1511742 Org unit selector typeahead
2018-09-14 Mike RylanderLP#1739286: Belt and suspenders on radio button flags
2018-09-14 Jason Etheridgelp1739286 default search box in Z39.50
2018-09-14 Jane SandbergLP1727464: Adding record ID to the title link in the...
2018-09-13 Galen CharltonLP#1792429: calculate queue position in correct order
2018-09-13 Chris SharpLP#1774724 - stamp upgrade script
2018-09-13 Remington SteedLP#1774724: Fix copy-pasto's in Library Settings
2018-09-13 Kathy LussierLP#1738688: Add cancel time to Most Recent Transits
2018-09-13 a. bellenirLP#1773434: show in catalog
2018-09-13 a. bellenirLP#1773434 missing option to "Show in Catalog"
2018-09-13 Galen CharltonLP#1786534: ensure that changes don't regress
2018-09-13 Galen CharltonLP#1786534: stamp schema update
2018-09-13 Galen CharltonLP#1786534: make update script reflect other recent...
2018-09-13 Jason StephensonLP 1786534: Don't merge a user with itself.
2018-09-12 Chris SharpLP#1269574 - Exclude backordered copies from deletion.
2018-09-12 Cesar VelezLP#1776917 - fix patron bill grid lacking bill ID
2018-09-12 Jane SandbergLP 1743654: Removing a duplicate flesh_fields array...
2018-09-12 Jane SandbergLP1743654: Fleshing out the Created By column in Item...
2018-09-12 Ben ShumLP#1718459: Remove apache 2.2 language from README
2018-09-12 Jason StephensonLp#1718459: Remove Debian 7 Wheezy Installation Support
2018-09-12 Steven CallenderLP1792014: KPAC fix for opac.holds.org_unit_not_pickup_...
2018-09-12 Jane SandbergLP1775640: Adds deposit columns to Item Status and...
2018-09-12 Jason StephensonLp 1746251: Fix Circulation Modifier typos.
2018-09-12 Jane SandbergLP1665052: Fix checkin workstation display on recent...
2018-09-12 Cesar VelezLP#1739087 - enable vol to be zeroed
2018-09-12 Cesar VelezLP#1739087 - add [x] to volcopy editor volume rows...
2018-09-12 Cesar VelezLP#1739087 - add [x] to volcopy editor volume rows
2018-09-11 Bill EricksonLP#1785887 edi_order_pusher.pl sets message account
2018-09-11 Jane SandbergLP1010635: Make bre dates populate in Item Status grid
2018-09-11 Bill EricksonLP#1724083 Webstaff approve pending patron address
2018-09-11 Dan ScottLP#1774886 Distinguish Phys Char Wizard with an edit...
2018-09-11 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding info about supercat filters
2018-09-07 Dan WellsTranslation updates - po files
2018-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: finalizing acknowledgments section for 3.2 releas...
2018-09-07 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Adding Equinox Open Library Initiative's acknowle...
2018-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: documenting new 3.2 features based on release...
2018-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: spellchecking 3.2 release notes
2018-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: merge 3.2 release notes
2018-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: adding more contributor info to 3.2 release notes
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1791184: ensure that 'make clean' doesn't delete...
2018-09-06 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding two more entries to 3.2 release notes
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1790923: add release notes
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1790923: adjust or remove references to old staff...
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1790923: make_release no longer munges STAMP_ID...
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1790923: disable XUL staff client by default
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Stamping DB upgrade for Ang6 app
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1775466: tweak how make_release prunes eg2/node_modules
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1775466: add a newly-added entry to the ang6 navbar
2018-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1775466: improve release notes for the Angular6 app
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Angular6 base app release notes
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 make_release builds Angular app
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Add Angular building to install docs
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 developer prereqs update Node / add angular/cli
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Angular Apache configuration updates
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Acq admin grid workstation settings
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 AngularJS updates for Angular integration
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Angular(6) base application
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Public API wrapper for mk_copy_query
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1775466 Record entry flat display attrs link repair
2018-09-06 Jane SandbergMore additions to the 3.2 release notes
2018-09-06 Jane SandbergDocs: adding translators to 3.2 release notes
2018-09-06 Jane SandbergDocs: creating basic release notes for 3.2
2018-09-06 Ben ShumTranslation updates - newpot
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1774277 Acq requests live test vandelay repair
2018-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1635354 Invoice close date perl live test
2018-09-05 Bill EricksonLP#1755258 Browser client auth proxy login support
2018-09-05 Bill EricksonLP#1755258 Improve network error handling
2018-09-05 Galen CharltonLP#1781235: fix changing primary user barcode in web...
2018-09-05 Jeff DavisLP#1781641: make staff-applied patron blocks overridabl...
2018-09-05 Kathy LussierLP#1635354: Stamping upgrade script for acqusitions...
2018-09-05 Bill EricksonLP#1635354 Support date is/not NULL ACQ searches
2018-09-05 Bill EricksonLP#1635354 Invoice close date/by release notes
2018-09-05 Bill EricksonLP#1635354 Invoice close date/by fields
2018-09-05 Cesar VelezLP#1746824 - WebStaff egGrid styling
2018-09-05 Bill EricksonLP#1774277 Stamping upgrade for patron acq reqs
2018-09-05 Jason Etheridgelp1774277 release notes for patron acq requests
2018-09-05 Jason Etheridgelp1774277 Improvements to Patron Acquisition Request
2018-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1514085: stamp schema update
2018-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1514085: add to release notes with a server configur...
2018-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1514085: sync schema update script to reflect change...
2018-09-04 Bill EricksonLP#1514085 Release notes for vandelay session tracking
2018-09-04 Bill EricksonLP#1514085 Vandelay in-database session tracking
2018-09-04 Dan WellsLP#1777675 Stamping upgrade script for latest inventory...
2018-09-04 Kathy LussierLP#1777675: Change table names to Latest Inventory
2018-09-04 Dan WellsLP#1777675 Tweak IDL label for copy inventory
2018-09-04 Dan WellsLP#1777675 Re-add missing columns to checkin interface
2018-09-04 Remington SteedLP#1777675: Fix code to update Item Status grid
2018-09-04 Kathy LussierLP#1777675: Release notes entry for inventory date
2018-09-04 Kathy LussierLP#1777675: Add inventory checkin modifier setting...
2018-09-04 Kyle Huckinslp1777675 inventory date support
2018-09-04 Bill EricksonLP#1712854 Stamping DB upgrade for hold UIs sort/speed
2018-09-04 Kathy LussierLP#1712854: Add wide_hold grid settings to server storage
2018-09-04 Mike RylanderLP#1712854: Provide context-relevant default sort orders
2018-09-04 Mike RylanderLP#1712854: Include shelf-expired holds in the "clearab...