2010-09-25 senatorHow did this get lost? PermaCrud authoritative might...
2010-09-25 ericksonevents don't have granularity's. removing
2010-09-25 senatorparanoia
2010-09-25 mikerpedantic protection of cstore backends -- always use...
2010-09-25 senatorMaybe not abandon poor little cstore so much.
2010-09-24 ericksonmore transaction cleanups
2010-09-24 ericksonclean up the fire_object_events cstore xact
2010-09-24 mikerRemove confusing older targeter version; move status...
2010-09-24 senatorFix an autogrid create dialog of the kind that gets...
2010-09-24 ericksonremoved extra {}'s from where clause
2010-09-24 phasefxspawn item attribute editor instead of item notes UI...
2010-09-24 mikercut-n-paste-o ... removing bad "my"
2010-09-24 phasefxdon't styled the juvenile indicator in the patron displ...
2010-09-24 mikerput the frozen (and also empty issuance or last-copy...
2010-09-24 mikerexcise the no-potentials check, should only effect...
2010-09-24 gmcimprove hold targetting
2010-09-24 phasefxthis call returns an array; fixes surprise stat cats...
2010-09-24 senatorBe more tolerant of long-running A/T event handling...
2010-09-24 phasefxWe're starting to get events where ilsevent == empty...
2010-09-24 mikeruse _session_request in RO calls
2010-09-24 mikercorrect the comment
2010-09-24 scottmkApply some fixes that were earlier applied to the base...
2010-09-24 senatorRe-commit miker's PermaCrud changes, just a tad more...
2010-09-23 mikerStopping the leak (let us try this again)
2010-09-23 mikerreverting previous. sorry, folks
2010-09-23 mikerStopping the leak
2010-09-23 ericksonI can has authoritative for selfcheck receipts
2010-09-23 senatorIE hates the dangling comma (sometimes).
2010-09-23 ericksonrepaired search call for user_setting. cstoreeditor...
2010-09-23 scottmkesolving various discrepancies between a freshly built 2.0
2010-09-23 phasefxdisable holds Detail View button until the asynchronous...
2010-09-23 mikerForward-port of a patch from Steve Callendar, via James...
2010-09-23 scottmkDrop the never-used column item_count from acq.lineitem.
2010-09-23 scottmkRename a couple of indexes (recuring -> recurring)
2010-09-23 scottmkDropping and recreating a foreign key constraint for...
2010-09-23 ericksonfetch last updated event before comitting to stay in...
2010-09-23 ericksonevent firing util code needs to run in a xact
2010-09-23 mikerHave the CStoreEditor grow a DESTROY
2010-09-23 dbsRemove most annoying UI "feature" of the new authority...
2010-09-23 dbsBrowse through 20 authority records at a time in manage...
2010-09-23 dbsRemove most UI annoyances from authority management...
2010-09-23 mikerUse a transaction to avoid talking to a replicated...
2010-09-23 mikeronly flesh up to, but not including, the leaf for the...
2010-09-23 senatorAnother IDL chunking fix for web/templates-based interfaces
2010-09-23 senatorHopefully fix a holds list sorting issue that only...
2010-09-22 phasefxset label printer context for label printing
2010-09-22 phasefxfix from tsbere to handle case where the print strategy...
2010-09-22 phasefxfixes a bug in Item Status -> Alternate View when the...
2010-09-22 phasefxHoldings Maintenance used to make too many assumptions...
2010-09-22 scottmkAdding a trigger. Upgrade # 0364 created the trigger...
2010-09-22 scottmkFor action.circulation and action.aged_circulation...
2010-09-22 scottmkIn acq.fund_transfer: drop the NOT NULL constraint...
2010-09-22 dbsForward port r17847: Make query parser a bit more caref...
2010-09-22 phasefxhandle null as a return result for an empty list
2010-09-22 phasefxuse fieldmapper.standardRequest here for easier configu...
2010-09-21 scottmkReplace some changes that had inadvertently been deleted
2010-09-21 scottmkDon't make new auditor columns NOT NULL, or update...
2010-09-21 scottmkDon't update history tables to fill in new NOT NULL...
2010-09-21 scottmkResolve some discrepancies in the auditor schema betwee...
2010-09-21 phasefxoffline printer role
2010-09-21 phasefxHoldIsCancelled action_trigger validator
2010-09-21 scottmkCorrect various discrepancies, especially in the audito...
2010-09-21 gmcyet another bib ingest knob
2010-09-21 gmcadd ingest.metarecord_mapping.skip_on_update internal...
2010-09-21 dbsClean up description of ARN in O:A:Cat::Authority now...
2010-09-21 dbsCreate and edit... authority record now gets $0 control...
2010-09-21 dbsAppend the $0 controlling subfield to newly created...
2010-09-21 dbsUse verbose parameters for createdb
2010-09-20 senatorHow about one more permission check for serials here...
2010-09-20 gmcadd missing upgrade script for maintain_901() stored...
2010-09-20 senatorThe serials perms that were missing from the DB.
2010-09-20 ericksonadded pgpt class to pre-load set
2010-09-20 scottmkResolving various discrepancies between an upgraded...
2010-09-20 senatorSo I don't have to worry about fixing this misspelling...
2010-09-20 phasefxChange behavior of stat cat display in horizontal patro...
2010-09-20 ericksonaddd missing opac_visible col and labels to config...
2010-09-20 gmcmarc_add_ids - better failure recovery
2010-09-20 senatorAdd a miniwizard for serials holding codes in the AutoG...
2010-09-20 senatorAcq: change a FilteringSelect dijit to a regular <selec...
2010-09-20 dbsSearch for humans: AND and OR are more understandable...
2010-09-20 senatorAcq: replace a couple remaining instances of "Picklist...
2010-09-20 senatorAcq: make purchase order and invoice interfaces less...
2010-09-19 senatorAcq: Delay loading of providers for invoice-linking...
2010-09-19 phasefxremove redundant invocation of custom.js, and tweak...
2010-09-19 ericksonfor large sets of holds, usually around 10 or more...
2010-09-19 phasefxMake sure offline interfaces correctly load printer...
2010-09-18 ericksonin acq copies display, default to ws lib as recipient lib
2010-09-18 mikermore callbacks, this time pre- and post-query
2010-09-18 ericksonadded cnal to autoidl pile
2010-09-18 mikeradd pre- and post-render callback capabilities to BibTe...
2010-09-18 scottmkRemove UNIQUE NOT NULL from config.index_normalizer...
2010-09-18 mikerPatch from James Fournie of SITKA:
2010-09-18 mikeradd facets to the ATOM feed link
2010-09-18 dbsExpose an RSS (Atom, actually) feed in the dynamic...
2010-09-18 mikerOffer a global flag to cause the testing of hold matrix...
2010-09-18 gmcsilly me, acqpo.activate is the new format.po.jedi
2010-09-18 senatorSerials batch receive: usability improvements
2010-09-18 ericksonmore user stat cat classes
2010-09-17 gmcadded format.po.jedi hook to initial seed
2010-09-17 ericksonneed cit and actsc for patron reg