2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 remove a few invalid attrs / unused tags
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 additional myopac nav headers
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 TPAC avoid <b> tags in pref lib msg
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 TPAC more nav headers for search results
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 TPAC initial navigation headers
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 My account various repairs
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 avoid empty <ul>'s in browse
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 advanced search repairs
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 alt tags and cleanup continued
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 more expressive <a> titles in search results
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 HTML validation repairs
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 additional label repairs
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 HTML table attributes validation repairs
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 facets get more specific more/less titles
2014-02-11 Bill EricksonLP#1268636 home page label / alt repairs
2014-02-09 Mike RylanderInclude calculated 0-prox locations in the stalling...
2014-02-09 Mike RylanderUse copy owning library as the context for finding...
2014-02-08 Ben ShumFix copy_info variables one last time for library_name_...
2014-02-08 Dan ScottAddress some remaining hardcoded install prefixes
2014-02-08 Kyle TomitaLP1155769: Items repeated in tpac display, others not...
2014-02-07 Dan ScottSign off on upgrade script for (STRING|ARRAY)_AGG
2014-02-07 Dan ScottTweak STRING_AGG() arguments (expects TEXT or BYTEA)
2014-02-07 Ben ShumAdd upgrade script for changeover to array_agg() and...
2014-02-07 Ben ShumFound a few last functions that need changing to native SQL
2014-02-07 Dan ScottKeep dropping and creating array_accum()
2014-02-07 Ben ShumMore native SQL functions
2014-02-07 Dan ScottPrevent {NULL} values from blocking bib saving
2014-02-07 Dan ScottARRAY_ACCUM() -> ARRAY_AGG() for new authority nfi...
2014-02-07 Dan ScottTeach asset.merge_record_assets about STRING_AGG()
2014-02-07 Dan ScottOne more STRING_AGG() conversion
2014-02-07 Dan ScottNative SQL functions for Vandelay
2014-02-07 Dan ScottReplace ARRAY_ACCUM() custom function with ARRAY_AGG()
2014-02-06 Jeff GodinSkip duplicate username check when username unchanged
2014-02-06 Ben ShumOpenSearch release note
2014-02-06 Dan ScottRestore OpenSearch support and use TPAC search
2014-02-06 Ben ShumLP1271218 - clarify how opt-in user notifications are...
2014-02-06 Bill EricksonLP#1164720 Prevent empty names in TPAC lists
2014-02-03 Bill EricksonBumping base schema version to match latest upgrade
2014-01-31 Ben ShumRevert "Eliminate an annoying and useless warning in...
2014-01-27 Dan ScottInclude RFID docs with full path
2014-01-25 Ben ShumFix copy_info variables for result and record view
2014-01-25 Dan ScottKPAC library page: give the kids some style
2014-01-25 Dan ScottClean up the breadcrumb trail in the KPAC
2014-01-25 Dan ScottKPAC root, OPAC root: we all live under one root
2014-01-25 Dan ScottBegin enabling KPAC-branded library info page
2014-01-25 Dan ScottKPAC: Won't somebody think of the children's record...
2014-01-25 Dan ScottTPAC: Link library in results page to library page
2014-01-23 Dan WellsForward port 2.5.2 upgrade script
2014-01-22 Dan WellsTranslation updates - newpot
2014-01-22 Dan WellsTranslation updates - po files
2014-01-22 Jeff GodinStamping 0854: data.min_max_prices
2014-01-22 Remington SteedRelease notes for lp1207903: new lost billing min/max...
2014-01-22 Dan WellsAdd new option for max/min lost item pricing
2014-01-21 Remington SteedLP#842991 Reports needs to error when deleting fails
2014-01-21 Lebbeous Fogle... Serials: improve routing slips per Dan Wells' suggestio...
2014-01-21 Dan WellsStamping 0853: 'Prefer external URL' OUS
2014-01-21 Dan ScottRelease notes for the TPAC library web pages
2014-01-21 Dan ScottAdd upgrade script for lib.prefer_external_url OUS
2014-01-21 Dan ScottCopy details link to Evergreen library page by default
2014-01-21 Dan ScottImprove label for library's external web site
2014-01-21 Dan Scott%l instead of %H if we're using AM/PM for default time...
2014-01-21 Dan ScottUse the 'format.time' OUS to format library hours
2014-01-21 Dan ScottTPAC Library schema info - add some caching
2014-01-21 Dan ScottLink from copies to library info page
2014-01-21 Dan ScottFirst inklings of schema.org support for library pages
2014-01-21 Steven CallenderFixed title/author display at checkout for non-pre...
2014-01-21 Pasi KallinenLP969312: No warning for Delete All from Catalog in...
2014-01-21 Dan ScottTPAC: Display authors using inline-block
2014-01-21 Dan ScottTPAC: Use indexed subfields only in author search links
2014-01-20 Lebbeous Fogle... Serials: Batch Receive interface Copy Location widget...
2014-01-20 Lebbeous Fogle... LP#882586: In Serial Control View, show copy templates...
2014-01-20 Mike RylanderPull forward previous upgrade scripts
2014-01-20 Dan ScottCreate 008 - take only the first field/subfield combo
2014-01-20 Pasi KallinenAllow generating fixed data in control field 008 quickly
2014-01-20 Galen CharltonLP#1235474: fix failure of authority browse context...
2014-01-19 Bill EricksonNew live test for fetching and update bre/MARC data
2014-01-19 Pasi KallinenMove hard-coded style out of the copy status layout.
2014-01-19 Elliot VorisLP104785: Selfcheck needs to be run with HTTPS
2014-01-19 Dan ScottMore explicit database configuration instructions
2014-01-19 Dan ScottFedora: Net::SSLeay 1.55 is too new for Net::HTTPS...
2014-01-17 Bill EricksonLP#1269884 repair MVR id / doc_id thinko
2014-01-17 Pasi KallinenReplace deprecated javascript escape() with encodeURICo...
2014-01-16 Mike RylanderAnd renaming the test
2014-01-16 Mike RylanderRenumbering the test
2014-01-16 Mike RylanderRenumbering the upgrade script
2014-01-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Test for Mike's proximity adjustment fix two commits...
2014-01-16 Mike RylanderUpgrade script
2014-01-16 Mike RylanderFix proximity adjustment calculator
2014-01-16 Bill Ericksonmake_release cleanup and options
2014-01-16 Lebbeous Fogle... In prereq installer, don't try to chown extracted files...
2014-01-15 Galen CharltonLP#1234201: fix menu item to display patron requests...
2014-01-14 Dan WellsStamping 0851 - changes for Encode.pm 2.54+
2014-01-14 Dan WellsUpgrade file for Encode.pm 2.54+ changes
2014-01-14 Dan ScottAdd pgTAP test for normalized MARC records
2014-01-14 Dan ScottTest Perl Unicode normalization process
2014-01-14 Dan ScottEncode.pm change to the UTF8 flag
2014-01-14 Galen CharltonLP#1269042: prevent acq seach from building dropdown...
2014-01-09 Jeff GodinTreat empty username as invalid in user editor
2014-01-09 Dan ScottFedora needs Locale::Maketext::Lexicon too
2014-01-09 Galen CharltonLP#1267224: repair another fm_IDL.xml typo