2012-06-06 Dan ScottImport updated translations from Launchpad
2012-06-06 Lebbeous Fogle... Address LP #983487: Avoid clobbering bib records at...
2012-06-05 Dan ScottMove 2.0.11 upgrade script into version_upgrade dir
2012-06-05 Jason StephensonAdd the 2.0.10-2.0.11 upgrade script.
2012-06-04 Dan ScottDistinguish route-to-cataloging exception circ messages
2012-06-04 Dan ScottFix check for duplicate strings in i18n properties
2012-06-03 Dan ScottImprove Fedora prereqs and instructions
2012-06-03 Jason EtheridgeLP975422 patron search from portal/splash page
2012-06-03 Bill EricksonTPAC: Prevent unitialized variable warnings in My Accou...
2012-06-03 Dan ScottTPAC: Prevent unitialized variable warnings in My Account
2012-06-02 Bill EricksonACQ guarantee no PO re-activation
2012-06-01 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix broken menu entries under "Other -> Booking" in...
2012-06-01 Bill EricksonOverride arguments parameter repairs
2012-06-01 Galen Charltonlp#1007248: tweak order in which pgt rows are renumbered
2012-06-01 Bill EricksonTPAC bookbag CGI param changed to bbid
2012-05-31 Jason EtheridgeWork Log entry for holds placed from "Search the Catalog"
2012-05-31 Jason EtheridgeWork Log entry for holds placed within patron display
2012-05-31 Jason Etheridgefix error reporting when using list.wrap_in_full_retrieve
2012-05-31 Jason Etheridgework log entries for payments received
2012-05-30 Jeff DavisLP#856708 - Scrolling/div size issues in action trigger...
2012-05-26 Galen Charltontrivial whitespace change
2012-05-26 Galen CharltonDOC: fix a couple typos
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonStamping upgrade for ACQ org setting group
2012-05-25 Dan ScottGroup acquisition OU settings in a new "Acquisitions...
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonRepair tpac QueryParser bookbag/container filter
2012-05-25 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: Use scope to constrain choice of lineitem alerts
2012-05-25 Jason Etheridgemenu entry Circulation->Clear Shelf-Expired Holds
2012-05-25 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for TPAC hold override setting
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonTPAC auto-override permissable patron hold fail events
2012-05-25 Thomas BerezanskyAllow more granular overrides
2012-05-25 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for the flattener-based pull...
2012-05-25 Lebbeous Fogle... New pull list interface taking advantage of flattener...
2012-05-25 Bill Ericksontpac : uri escape added content key
2012-05-25 Bill Ericksontpac added content default type improvements
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonTPAC added content data retrieval sanity check
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonTPAC added content shows default tab
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonTPAC added content improvements
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonTPAC added content integration
2012-05-25 Jason Etheridgeminor fix.. this was working, but not in the same vein...
2012-05-25 Dan ScottREADME: Bump OpenSRF prerequisite to 2.1 for Evergreen...
2012-05-23 Dan ScottMerge branch 'master' of
2012-05-23 Dan ScottMerge branch 'master' of
2012-05-23 Bill EricksonTPAC: recover the ability to override hold placement...
2012-05-23 rsoulliereUpdate upgrade instructions to release candidate 1.
2012-05-22 Mike Rylanderstamping upgrade script for saved queries
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonTPAC: Search Filter Groups
2012-05-22 Bill Ericksontpac : search_HINT cache fixes
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonNew QueryParser filter_group_entry filter
2012-05-22 Mike RylanderGive the PG QP driver a subquery callback for the new...
2012-05-22 Mike RylanderTeach QueryParser about search filter callbacks, and...
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonSearch Filter Groups and Generic Queries : DB / IDL
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonQuery Parser merged copy / non-dynamic filters
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonQuery Parser nested dynamic filters
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonQueryParser test script
2012-05-21 Dan ScottUse spaces instead of tabs in
2012-05-21 Lebbeous Fogle... Makes a warning go away when running fts-replacement...
2012-05-21 Dan ScottFix typo in TEST_SETUP for
2012-05-21 Mike Rylanderabstract query representations from QueryParser
2012-05-21 Dan ScottQueryParser: comma-delimit multiple WITH clauses
2012-05-21 Jason StephensonAdd libnet-https-any-perl as precise deb requirement...
2012-05-21 Bill EricksonQP support for nested WITH construction
2012-05-21 Dan ScottFurther integration: link README to server install...
2012-05-21 Dan ScottMerge the Evergreen docs into the code repository
2012-05-21 Dan ScottMerge branch 'master' of
2012-05-17 rsoulliereFix licensing image.
2012-05-17 Dan ScottOptimize full text search with a CTE
2012-05-17 rsoullierelink to local cc-by-sa license icon.
2012-05-17 Bill EricksonVandelay authority existing queue search repair
2012-05-17 rsoulliereTypo fix.
2012-05-17 rsoulliereAdd licensing to root.txt
2012-05-17 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of
2012-05-17 rsoulliereAdd licensing appendix and pdf image.
2012-05-17 Dan ScottDocument hold-driven recalls
2012-05-14 Lebbeous Fogle... Avoid collisions of normalized values going into metabi...
2012-05-14 rsoulliereFix text line widths - lomit to 80 characters.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereTest linking form release notes.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereremove some reference to 2.2 since we are in 2.2 docs.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd some content for general staff client usage. Thanks...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd customizing the staff client toolbars and add a...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd user Activity Types documentation from Sally/ESI...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereUpdate authorities chapter.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd vandelay acquisitions integration fom Sall/ESI...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd SMS text Messaging from Sally/ESI. Thanks!
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd library settings editor from Sally/ESI. Thanks...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd auto suggest chapter to root.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd auto suggest documentation from Sally/ESI. Thanks...
2012-05-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Be more prepared for malformed serial holding code...
2012-05-11 Dan ScottMove PLPERL dropping outside of 2.1-2.2 upgrade transaction
2012-05-11 Thomas BerezanskyAdd missing weights fm_IDL entries
2012-05-10 Lebbeous Fogle... In the 2.1-2.2 upgrade script, move 0691 into a failure...
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyVersion Upgrade Cleanup
2012-05-10 Bill EricksonCheck if transaction needs closing after adding billings
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyNearest Hold: Look at 100 instead of 10 holds
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyHold Capture: Run permit tests on "old" holds
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyHold Editing: Retarget on some changes
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyHold Targeter: Ensure old best still valid
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyDefault email/phone hold pickup in TPac
2012-05-09 Thomas BerezanskyRetarget Local Holds: Use part ID properly
2012-05-09 Lebbeous Fogle... TPAC: Keep site() and depth() out of basic search box...
2012-05-09 Thomas BerezanskyFix hold has copy at lookup