2010-09-09 senatorSerials: pattern wizard bugfix
2010-09-09 ericksonfor consistency, use 'issuanceid' as the issuance ID...
2010-09-09 dbsAddress typos and grammar in seed data
2010-09-09 dbsMake OpenLibrary the default added content provider
2010-09-08 mikerCheck for empty-ok after testing issuance copies in...
2010-09-08 mikerthinko in seed data permission
2010-09-08 mikerMiddle Layer work to enable Issuance (type I) holds...
2010-09-08 senatorSerials: Improve open-ils.serial.receive_items.one_unit...
2010-09-08 phasefxmake the table rows containing stat cats in the patron...
2010-09-08 phasefxlet's us set the z-index to -1 for rows in register_cus...
2010-09-08 dbsMake Class::DBI::Frozen::301 a common forced module...
2010-09-08 dbsLibrary::CallNumber::LC is now in CPAN
2010-09-08 phasefxorg unit settings for default ident type and default...
2010-09-08 phasefx* move inline CSS in patron editor to a file
2010-09-08 mikerA simple "vital stats" collector method returning infor...
2010-09-08 mikerCleanup of reporter:selector values instigated by a...
2010-09-08 phasefxWe were shoving a fieldmapper actor.usr object into...
2010-09-08 phasefxgive OpenILS.data.lookup the ability to handle actor...
2010-09-08 phasefxdisabled lib menu entries in Holdings Maintenance was...
2010-09-07 phasefxTweaked Holdings Maintenance so that it only shows...
2010-09-07 scottmkThe reporter and extend_reporter schemas are no longer...
2010-09-07 ericksona little more SIP checkin logging
2010-09-07 ericksoncache the SIP login session to determine 'where' a...
2010-09-07 scottmkMove some operations out of the transaction so that...
2010-09-07 phasefxOnly modify msg when needed or we'll get spurious ...
2010-09-07 ericksonmake lineitem price updates synchronous to prevent...
2010-09-07 scottmkConsolidated upgrade script for 1.6 -> 2.0.
2010-09-03 senatorAutoFieldWidget now shows timestamps correctly.
2010-09-03 mikermake the authcookie param (and openils.User.authcookie...
2010-09-03 ericksonevent code may be 0 (SUCCESS) == false in SIP checkin...
2010-09-03 mikermake insertOrderedFields insert in /ascending/ order...
2010-09-03 gmcgive default OUs separate addresses
2010-09-03 gmcrestrict deletion of perm_lists in use
2010-09-03 ericksonPatron address copy on clone
2010-09-03 ericksonrepaired thinko in hold targeting org-unit max-loops...
2010-09-03 mikeruse slice to clone arguments as an array, because argum...
2010-09-03 mikerwe should really just use for(;;) for arguments
2010-09-03 gmcallow updates of permission.perm_list.id to cascade
2010-09-03 senatorSerials: a wizard for the pattern code field of the...
2010-09-03 mikertypo in supercat fixup
2010-09-03 mikeradd opac_visible to asset.copy_location and org units
2010-09-03 ericksonusers with no transaction history will have no xact...
2010-09-02 phasefxwire up the alternate print approach for full pull...
2010-09-02 phasefxup the default pull list limit from 50 to 100
2010-09-02 phasefxfix the problem where login does not work immediately...
2010-09-02 atzUtility for ISBN10->ISBN13 upconversion
2010-09-02 senatorCirc/Booking: replace checks for the CAPTURE_RESERVATIO...
2010-09-02 ericksondisplay PO order (activation) date in PO page
2010-09-02 ericksonadded holds pull list action/trigger template w/ API...
2010-09-02 phasefxxulrunner seems to be behaving, and is one...
2010-09-02 phasefxlet's use xulrunner for a while; it feels...
2010-09-02 phasefxstop the chilifresh undefined errors in craftsman
2010-09-02 dbsForward-port org unit setting types from r17392
2010-09-02 dbsi18n for biblio source editor and label prefix/suffix...
2010-09-02 dbsExperiment with putting a .pot under version control...
2010-09-01 senatorSerials: checkbox for batch receive interface to en...
2010-09-01 senatorSerials: improve the alternative batch receive interfac...
2010-09-01 ericksonadded explicit IDL class loading for cbreb, cbrebi...
2010-08-31 ericksondisable non-usergroup profiles in user registration...
2010-08-31 ericksonallow pass-thru of filteringtreeselect disableQuery...
2010-08-31 ericksonadded support for specifying a dojo.data-style query...
2010-08-31 phasefxprintable_output() support in util.browser had stopped...
2010-08-31 ericksondistribution formula config UI repairs/enhancements
2010-08-31 senatorBooking: fix a bug in selecting the start/end date...
2010-08-31 phasefxfixes a bug when purging offline transactions after...
2010-08-31 ericksonuse current_loc as the circ_lib for checkin if provided...
2010-08-31 ericksonuse circ_lib param instead of direct ws_ou acccess
2010-08-31 ericksondistrib formula streamlined drag-n-drop UI.
2010-08-31 ericksonistanceOf is not of this world; use dojo.isArray instead
2010-08-31 ericksonpcrud.apply repairs.
2010-08-31 mikerAllow the OPAC to autoload IDL classes instead of eithe...
2010-08-31 dbsMake the bib source selector in Vandelay MARC batch...
2010-08-31 dbsAdd explicit rtype options to more invokers of the...
2010-08-30 dbsAdd a bib_source editor widget to the MARC editor
2010-08-30 ericksonadded option (suppressEditFields) to suppress fields...
2010-08-30 ericksondisallow self-check login w/ inactive barcode
2010-08-30 ericksonshow lineitem ID for each lineitem in lineitem table...
2010-08-30 senatorBasic auto-grid based editor for copy templates. Usefu...
2010-08-30 phasefxoption to not include claims returned circs in summary...
2010-08-30 phasefxshow penalty/message notes on "Stop Sign Page"
2010-08-30 phasefxreceipt printer context
2010-08-30 phasefxallows us to set printer context for list-based print...
2010-08-30 phasefxmail printer context
2010-08-30 phasefxlabel printer context
2010-08-30 phasefxinfrastructure for context sensitive print setting
2010-08-30 senatorMake "show item details" consistent for top AND bottom...
2010-08-30 dbsComplete the label font settings namespace change and...
2010-08-30 dbsAdd upgrade script to go along with r13763 (thanks...
2010-08-30 dbsDisplay blank instead of 'undefined' for undefined...
2010-08-30 dbsUse different label printing strategies for XUL 1.9...
2010-08-30 dbsRefine the backspace operation in spine label editor
2010-08-27 dbsTeach the spine label editor to use the label prefixes...
2010-08-27 senatorSerials: closer to full working receiving in the batch...
2010-08-27 dbsAdd label_prefix and label_suffix columns to asset...
2010-08-27 phasefxsupport hiding of patron credit functionality. To...
2010-08-27 dbsCleaner implementation of LC subclass / Cutter spine...
2010-08-27 dbsSplit spine labels between the alpha and numeric part...
2010-08-27 dbsRestrict authority record fields to 1xx and 5xx when...
2010-08-26 phasefxmissing COMMIT;
2010-08-26 ericksonuse openils.Util.printHtmlString for invoice printing...