2018-03-26 Dan WellsTranslation updates - newpot
2018-03-23 Kathy LussierLP#1699838: Stamping upgrade script for default pickup...
2018-03-23 Dan WellsLP#1699838 Scale back settings for staff-based hold...
2018-03-23 Cesar VelezLP1699838 - add YOUSes for defaulting hold pickup locs
2018-03-23 Remington SteedLP#1693036: Simplify template, cleanup preview data
2018-03-23 Galen CharltonLP#1693036: follow-up: fix printing of daytime phone...
2018-03-23 Kyle Huckinslp1693036 Patron Editor Print Data
2018-03-23 Kathy LussierLP#1758322: Fix lp1731960_test_preserving_bookbag_entr...
2018-03-23 Galen CharltonLP#1758347: ensure that upgrade includes latest asset...
2018-03-22 Kathy LussierLP#1731960: Stamping upgrade script for preserve book...
2018-03-22 Rogan HambyLP#1731960: adding upgrade script for updating the...
2018-03-22 Rogan HambyLP#1731960-preserving book bag entries with new values...
2018-03-22 Dan WellsForward port 2.12.11 upgrade script
2018-03-22 Dan WellsForward port 3.0.5 upgrade script
2018-03-22 Dan WellsLP#1755502 Fix hold user test
2018-03-22 Galen CharltonLP#1728147: more tweaks to grid
2018-03-22 Galen CharltonLP#1728147: correct fleshing of staff hold column
2018-03-22 Cesar VelezLP#1728147: Add patron's first/last name and Alias...
2018-03-22 Cesar VelezLP#1728147 - fix some Holds Pull List grid columns
2018-03-22 Dan WellsLP#1738488 Optimize Flattener join logic
2018-03-22 Cesar VelezLP#1702557-Make Acq MarcEditor Just Have Save Button
2018-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1361258 Patron reg repair user settings saving/loading
2018-03-22 Mike RylanderLP#1742779: Distinguish between no statcat values and...
2018-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: adding several bug fixes to 3.0.5
2018-03-21 Jeff DavisLP#1752983: sort circ modifier list in precat checkout
2018-03-21 Jeff DavisLP#1755924: show circ modifier in Item Status list...
2018-03-21 Jeff DavisLP#1755892: ensure profile is fleshed in patron search
2018-03-21 Remington SteedLP#1747963 Fix "trim list" feature in web client
2018-03-21 Jeff DavisLP#1743045: skip redundant grid refresh on checkin
2018-03-21 Kathy LussierLP#1756572: Update to point release notes to include...
2018-03-21 Galen CharltonLP#1756572: accessibility tweaks to links in webstaff...
2018-03-20 Jane SandbergDocs: adding 3.0.5 release notes
2018-03-20 Jane SandbergDocs: adding 2.12.11 release notes
2018-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1756110: fix egBasicComboBox drop-down functionality
2018-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1721807: fix webstaff report templates that have...
2018-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1721807: regression test
2018-03-18 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding an affiliation; updating CW MARS name...
2018-03-18 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding affiliations and documenters to 3.1 releas...
2018-03-17 Kathy LussierLP#1746365 Change default staff link colors to provide...
2018-03-16 Remington SteedDocs: Add aspell wordlist to improve spellchecking
2018-03-16 Remington SteedDocs: Spell check corrections
2018-03-15 Remington SteedLP#1755917: Fix Acq Admin menu order
2018-03-14 Galen CharltonLP#1691263: discourage input of newlines in MARC editor
2018-03-14 Cesar VelezLP#1691263: make webstaff MARC editor wrap long fields
2018-03-14 Remington SteedDocs: Fix AsciiDoc list formatting
2018-03-14 Morkor QuarshieDocs: Update Authorities.adoc
2018-03-13 Morkor QuarshieDocs: Add directions for configuring columns
2018-03-13 Jason StephensonLp 1411422: Fix & rename test file.
2018-03-13 Jason StephensonLp#1411422: Clean up the code a little bit.
2018-03-13 blakeLP1411422 Copy details repeated in search results when...
2018-03-13 blakeLP1411422 Copy details repeated in search results when...
2018-03-13 Bill EricksonLP#1751318 Remove direct tablesort import
2018-03-13 Kevin TranDocs: Update SMS_messaging.adoc for web client
2018-03-13 Kevin TranDocs: Update copy_statuses.adoc for web client
2018-03-12 Remington SteedDocs: Update "Circulation - Patron Record" for web...
2018-03-12 Jane SandbergMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2018-03-12 Jane SandbergDocs: correcting funder names for 3.1 release notes
2018-03-12 Chris SharpLP#1750912 - Add add_translations.py convenience script...
2018-03-12 Jane SandbergDocs: adding more funders to 3.1 release notes
2018-03-12 Jane SandbergDocs: adding translators to 3.1 release notes acknowled...
2018-03-12 Jane SandbergDocs: adding code contributors to 3.1 release notes...
2018-03-12 Jane SandbergDocs: adding some funding orgs to release notes acknowl...
2018-03-12 Remington SteedDocs: Fix broken include in root.adoc
2018-03-12 Remington SteedDocs: Remove docs not applicable in web client
2018-03-09 Dan WellsFix billing / negative balance test cases
2018-03-09 Mike RylanderLP#1717593: Missing strings cause serial item delete...
2018-03-08 Bill EricksonLP#1753008 Load iframeResizer via script tag
2018-03-08 Remington SteedDocs: Update "Alternate Hold Pick up Location" for...
2018-03-07 Remington SteedDocs: Use raw ampersand '&' to fix conversion error
2018-03-07 Remington SteedDocs: Fix '&' DocBook conversion error
2018-03-07 Jane SandbergDocs: adding web client screenshot
2018-03-07 Jane SandbergDocs: updating return-to-search results for Web client
2018-03-07 Jane SandbergDocs: adding contributor to 3.0.4 release notes
2018-03-06 Kevin TranDocs: Update search_interface.adoc for web client
2018-03-06 Remington SteedDocs: Update "Monograph Parts" for web client
2018-03-06 Remington SteedDocs: Update "Circ Triggered Events" for web client
2018-03-06 Remington SteedDocs: Edits and images for "Managing Holds"
2018-03-06 Kevin TranDocs: Update "Managing Holds" for web client
2018-03-06 Remington SteedDocs: Edits and images for "Resetting Patron's Password"
2018-03-06 Kevin TranDocs: Update "Resetting Patron's Password" for web...
2018-03-02 Galen CharltonLP#1751520: add specify path to content-menu.js explicitly
2018-03-02 Jason BoyerLP1751520: Add contextMenu Module to Vendor Bundle
2018-03-02 Remington SteedCompile release notes for 3.1 beta
2018-03-02 Jeff DavisLP#1738064: Optionally suppress display of badges in...
2018-03-02 Remington SteedDocs: Add missing header underline
2018-03-02 Remington SteedDocs: Fix/improve web client keyboard shortcuts
2018-03-02 Dan WellsTranslation updates - po files
2018-03-02 Dan WellsTranslation updates - newpot
2018-03-01 Dan ScottLink to the Optional: Developer Additions step
2018-03-01 Jeff GodinLP#1748924 Stamping upgrade script
2018-03-01 Dan WellsLP#1748924 Disable materialized summary updates in...
2018-03-01 Dan WellsLP#1748924 Add release notes
2018-03-01 Dan WellsLP#1748924 Upgrade script for expanding billing timestamps
2018-03-01 Dan WellsLP#1748924 Enhanced Billing Timestamp Support
2018-03-01 Jason StephensonLP#1748466: Fix http -> https /eg/staff rewrite on...
2018-03-01 Kathy LussierDocs: minor file name change for release notes entry
2018-03-01 Cesar VelezLP#1739504 - create prototype of latency test tool...
2018-03-01 Cesar VelezLP#1739504 - add release notes for Latency Tester
2018-03-01 Cesar VelezLP#1739504 - Fire off each ping sequentially
2018-03-01 Kathy LussierLP#1732275: Stamping upgrade script for items out notic...