2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMerge/rebase cleanup -- authority template by id is...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Make search by authority ID actually work on the first try
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Provide sorters for browse axes
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Create facet for going right to records linked to a...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... attempted to add sanity to paging, but not really there yet
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Make linking to bib records work better by saying any...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... working! with paging and linking to bibs, except:
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Finally starting to get somewhere: record display
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Closer to being able to get authority control set from...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... towards using fielder in openils.AuthorityControlSet
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... working on an auth browser
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd function to set Control Set by Thesaurus Code
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderNormalize fixed field names to OCLC values where they...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... config ui trivial improvements, scratching out a place...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix minor glitch when trying to create new authority...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Move the authority control set config interfaces back...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Axis-field map editor and editor for the axes themselves
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Add bib field editor. Also make all the editors writte...
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Ability to return to specific authority.control_set or
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Editor for authority fields
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Thesauri editor
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... moving stuff where it goes
2011-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... conify type interfaces in progress.
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderPut thesaurus-z handling back in
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderBeginnings of the config interfaces
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMove RULE down so that the named tables actually exist
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderSwitch authority startwith index back to the pre-checki...
2011-07-11 Mike Rylandercorrecting template generation; filter out subfields...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMinor bug fixes (alignment of fm classes, etc); Do...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderHeading normalization bug; Use CStoreEditor, not Editor...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderGeneral bug fixes and formatting cleanup
2011-07-11 berickRepaired syntax errors in SuperCat.pm
2011-07-11 berickRepaired syntax errors and thinkos
2011-07-11 berickProtect against empty lists of linked bib searches
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderSQL typo cleanup
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUse the configured set of authority browse axes in...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUse the new singular methods that accept an axis as...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd method for returning valid authority browse axes
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderBrowse axis based browse and startswith methods; minor...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUse ACS utility functions instead of hard-wired mapping
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderFetch ACS stuff up front; enhance inter-object mapping...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd axis_maps virtual field to control set authority...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdding tables for browse axis mapping
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUse MARC.FixedFields.setFixedField and validate by...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderFunction to find authority records matching a MARC...
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderadjust parameters and documentation note
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderuse the new transformed-value starwith operator
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderadd a special startwith op for use with transformed...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMethods for searching by marcxml, constrained (or not...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd an index using authority.simple_normalize_heading...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderVariant of authority.normalize_heading which ignores...
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderfunctions for converting bibs to authorities based...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMove the AuthorityControlSet module into openils -...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUtility methods
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderBug fixes; Add a method for setting fixed fields; Set...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderMove the function to before its first use
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderOnly load control sets once, set the default to the...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd some logic for fetching stored controlsets and...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderInitial move of fixed-field manipulation out to the...
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderbring backend version up to date with the marc-editor...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderStub of a new Dojo module for manipulating ACSs
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUse unicode escape instead of raw bytes, for ease of...
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderreplace the perlish authority.normalize_heading with...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderFix XPath in tracing links view; Replace authority...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd See From tracings to LoC authority control set
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderUse control sets to drive the tracing links view
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderAdd pcrud controller to control set classes; realign...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderTrigger to map from thesaurus to control set
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderActually use authority.rec_descriptor, populating it...
2011-07-11 Mike Rylanderfigure out non-authoritive fields to search based on...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderSeed data for Authority Control Sets -- LoC
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderReworking tables a bit to include subfield list on...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderFieldmapper additions for Authority Control Set tables...
2011-07-11 Mike RylanderInitial schema changes for Authority Control Sets;...
2011-07-07 Mike RylanderCorrect CDBI field name on biblio::peer_bib_copy_map
2011-07-07 Bill EricksonIgnore part-mapped copies for mr/title/volume holds
2011-07-07 Mike RylanderAdd Class::DBI linking for monograph parts (and some...
2011-07-07 Mike RylanderCorrect a documentation comment
2011-07-07 Mike RylanderFilter out copies that have a monograph part designator...
2011-07-07 Bill EricksonSuggest parts selection on failed parts-capable hold
2011-07-07 Bill EricksonStamped DB version for hold_pull_list_template w/ parts
2011-07-07 Jason EtheridgeAdd "parts" to Print Full Pull List and Print Full...
2011-07-07 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade version number for staff_search_find_n...
2011-07-07 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script
2011-07-07 Thomas BerezanskyAllow staff search to find bibs sans copies
2011-07-07 Jason Etheridgein unified vol/copy editor disallow editing of item...
2011-07-06 Bill EricksonVandelay matching, quality, error reporting, and queue...
2011-07-06 Bill EricksonStamped DB version
2011-07-06 Bill EricksonSeed data and schema cleanup for merge
2011-07-06 Bill EricksonLogic error fixes in Vandelay
2011-07-06 Bill EricksonRepaired typo on schema and upgrade SQL
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderCorrect regression that was held over due to massive...
2011-07-06 berickseed data for vandlelay export templates
2011-07-06 berickInitial upgrade script for vandelay improvements
2011-07-06 berickrepair selector column width (move to width attr) to...
2011-07-06 berickdisable sorting on selector column in queue grid
2011-07-06 berickavoid pile-up of dojo-attached event handlers for queue...
2011-07-06 berickset imported_as / import_time on import items after...
2011-07-06 berickYet more Vandelay fixes
2011-07-06 Mike RylanderSpacing and code comments to keep future-miker from...