2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 add/delete patron address
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 browser client patron reg additions
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 quiet chatty grid field logging
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron summary show/hide repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 required/suggested/all fields selectors
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg fixed css repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patron reg fixed navigation
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Register v.s. Edit patron banners
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 Patrong reg. style repairs
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1464767 Patron edit billing => physical
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1464767 Sort browser client org selector
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 patron reg. UI improvements / repairs
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1452950 angularize patron registration phase I
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1206936 Base SQL schema repair
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1501516 'paid' lineitem release notes
2016-02-25 Bill EricksonLP#1501516 PO lineitem 'paid' indicator
2016-02-25 Kathy LussierLP1402770: Do not show Holds Count by default in most...
2016-02-25 Kathy LussierLP1402770: Release notes entry for holds count column...
2016-02-25 blakeLP1402770_column_picker_option_for_number_of_holds
2016-02-24 Dan WellsLP#1206936 Stamping upgrade script; adding test
2016-02-24 Chris SharpLP#1206936 - Fix wrong billing info in money.transactio...
2016-02-24 Remington SteedLP#1526546 Sort copies by part label in holdings maint.
2016-02-24 Ben ShumLP#1505286: stamping upgrade script for limit facets...
2016-02-24 Galen CharltonLP#1505286: add release notes
2016-02-24 Galen CharltonLP#1505286: add pgTAP tests
2016-02-24 Galen CharltonLP#1505286: limit number of facets retrieved
2016-02-24 Galen CharltonLP#1545178: remove two unused methods
2016-02-24 blakeLP#1466990: Detailed search results shows parts for...
2016-02-19 Kathy LussierLP#1474051 Stamping upgrade script for drop-cc-data
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1474051 Release/Upgrade Notes on dropped CC fields
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1474051 CRON script for clearing CC numbers
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1474051 PGTAP test checking dropped columns
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1474051 Drop unneeded CC payment fields
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonPorting 2.8.4-2.8.5 / 2.8.5-2.8.6 DB upgrade scripts
2016-02-19 Jason StephensonForward port 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 upgrade script and server...
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1202742 non-active copy transit release notes
2016-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1202742 Non-active transit copy status messages
2016-02-18 Kathy LussierLP#1486151 Stamping upgrade script for password reset...
2016-02-18 Michael PetersLP#1013786 TPAC add reminder to modify update_pasword_m...
2016-02-18 Kathy LussierLP#1380709 Stamping upgrade script for fund debit invoi...
2016-02-18 Kathy LussierLP#1367926 Stamping upgrade script for direct access...
2016-02-18 Kathy LussierLP#1380709 Renaming live-t test to avoid duplicate...
2016-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1380709 Perl live test
2016-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1380709 acq.lineitem_detail.fund_debit INDEX
2016-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1380709 fund_debit.invoice_entry INDEX
2016-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1380709 Fund debit links to invoice entry
2016-02-18 Kathy LussierLP#1367926 Release notes addition
2016-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1367926: release notes
2016-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1367926: add some unit tests
2016-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1367926: various improvements and bugfixes
2016-02-18 Mike RylanderLP#1367926: Expose non-MARC bre data via U2
2016-02-18 Mike RylanderLP#1367926: Add support for (nearly) direct access...
2016-02-17 Kathy LussierForgot an acknowledgement in the 2.9.2 point release...
2016-02-17 Kathy LussierAdding 2.9.2 bug fixes and acknowledgements to the...
2016-02-17 Kathy LussierAdding 2.8.6 bug fixes to the 2.8 Release Notes
2016-02-17 Ben ShumLP#1544606: Copy the new directories we make for locales
2016-02-17 Ben ShumLP#1544606: Change i18n Makefile so that there are...
2016-02-17 Ben ShumLP#1544606: Change docs to more specific locale/opac...
2016-02-17 Ben ShumLP#1544606: Change apache examples for TPAC to more...
2016-02-17 Ben ShumLP#1544606: Change static entry to variable in config...
2016-02-17 Ben ShumLP#1544606: Remove trailing whitespace from sample...
2016-02-17 Galen CharltonLP#1067823: stamp upgrade script
2016-02-17 Kathy LussierLP#1067823 Add genre facet by default and remove tag...
2016-02-17 Galen CharltonLP#1067823: add release notes
2016-02-17 Galen CharltonLP#1067823: follow-up: add back a space
2016-02-17 Galen CharltonLP#1067823: tweak new identifier|genre index
2016-02-17 Mike RylanderLP#1067823: Genre links launch subject search
2016-02-16 Chris SharpLP#1486592 - Generate prices for concerto dataset.
2016-02-16 Kathy LussierLP 1499123: Stamping upgrade script for standing-penalt...
2016-02-16 Jason StephensonLP 1499123: Add release notes.
2016-02-16 Jason StephensonLP 1499123: Modify Perl code for csp.ignore_proximity...
2016-02-16 Jason StephensonLP 1499123: Add ignore_proximity to config.standing_pen...
2016-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1429268 credit card payment address fall-thru
2016-02-12 Kathy LussierLP#1522604: Remove red alert style for non-cataloged...
2016-02-12 Josh StomproLP#1240657 - Creating and Deleting Closed Dates permiss...
2016-02-10 Kathy Lussierlp1422802 Release notes entry
2016-02-10 Kathy Lussierlp1422802: Improve visibility of parts on Place Holds...
2016-02-09 Dan WellsLP#1526547 Re-broaden backdate note setting
2016-02-09 Dan WellsLP#1526547 Improve note setting for backdates
2016-02-09 Dan WellsLP#1526547 Prevent bogus notes when adjusting lost...
2016-02-07 Galen CharltonLP#1516867: set limit on when HTML report output sorting
2016-02-07 Dan ScottLP#1516867 Make HTML report tables sortable
2016-02-03 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add angular-file-saver to test manifest
2016-02-03 Yamil SuarezDocs: small leveloffset fix for root.txt
2016-02-03 Jennifer PringleDocs: web client copy buckets documentation
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix more cases where new copies weren't being...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: work around race condition in vol/copy editor
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: clean up console noise
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix issue that prevent new copies from being...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add copy ID column to holdings table and...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add circulate as MARC type column to holdings...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add prefix, suffix, and parts columns to...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: ensure that volcopy editor saves copy part...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: add circulating library as optional column...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: copy template fix
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix updating stat cats in the volume/copy...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: expose ascecm to open-ils.pcrud
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix selection of stat cats in copy editor...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix setting default copy status for new items
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: consolidate code for generate new copies