2009-10-19 ericksonPatch from Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley which integrates...
2009-10-19 ericksonauthority record queue needs autoheight to render
2009-10-19 ericksonafter a renewal, return the billing summary for the...
2009-10-18 dbsMore rendering optimizations via inline height/width...
2009-10-17 dbsAnother small rendering optimization - set dimensions...
2009-10-17 dbsMove inline <style> block into CSS file.
2009-10-17 dbsPatch from Warren Layton to add a "Export to RefWorks...
2009-10-17 dbsWe have no Spanish translation at all, so remove it...
2009-10-17 dbsEnsure that we don't invoke functions that have not...
2009-10-17 dbsThese are, after all, binary files.
2009-10-17 dbsAdd authority record sample sets from IISH
2009-10-16 ericksonimplemented the ability to mark a set of lineitems...
2009-10-16 ericksonPatch from Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley and Joe Atzberger...
2009-10-16 phasefxtree implementation changed, so we find the scrollbar...
2009-10-16 phasefxload dojo and dojo fieldmapper into the Javascript...
2009-10-16 phasefxXMLENT was killing the Javascript Shell
2009-10-16 mikerprotect 0-param normalizers from null params value
2009-10-16 mikerprotect 0-param normalizers from null params value
2009-10-15 dbsSimplest possible way to add PostgreSQL 8.4 support.
2009-10-15 phasefxlayout tweaks, uncheck refundable transactions by default
2009-10-15 ericksonadded support for tiered org unit setting permissions...
2009-10-15 phasefxprecedence to row styling for selected rows
2009-10-15 phasefxstyle refundable rows with a pink background :)
2009-10-15 phasefxsupport the setting of properties on treerows in util...
2009-10-15 mikerpart 2 of: xul + dojo can not use dojo.addOnLoad or...
2009-10-15 mikerxul + dojo can not use dojo.addOnLoad or djConfig.parse...
2009-10-15 ericksonuse inline penalty processing during fine generation...
2009-10-15 dbsAdd UPDATE_RECORD permission, required to undelete...
2009-10-15 dbsAdd a missing error message.
2009-10-15 mikerYet more progress towards in-db ingest. This time...
2009-10-15 mikerthinko on the datatype for bib id
2009-10-14 mikerMore work towards in-db ingest. The functions provided...
2009-10-14 ericksonthinko on rollback vs. commit when creating a local...
2009-10-14 ericksonreturn the picklist when creating a new picklist during...
2009-10-14 phasefxsemi-functional mockup of new billing interface, hidden...
2009-10-14 phasefxshow renewals remaining column by default in dedicated...
2009-10-14 phasefxFix Hold Note creation in staff client by replacing...
2009-10-14 phasefxtesting bzr-svn
2009-10-14 phasefxtesting bzr-svn
2009-10-14 phasefxAdd a patron.util.format_name() function and have every...
2009-10-14 phasefxAdd a patron.util.format_name() function and have every...
2009-10-14 phasefxAdd a patron.util.format_name() function and have every...
2009-10-14 dbsSupport updating state_store section of opensrf.xml...
2009-10-13 ericksonavoid auto adding a new distrib formula row with every...
2009-10-13 ericksonwhen viewing a selection list, show a link to the relat...
2009-10-13 mikeradd a replacement oils_tsearch2() trigger function...
2009-10-13 dbsEnhance upgrade for complete subject indexing: drop...
2009-10-13 mikeradd index normalization fieldmapper classes
2009-10-13 mikerFix the upgrade script that adds ingest normalizer...
2009-10-13 mikerFix the upgrade script that adds ingest normalizer...
2009-10-13 phasefxTweak the key used for oils_persist so that saved setti...
2009-10-13 phasefxToward a visually slimmer billing interface. Sticking...
2009-10-13 phasefxSupport some extra callback functions for staff client...
2009-10-13 phasefxReplace sort behavior when clicking on on checkbox...
2009-10-13 phasefxEasier to see list colors for selected (and focused...
2009-10-13 phasefxSupport editable trees, which is needed if we want...
2009-10-13 phasefxbell target for Makefile. Just sends the ASCII bell...
2009-10-13 phasefxJust auto-jump to the billing interface once, if at all
2009-10-13 dbsRestrict subject searches to subject index. Completion...
2009-10-12 mikerPatch from Laura Cassell to make the email regexp a...
2009-10-12 mikeronly need to send address search params once now
2009-10-12 mikerThis patch moves towards in-database indexed value...
2009-10-12 mikerrolling back a portion of the last commit -- unintended
2009-10-12 ericksonsort checked out items by due date, oldest first. ...
2009-10-12 mikerforward porting 14364: do not use NEW in an ON DELETE...
2009-10-12 mikerforward-porting r14346: pass the patron id (instead...
2009-10-12 ericksoncapture the context org parameter for penalty generation.
2009-10-09 phasefxWhen editing billing or payment notes, default with...
2009-10-09 phasefxCredit card related params for open-ils.circ.money...
2009-10-09 phasefxMore obvious Amnesty Mode. Need to get some CSS gurus...
2009-10-09 ericksoninitial support for applying distribution formulas...
2009-10-09 phasefxremove an overlooked experiment
2009-10-09 phasefxMore CSS configurability for Checkin/Hold Capture inter...
2009-10-09 ericksonturned on paginator for org setting type config page
2009-10-09 mikerfoward-porting 1.2 changeset r9281 for cloned patron...
2009-10-09 phasefxIf an element under the sway of persist_helper makes...
2009-10-09 ericksonwhen adding copies to a lineitem, you can now choose...
2009-10-09 ericksonuntil a more flexible solution exists, make the default...
2009-10-08 phasefxmore git testing
2009-10-08 phasefxtest
2009-10-08 phasefxtesting some svn <-> git-svn <-> git workflows, don...
2009-10-08 ericksonrolling back 14319. Did not mean to commit wholly...
2009-10-08 ericksonpush the CC processing to the end so that it runs just...
2009-10-08 ericksonpush the CC processing to the end so that it runs just...
2009-10-08 ericksonmade CC payment arguments more flexible
2009-10-08 ericksonverify requested user matches all requested transaction...
2009-10-08 mikeruse an explicit time format instead of relying on the...
2009-10-08 ericksonPatch from Joe Atzberger and Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley:
2009-10-08 mikerBug fix for the MARC editor:
2009-10-07 phasefxauthoritative hold notification retrieval
2009-10-07 ericksoncreated workaround for confusing IE bug caused by title...
2009-10-07 dbsGenerate a more correct record leader and 008 field...
2009-10-07 dbsEscaping angle brackets is too pervasive a change in...
2009-10-07 phasefxToward a new look for XUL Record Summary. bib_brief...
2009-10-07 phasefxredundant date.js, and another tweak to aid in debugging
2009-10-07 phasefxremnants of some troubleshooting; useful to keep these...
2009-10-07 phasefxsome class hints for these column definitions, so that...
2009-10-07 phasefxfix regression with activating checkout pane
2009-10-07 dbsAdd basic favicon.ico, per #63 - thanks atz!
2009-10-06 ericksonprevent bare 'null' from showing up in patron name