2022-04-04 Jason BoyerLP1930747: Add MARC_NAMESPACE to Const.pm
2022-03-31 gmontimantisUpdate billing.adoc
2022-03-31 gmontimantisUpdating billing.adoc
2022-03-30 Michele MorganLP#1919500 - Tweak to Checkout Staff display
2022-03-30 Josh StomproLP#1919500 - Add Checkout Workstation and Checkout...
2022-03-28 Terran McCannaLP1865062 Add Credit Card Approval Code to Payment...
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergLP#1965432: follow-up also update package-lock.json
2022-03-28 Chris SharpLP#1965432: Upgrade karma to latest version.
2022-03-28 Jason StephensonLP 1964963: Improve Customization of BOOPAC topnav...
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergFix ng lint errors
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergStamping upgrade script for localized notifications
2022-03-28 Rogan HambyThis feature supplies the ability to create alternate...
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergStamping upgrade script for OAI-PMH
2022-03-28 Mike RylanderLP#1729620: Rebase and remove array_accum uses
2022-03-28 Mike RylanderLP#1729620: Polish up sets and visibility tests
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergLP1729620: Enable org unit OAI sets
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergLP1729620: Fix opensrf.xml syntax
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: (follow-up) do not suggest timestamp manipu...
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: update release notes with an upgrade note
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: add HTTP::OAI to Debian Bullseye deps
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: fix a tab consistency issue
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: (follow-up) remove extra child_init that...
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: (follow-up) move OpenILS::WWW::OAI
2022-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1729620: (follow-up) move OAI methods to open-ils...
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergLP#1729620 enable the OAI service by default
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergLP#1729620 Follow-up bugfixes
2022-03-28 Jane SandbergLP#1729620 Updating modern dependencies to include...
2022-03-28 Remington SteedLP#1729620 Cleanup, fix bugs
2022-03-28 Lucien van... LP#1729620 New optional feature: an OAI2 provider service.
2022-03-27 Jason BoyerLP1900005: Don't require a specific 'opensrf' user
2022-03-25 Terran McCannaLP1956970 Sort Patron Notes - Most Recent First
2022-03-25 Terran McCannaLP1930614 Bootstrap OPAC Summary Block
2022-03-25 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for JQuery YAOUS
2022-03-25 Rogan Hambyadding query to opac by library setting
2022-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1958581 Copy to clipboard always available
2022-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1958581 Angular Grid Copy To Clipboard
2022-03-24 Mike RylanderFixing merge conflict resolution from Simple Reporter...
2022-03-24 Garry CollumLP#1959405: hold status not looking for shelf delay...
2022-03-24 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for inventory changes
2022-03-24 Jason StephensonLP1883171 & LP1940663: Add release notes
2022-03-24 Jason StephensonLP1883171 & LP1940663: Add Perl live test
2022-03-24 Jason StephensonLP1883171 & LP1940663: Basic staff client modifications
2022-03-24 Jason StephensonLP1883171 & LP1940663: Replace circ method to update...
2022-03-24 Jason StephensonLP1883171 & LP1940663: Modify do_checkin for asset...
2022-03-24 Jason StephensonLP1883171 & LP1940663: Database & IDL updates for copy...
2022-03-24 Michele MorganLP1907123 Angular Catalog View Holds missing columns
2022-03-24 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for Simple Reporter (permission...
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerMake the "ignore this boolean" option more clear
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerUpdate Promise instantiation to deal with TypeScript...
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerAdd release note
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerWire up Simple Reporter into the Staff Client Interface
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerSimple Reporter Angular App
2022-03-24 Mike Rylanderadd component for general text multi-select
2022-03-24 Mike Rylanderimprove existing components for use in SR
2022-03-24 Mike RylanderMake disused "= any" and "<> any" useful
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerTeach Current Reporter to Ignore Simple Reporter Folders
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerValidate IDL Against XSD
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerAdd Simple Reporter IDL definitions
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerAdd Simple Reporter Schema Changes
2022-03-24 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script
2022-03-24 Bill EricksonLP1951162 Migrate copy templates setting
2022-03-24 Dan BriemLP#1746800 Exclude empty records on filtered staff...
2022-03-24 Terran McCannaLP1909681 Open hold grid links in new tab
2022-03-24 Tiffany LittleLP1928003 Protect real copies from auto-deletion by...
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerHide username and password in eg2 when screen is narrow
2022-03-24 Jason BoyerLP1724008: Hide User@workstation when screen is narrow
2022-03-24 Jeff DavisLP#1951318: API call to retrieve (publicly-visible...
2022-03-24 Terran McCannaLP1944755 Add ability to embed carousels on external...
2022-03-24 Michele Morganlp1787968 Stamping upgrade script
2022-03-24 Michele Morganlp1787968 Release Notes Addendum
2022-03-24 Jason Etheridgelp1787968 jacket_upload: release notes
2022-03-24 Jason Etheridgelp1787968 jacket_upload: tests
2022-03-24 Jason Etheridgelp1787968 jacket_upload: UI
2022-03-24 Jason Etheridgelp1787968 jacket_upload: server-side
2022-03-24 Jason Etheridgelp1787968 jacket_upload: schema
2022-03-24 Tiffany LittleLP1953193 Add autofilter to funding sources
2022-03-24 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script
2022-03-24 Galen CharltonLP#1938835: release notes for the customizable staff...
2022-03-24 Galen CharltonLP#1938835: admin interface for customizing the staff...
2022-03-24 Galen CharltonLP#1938835: make the Angular staff portal/home page...
2022-03-24 Galen CharltonLP#1938835: always display the Angular portal, not...
2022-03-24 Galen CharltonLP#1938835: customizable staff portal - schema, IDL...
2022-03-23 Mike RylanderStamping PG10+ upgrade script
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Fix another invalid XPath expression error
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Fix XPath invalid XPath expression Error
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Update Installation Documentation
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Update Prerequisite Installation for Postgre...
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Fix the unaccent and squash tests
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Fix metarecord master record choice predicta...
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Fix Functions for XML/XPath changes
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Fix Sample Data Load Predictability Issue
2022-03-23 Jason StephensonLP1937294: Add FTS Config for PostgreSQL 11 - 14
2022-03-21 Garry CollumLP1010494 - More Details button is not translatable.
2022-03-17 Lynn FloydAdded Author to Pending view in Item Buckets
2022-03-17 Lynn FloydAdd Author field to Item buckets.
2022-03-16 Garry CollumLP1863196-Add series title to holds pull list.
2022-03-16 Josh StomproLP1847827 - Evergreen Web Based Self Check - Use prefer...
2022-03-16 Bill EricksonLP1846552 Shelving location Order handle new locations
2022-03-16 Bill EricksonLP1846552 Shelving Location Order Angular UI
2022-03-16 Jason StephensonLP1965161: Sort Monograph Parts in Holds Metadata