2010-08-13 phasefxchange the (Copy) link next to addresses in the patron...
2010-08-13 mikerprotect authority linking trigger against broken $0...
2010-08-12 atzAllow * in file portion of pathname
2010-08-12 ericksonre-label recv_date as 'Invoice Date' to avoid confusion...
2010-08-12 ericksonyet more auto-scrolling to stamp out
2010-08-12 phasefxyet more auto-scrolling to stamp out
2010-08-12 phasefxyet more auto-scrolling to stamp out
2010-08-12 ericksoncreated batch/streaming versions of hold placement...
2010-08-12 ericksonavoid confusion by not installing the non-functional...
2010-08-12 dbsRemove broken old JavaScript in Google Book preview...
2010-08-12 scottmkComplain when a sequence name is not qualified by a...
2010-08-12 mikerregister the autoloader earlier, and log about the...
2010-08-11 scottmkPlug some memory leaks.
2010-08-11 ericksonGave the base login code the ability to find username...
2010-08-11 phasefxredundant with util_overlay.xul
2010-08-11 mikerUse a COALESCE/NULLIF nested structure instead of CASE...
2010-08-11 atzRespect activate_po option in interface
2010-08-11 atzAdd page title and tidy up
2010-08-11 mikermissed one fix in previous optimisation effort
2010-08-11 phasefxtweak the layout for the volume/copy creator so that...
2010-08-11 phasefxchange Check Barcodes? checkbox in Volume/Item creator...
2010-08-11 phasefxtweak auto-barcode method to support barcodes of arbitr...
2010-08-11 ericksonadded an UI for editing vandelay import item attribute...
2010-08-10 senatorAcq: fix certain dialogs needlessly flashing on-screen...
2010-08-10 gmcbug 592777: allow authoritative version of open-ils...
2010-08-10 ericksonuse staff query for lineitem->bib linking ui
2010-08-10 gmcfix age protection proximity test for in-DB circ
2010-08-10 mikerTwo things: 1) match old output, with rows for no holdi...
2010-08-10 phasefxreplace this broken regexp with cleanse_ISO8601
2010-08-10 phasefxeasier to read and corrected regexp for munging iso8601...
2010-08-10 ericksonsimilar to findbib, replace dojox.data.dom.textContent...
2010-08-10 mikeraaaaand, another typo of the r17147 ilk
2010-08-10 ericksonrepaired typo/pasto in copy vis upgrade script
2010-08-09 gmcremoved executable bit from files that don't need it set
2010-08-09 dbsCreate the label_class object if null was returned...
2010-08-09 dbsCopy/paste-o; asset.call_number ne asset.call_number_class
2010-08-09 mikerIn order to speed up the API call where we ask for...
2010-08-09 dbsSQL 101: Remember to name all of the columns before...
2010-08-09 dbsTeach the staff client volume copy creator to respect...
2010-08-09 scottmkAdd middle layer functions for maintaining actor.usr_sa...
2010-08-09 dbsAnd... keep the index creation on asset.call_number...
2010-08-09 dbsAnd let's create those new auditor columns first, befor...
2010-08-09 ericksoncombine circ and user fetch into 1 cstore call for...
2010-08-09 dbsAvoid the NOT NULL problem on the auditor table by...
2010-08-09 dbsGet the entries into asset.call_number_class before...
2010-08-09 dbsPatch from Ben Ostrowsky <ben@esilibrary.com> to specif...
2010-08-07 dbsBasic call-number sorting by classification scheme
2010-08-07 dbsBuild 210.serial before 200.acq, because 200.acq refere...
2010-08-07 dbsFunctionality-affecting typo: subjet -> subject
2010-08-06 ericksonadd some tests for copy existence in checkin routines
2010-08-06 gmcbug 532217: work around caching issue resulting doubled...
2010-08-06 phasefxmenu.js and patron/display.js were passing xulG functio...
2010-08-06 ericksonrepaired circ-mod retrieval call to use retrieve instea...
2010-08-06 mikerIndex the internal bib id and tcn value to make searchi...
2010-08-06 scottmkRefine the way we detect loss of the database connection.
2010-08-06 gmcadded CentOS/RHEL packages for Business::ISBN and friend
2010-08-06 gmcbug 614150: bail out on ACTOR_USER_NOT_FOUND
2010-08-06 gmcbug 614132: fix glitch when used cached permission...
2010-08-05 phasefxFixed form validation with surveys (the filteringSelect...
2010-08-05 ericksonadded oils_obj:required attrs for circ_matrix_matchpoint
2010-08-05 ericksonhonoring IDL 'required' attr for autofieldwidget for...
2010-08-05 ericksonupdated IDL parser to 1) load oils_object:required...
2010-08-05 phasefxfix open-ils.circ.prev_renewal_chain.retrieve_by_circ...
2010-08-05 ericksonrepaired primary key column; removed trailing semi...
2010-08-05 ericksonprev commit left some un-esacped <'s. fixed
2010-08-05 mikerspeed up open circ counting and listing
2010-08-05 scottmkCorrecting some mistakes. Sequence names must be quali...
2010-08-05 ericksonLog the found matchpiont with indb circ policy test
2010-08-05 ericksonreturn the matched circ rule during inspect
2010-08-05 dbsThe old default skin is the new default skin
2010-08-05 dbsRemove OpenILS::Utils::FlatXML - code that has been...
2010-08-05 ericksonremoved some deprecated code
2010-08-05 phasefxdisable Create/Modify button in item attribute editor...
2010-08-05 phasefxfix color highlighting for xulrunner 1.9.2
2010-08-05 phasefxthe caption id was important after all, for keyboard...
2010-08-05 phasefxupdating some auditor tables that were causing problems...
2010-08-05 dbsFix typo in --boostrap option, keeping it as an alias...
2010-08-05 gmcbug 613703: normalize backdate on item checkin better
2010-08-04 phasefxadd Required to copy stat cat editor, add User Summary...
2010-08-04 ericksonno need to search for patron summary, instead retrieve...
2010-08-04 senatorProvide a handy method for dojo-based interfaces to...
2010-08-04 phasefxrequired column for item stat cats
2010-08-04 mikerallow ACQ-driven ordering and claiming of serial items
2010-08-04 ericksonrequire latest last_xact_id for payments
2010-08-04 phasefxtweak to item attribute editor to support hiding of...
2010-08-04 mikera glue method used to apply a template to a set of...
2010-08-04 mikersegregate the old version of facet-modified JS to be...
2010-08-04 dbsFirefox is picky about having attribute values quoted...
2010-08-04 dbsClose LP bug 613551 - JS error in Internet Explorer...
2010-08-04 ericksonupdated patron fee amount call to use cstore for speed
2010-08-04 phasefxprint missing pieces slip
2010-08-04 phasefxprevious changes to better support the embedded browser...
2010-08-04 atzSimple 1-line feature for EDI translator
2010-08-03 scottmkNew org unit setting type: serial.prev_issuance_copy_lo...
2010-08-03 atz0358 more values for acq.cancel_reason
2010-08-03 ericksonadded open-ils.circ.copy.due_date.retrieve API call...
2010-08-03 dbsSlight overhaul of ISBN indexing focused on the transla...
2010-08-03 dbsCorrect DDL for creating a fresh schema - match upgrade...
2010-08-02 mikerescape more in the cn label for browse xml
2010-08-02 atz0356 fixup - the updates otherwise failed for syntax...