2019-05-23 Jane SandbergLP1760599: Only show merge records action when multiple...
2019-05-23 Jason BoyerLP1790896: Receipt Errors with invalid emails
2019-05-23 Jason StephensonLp 1768987: Use FindBin in 24-sql-gettext-unique.t.
2019-05-23 Remington SteedDocs: Fix list formatting in recent release notes
2019-05-23 Jeff GodinLP#1796942 Treat VISA SIP payments as credit card
2019-05-23 Bill EricksonLP#1704819 Fine generator avoids int() rounding
2019-05-22 Bill EricksonLP1816679 Match Set Type selector options
2019-05-22 Bill EricksonLP1693580 Authority create/update API repairs
2019-05-22 Bill EricksonLP1693580 Marc editor notify and API changes
2019-05-22 Sam LinkLP1735754 - WGAC Compliance for Advanced Search
2019-05-21 Remington SteedDocs: fix uneven lengths of code delimiter blocks
2019-05-21 Daniel PearlLP#1029601: Prevent duplicate holds from double clicks
2019-05-20 Dan WellsLP#1774707 Quick fix-up: add missing comma
2019-05-20 Kyle Huckinslp1538678 MARC edit warning prompt translateable strings
2019-05-20 Kyle Huckinslp1538678 Apply Warning Prompt when leaving dirty MARC...
2019-05-20 Bill EricksonLP1817601 MARC Flat Text Editor Monospace Font
2019-05-20 Bill EricksonLP1774707 Stamping DB update: group members grid
2019-05-20 Michele MorganLP#1774707: Add Seed Data for worstation setting for...
2019-05-20 Remington SteedLP#1774707: Allow saving Group Member Details grid...
2019-05-20 Remington SteedLP#1669120: Make scrollable dropdown height match colum...
2019-05-17 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.3.1
2019-05-17 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.2.6
2019-05-17 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.1.12
2019-05-16 Bill EricksonLP1813633 TCN search can find deleted records
2019-05-14 Jeff DavisLP#1788680 prevent copy template apply failure on null...
2019-05-10 Bill EricksonLP1823982 Vandelay Match Set new tree repair
2019-05-08 Jason BoyerStamping upgrade script for Vandelay on PG10
2019-05-08 Jason StephensonLP1820339: Vandelay Imports on Pg 10
2019-05-08 Jason BoyerLP1820339: Vandelay Imports on Pg 10
2019-05-07 Jason BoyerLP1806394: Placing Holds in Item Buckets
2019-05-07 Galen CharltonLP#1826890: set page title for Statistical Popularity...
2019-05-07 Mike RylanderLP#1792188: Record -> View Holds fails to refresh on...
2019-05-07 blakeLP1803729 action_trigger_aggregator.pl help indicates...
2019-05-03 Remington SteedLP#1782014 Fix grid path for Title in patron items out
2019-05-01 Jason StephensonLp 1752968: Select content when focusing on the barcode...
2019-05-01 Jason StephensonLp 1752968: Focus Barcode Field in Volumes/Copy Editor
2019-05-01 Jason StephensonLP 1333893: Keep Empty Bib on Volume Transfer
2019-04-29 Galen CharltonLP#1814943: (follow-up) remove ersatz ctx.page_type...
2019-04-29 McCannaLP#1814943 Closed Dates Editor Tab Missing Title
2019-04-29 Jeff DavisLP#1823387: avoid double slashes in booking URLs, which...
2019-04-25 Bill EricksonLP1642036 Group member detail grid query repair
2019-04-25 Remington SteedDocs: Fix TIP block and list formatting
2019-04-25 Katie G. MartinDocs: Updated checkin modifiers
2019-04-24 Bill EricksonLP1793005 Stamping upgrade / print settings as workstat...
2019-04-24 Bill EricksonLP#1793005 Angular6 Hatch support / printer settings
2019-04-24 Galen CharltonLP#1778940: stamp schema update
2019-04-24 Galen CharltonLP#1778940: (follow-up) create indexes concurrently...
2019-04-24 Jason BoyerLP1778940: Add Indexes to ate.*_output
2019-04-24 Galen CharltonLP#1825578: reverse direction of sort-order arrows...
2019-04-18 Dan WellsTrivial change to file header comment
2019-04-18 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for holds prefetch setting
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 WS Option to pre-fetch record holds
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 Grid checkboxes emit events
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 Release notes - record holds tab
2019-04-18 Bill EricksonLP1818288 Ang staff catalog record detail holds tab...
2019-04-12 Dan ScottDocs: fix uneven lengths of code delimiter blocks
2019-04-11 Jane SandbergLP1821196: Remove arrow function from item status
2019-04-11 Dan WellsForward port 3.3.0 upgrade script
2019-04-11 Remington SteedDocs: Point to release notes for new version 3.3
2019-04-10 Jason Etheridgelp1145213 avoid race condition in bib merge test
2019-04-08 Jane SandbergLP1744386: Alphabetize stat cats in volcopy attr editor
2019-04-08 Dan ScottLP#1666987: Include a user-agent to build the relator map
2019-03-28 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.11 upgrade script
2019-03-28 Dan WellsTranslation updates - po files
2019-03-28 Dan WellsTranslation updates - newpot
2019-03-28 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.5 upgrade script
2019-03-28 Bill EricksonCoerce numbers for bib IDs in Angular staff catalog
2019-03-26 Dan WellsFix Asciidoc levels in 3.3 release notes
2019-03-26 Bill EricksonLP1821067 Angular i18n uses XMB; cs-CZ examples
2019-03-26 Bill EricksonLP1821067 Angular Czech translation bundle
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Sandbox editor handles dismissals
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Allow Combobox to default to field id
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Admin grids preload combobox values
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Basic admin page readonlyFields repair
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Angular fm-editor uses combobox
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1811288 Combobox support entrylist+async / id labels
2019-03-25 Bill EricksonLP1821409 Ang admin editor clears fields on new
2019-03-25 Jane SandbergLP1797934: follow-up: make the reservations tab in...
2019-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: finalizing 3.3 release notes and related document...
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1819179 PCRUD selector fleshing handles maps
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1819179 IDL2js includes 'map' attribute data
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1819179: Angular value formatter gets link smarts
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1812670 Angular grid shows selector labels
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1807461 Admin page avoid errors on dialog dismissal
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP1807458 Eg2 grid Edit option lint repairs
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1807461 FM-editor show danger toasts when create...
2019-03-22 Bill EricksonLP#1807458 Angular admin grid Edit Selected option
2019-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: more improvements to 3.3 release notes and relate...
2019-03-22 Jane SandbergDocs: Revising 3.3 release notes and related docs
2019-03-22 abneimandocs: Statcat updates
2019-03-22 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.2.5
2019-03-22 Remington SteedDocs: Add bugfix release notes for 3.1.11
2019-03-20 Bill EricksonLP1776736 Record merge marc edit repairs
2019-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1780639: fix error made when stamping DB update
2019-03-20 Galen CharltonLP#1709698: fix error made when stamping DB update
2019-03-19 Josh StomproLP1749502 - Holds Pull List Print Order
2019-03-19 Jason StephensonLP 1749502: Add Call Number Prefix & Suffix to pull...
2019-03-19 Kyle Huckinslp1749502 Prefix patch
2019-03-19 Kyle Huckinslp1749502 Holds Pull List Print Order
2019-03-13 Bill EricksonLP1739293 Record merged edit-in-place avoid wrap