2010-03-25 ericksonWhitespace prettyfication
2010-03-25 ericksonFormal documentation via method registration (KCLS...
2010-03-25 ericksonfix typo: strin => string
2010-03-25 dbsFix warning from comparison with a possibly undef variable
2010-03-25 senatorAcq: Fund tag admin UI - this is just the CRUD part...
2010-03-25 scottmkReplace claim_interval column with claim_policy column...
2010-03-25 mikeradd a table to allow labelling (and eventual expansion...
2010-03-25 mikercapture multiple values (on pg 8.4) of an attr def
2010-03-25 scottmkReplace acq.lineitem.claim_interval and acq.provider...
2010-03-25 phasefxfix some bugs that slipped in with AutoFieldWidget...
2010-03-25 ericksonrepaired signature params name
2010-03-25 ericksonremoved unused vars for clarity, make use of the depth...
2010-03-25 senatorAcq: Fixed fund dropdowns for new copies and copies...
2010-03-25 scottmkCreate two tables in acq schema: claim_policy and claim...
2010-03-25 ericksonMinor refactors for clarity:
2010-03-25 ericksonMid-process of reworking the method registrations
2010-03-25 ericksonperltidy prepass
2010-03-25 ericksonreverting d2c33efd962378c3fa211ef08b8151f074953052...
2010-03-25 scottmkCorrected version number in the update to config.upgrad...
2010-03-25 ericksonremoved unused vars for clarity, make use of the depth...
2010-03-25 scottmk1. In order to avoid repeated calls to the authenticati...
2010-03-24 senatorAcq: limit "Fund" dropdowns in LID table to active...
2010-03-24 mikerprovide indexes for the new faceting code
2010-03-24 mikerplan stability through casting for plpgsql; improve...
2010-03-24 ericksonbreak before worksheet contents
2010-03-24 ericksonadded some data to the acq lineitem worksheet. added...
2010-03-24 phasefxCancel with Reason for User Requests (tweaked the ML...
2010-03-24 mikerdebugging flag leaked in
2010-03-24 mikersupport facet-only "search" Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenI...
2010-03-24 mikerconditionally quote strings that start with numbers...
2010-03-24 senatorAcq: minor fix to the worksheet UI
2010-03-24 ericksonadded import profile selector and auto-merge-1-match...
2010-03-24 ericksonadded selector display column to merge profile table
2010-03-24 mikersplit search/fact metadata; add facet syntax
2010-03-24 senatorAcq: Add access to lineitem worksheet from LI table...
2010-03-24 dbs"Active" in this context means "Enabled", not not-passi...
2010-03-24 phasefxfor user requests, View Picklist instead of Add to...
2010-03-24 scottmkClear up some muddlement in the design of query.from_re...
2010-03-24 ericksonprovided a batch mode for open-ils.actor.container...
2010-03-24 ericksonfor added security, allow for the configuration of...
2010-03-24 ericksonanonymous cache service for web caching
2010-03-23 mikerswitching to the query parser ... truncation support!
2010-03-23 mikertypos in reservation logic
2010-03-23 phasefxexclude server/ from build.tar with the bundle target...
2010-03-23 phasefxprogressmeter as a "throbber" for page loads, etc....
2010-03-23 senatorAcq: optionally mark POs as prepayment_required; show...
2010-03-23 scottmkTweak to reflect a better understanding of oilsUtilsQui...
2010-03-22 dbsForward-port r15933 from rel_1_6_0: Default to "true...
2010-03-22 phasefxAdd to Picklist function for acq user requests. Disabl...
2010-03-22 scottmkAdd the const qualifier to one variable. Tidy up white...
2010-03-22 scottmkApplied the const qualifier to a couple of variables.
2010-03-22 mikerprotect ingest against < in the data -- subfield codes...
2010-03-22 mikermove the rule to /after/ we create the referenced schem...
2010-03-22 scottmkFixing blooper in the version number of an upgrade...
2010-03-22 mikerprovide valid xml for the magical -1 precat record...
2010-03-21 mikerQueryParser-based stored proc, and adjustments to calli...
2010-03-21 mikermake #metabib an alias for #metarecord
2010-03-21 mikerremove OFFSET/LIMIT -- do that inside the stored proc...
2010-03-21 mikeradd phrase cross-checking
2010-03-19 mikerinitial perl-side implementation of QueryParser-based...
2010-03-19 mikeradd support for pub date filters; add superpage-related...
2010-03-19 mikerpull the query parser implementation in at startup
2010-03-18 scottmkPerformance tweak to oilsAuthComplete().
2010-03-18 mikersupport * as a truncation operator in FTS. NOTE: this...
2010-03-18 mikerreturn mapped legacy events from in-db circ, so that...
2010-03-18 mikerneed to pass the $client to transactional methods
2010-03-18 mikermake sure these selects run against the master db by...
2010-03-18 ericksonrepaired grid name in new/delete button actions. set...
2010-03-18 ericksonrepaired sequence name for merge profile class
2010-03-18 ericksonupdated copyright
2010-03-18 mikeraccounting for a difference between the behaviour of...
2010-03-18 mikercut-n-paste-o
2010-03-18 mikerescape &s in xml nodes (not sure why XPATH does not...
2010-03-18 ericksonupdated docs to match new/altered option; changed...
2010-03-18 ericksonadded option to import records by record list in additi...
2010-03-18 ericksonCorrect constructor call, and added logger line
2010-03-18 ericksonMissing ->new constructor
2010-03-18 ericksonqueue is an integer option
2010-03-18 ericksonImplement tempdir, tempfile option.
2010-03-18 ericksonAdding new methodolgoy, robust docs, new options
2010-03-18 ericksonTrivial doc change
2010-03-18 ericksonMake GetOpts::Long and Cronscript get along
2010-03-18 ericksonallow oils_logout to take a specific argument, optionally
2010-03-18 ericksonMid-refactor move data processing into sub
2010-03-18 ericksonMid-overhaul, perldoc added
2010-03-18 ericksonDefault config file for marc_stream_importer (Net:...
2010-03-17 scottmkTweaked oilsAuthVerifyPassword(), mostly for clarity:
2010-03-17 phasefxmake this use a transaction or replication lag can...
2010-03-17 mikerdelete the metarecord link for "deleted" records
2010-03-17 mikersyntax error in fkey cascade
2010-03-17 scottmkAdd four tables in acq schema: claim, claim_type, claim...
2010-03-16 phasefxmake batch renewal use synchronous calls again to bette...
2010-03-16 mikertypo spotted by Steve Callender and Dan Scott
2010-03-16 mikerForward-porting r15845: Fixing broken multi-question...
2010-03-16 scottmkAdded doxygen-style comments to several functions.
2010-03-16 mikerImproved patch from Galen Charlton: removes empty XML...
2010-03-16 senatorAcq: detail.tt2 -> info.tt2 ("detail" misleadingly...
2010-03-16 mikerPatch from Galen Charlton: removes empty controlfield...
2010-03-16 mikeruse logical date math to avoid problems with DST boundary
2010-03-16 ericksonrepaired key names in json query response