2023-04-19 Stephanie LearyLP1994711 Semantic H1 headings for page titles
2023-04-19 Jane SandbergLP1929593 stamp upgrade script
2023-04-19 Jane SandbergLP1929593 (follow-up) address make livecheck warning
2023-04-19 Jason EtheridgeLP1929593 UPDATE_COPY_BARCODE permission
2023-04-18 Jeff DavisLP#1996651: treat empty string as null for preferred...
2023-04-16 Stephanie LearyLP2016337 Refresh grids in booking return tabs
2023-04-16 Stephanie LearyLP2016341 Fix duplicate ID in staff catalog record
2023-04-07 Garry CollumLP1889916 SMS Carrier does not include region in borrow...
2023-04-04 Galen CharltonLP#1716479: (follow-up) fix handling of onSave callback...
2023-04-04 Jane SandbergLP1716479: Make sure authority linker works in embedded...
2023-04-03 Jason StephensonDocs: More README Cleanup
2023-04-03 Jason StephensonDocs: Remove extraneous blank line from README introduc...
2023-03-31 Galen Charltondocs: (follow-up) tweak OpenAthens doc
2023-03-31 spmorrisonAdd files via upload
2023-03-31 spmorrisonDocs: Configuring sign-on to OpenAthens
2023-03-31 Jason StephensonLP1970476: Restore Localization Function Wrapper
2023-03-31 Terran McCannaLP1970476 Where filter in Bootstrap Catalog Produces...
2023-03-31 Jason StephensonLP1965797: Add Acq Lineitem Detail Audit Table
2023-03-31 Galen CharltonLP#1981774: (follow-up) fix a straggling "opac-button"
2023-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1981774: use Bootstrap CSS classes for buttons inste...
2023-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1981774: fix button CSS on curbside in Bootstrap...
2023-03-31 Galen CharltonLP#1752334: (follow-up) adjust to allow "0" as a note
2023-03-31 Josh StomproLP#1752334 - BadContact, use additional note if provided.
2023-03-30 Jane SandbergLP1879517: Surveys shouldn't end before they begin
2023-03-30 Galen CharltonLP#1990968: add release notes
2023-03-30 Jason StephensonLP1990968: Move Strict Barcode Checkbox in Angular...
2023-03-30 Scott AngelLP#1990968: Move strict barcode checkbox
2023-03-29 Galen CharltonLP#2007073: add release notes
2023-03-29 Galen CharltonLP#2007073: stamp DB update
2023-03-29 Dan BriemLP#2007073 Staff Should Only Select Manual Hold Cancel...
2023-03-29 blakeLP#1964986: encourage distinct results when querying...
2023-03-28 Gina MontiLP#19801356 Making 'username' consistent in the OPAC
2023-03-28 Galen CharltonLP#1959010: (follow-up) break up long lines in release...
2023-03-28 Jason Etheridgelp1959010 release notes
2023-03-28 Galen Charltonlp1959010 have the staff display component check search...
2023-03-28 Jason Etheridgelp1959010 toward Staff View tab
2023-03-28 Stephanie Learylp1959010 CSS and layout tweaks
2023-03-28 Jason Etheridgelp1959010 toward Staff View tab
2023-03-27 Galen CharltonLP#1972738: stamp schema update
2023-03-27 Galen CharltonLP#1972738: add an ANALYZE after the index gets created
2023-03-27 Jason StephensonLP1972738: Add index on hopeless date
2023-03-27 Chris SharpLP#1369345: de-duplicate ILS events and clean up whitespace
2023-03-27 Galen Charltonremove release notes entries made moot by security...
2023-03-27 Galen Charltonforward-port 3.10 upgrade scripts
2023-03-27 Galen Charltonforward-port version upgrade scripts
2023-03-27 Galen Charltonfix title of the 3.10 release notes document
2023-03-24 Michele MorganDocs: 3.10.1 release notes - edited
2023-03-24 Michele MorganDocs: 3.9.2 release notes - edited
2023-03-24 Galen Charltonupdate 3.8.3 release notes to include security fix...
2023-03-24 Galen Charltonupdate 3.9.2 release notes to include security fix...
2023-03-24 Galen Charltonupdate 3.10.1 release notes to include security fix
2023-03-24 Andrea Buntz... Docs: 3.10.1 release notes
2023-03-24 Andrea Buntz... Docs: 3.9.2 release notes
2023-03-24 Andrea Buntz... Docs: 3.8.3 release notes
2023-03-23 Galen CharltonLP#1361782: (follow-up) fix the default search limit...
2023-03-23 Galen CharltonLP#1361782: stamp DB update
2023-03-23 Mike RylanderDoS protection release notes
2023-03-23 Mike RylanderLP#1361782: Add DoS protection
2023-03-23 Mike Rylanderqtype CGI param protection release notes
2023-03-23 Mike RylanderLP#1811685: qtype CGI parameter checking
2023-03-23 Jessica WoolfordLP # 1965447: adjust scoping of item tags Angular Holdi...
2023-03-18 Josh StomproLP#2012105 - Comment typo in AddedContent.pm
2023-03-17 Michele MorganLP#2002435 release note
2023-03-17 Jane SandbergLP2002435: Add optional undelete action to basic admin...
2023-03-17 Jane SandbergLP2002435: Don't allow shelving location fm-editor...
2023-03-13 spmorrisonDocs: Update describing_your_organization.adoc
2023-03-09 Gina MontiUpdating best practices for web browser to include...
2023-03-08 Andrea Buntz... Docs: removing XUL reference from web staff client...
2023-03-08 Jane SandbergDocs: LP1863921 max-old-space-size param when building...
2023-03-05 Jason BoyerSync upgrade_log
2023-03-05 Jason BoyerLP1441750: Stamp Upgrade Script
2023-03-05 Jason StephensonLP#1441750: use string_agg (again and again)
2023-03-05 Ben ShumLP#1441750: use string_agg (again)
2023-03-05 Mike RylanderLP#1996908: Expand support for eg.auth.token to other...
2023-03-05 Galen CharltonLP#1996908: allow OpenILS::WWW::Proxy::Authen to check...
2023-03-05 Mike RisherLP1625192 Filtering Grid refreshes to 1st Page
2023-03-05 Jason BoyerLP1998355: Stamp Upgrade Script
2023-03-05 Galen CharltonLP#1998355: reduce growth of DYM dictionary
2023-03-03 Galen CharltonLP#2007351: fix the MARC editor heading linker for...
2023-03-03 Michele MorganLP#1999401 release note
2023-03-03 Jane SandbergLP1999401: Don't override magic statuses from holdings...
2023-03-03 Jane SandbergLP1999401: Don't apply magic statuses from holdings...
2023-03-03 Jennifer PringleLP#1706664 - This adds Mark Item docs
2023-03-03 Jane SandbergLP2002977 release note
2023-03-03 Tiffany LittleLP2002977 Flip position of LI alert boxes
2023-03-02 Galen CharltonLP#1980142: adjust styling of patron message body in...
2023-03-02 Stephanie LearyLP1989284 Input labels for Manage Authorities
2023-03-02 Bill EricksonLP1997098 Stamping DB Upgrade: PG 15
2023-03-02 Jason StephensonLP1997098: Add Support for PostgreSQL 15
2023-03-02 Jason StephensonLp 2008925: Patch Templates Adversely Affected by Lp...
2023-03-02 Jason StephensonLP1940662: Add a --pipe option to marc_export
2023-03-02 Stephanie LearyLP1814978 Keyboard support for bib record actions
2023-03-02 Jessica WoolfordLP #1998494: Angular Holdings Editor: Cannot create...
2023-03-01 Galen CharltonLP#2003707: add releases note entry
2023-03-01 Jason BoyerLP2003707: Add an OpenSRF Core Config Param to autogen.sh
2023-03-01 Galen CharltonLP#1987910: stamp DB update
2023-03-01 Gina MontiLP1987910: Correcting typo in opac.located_uri.act_as_copy
2023-03-01 Galen CharltonLP#1987908: stamp DB update
2023-03-01 Scott AngelLP1987908: Fixing typo in seed data for history.money...
2023-03-01 Gina MontiLP1987908: Fixing typo in seed data for history.money...