2010-07-26 gmcimprove description of VIEW_PERMIT_CHECKOUT and VIEW_HO...
2010-07-26 dbsMention oils_web.xml in the README
2010-07-26 dbsUpdate README and prereq installer for Evergreen trunk:
2010-07-23 scottmkAdd procedure action.apply_fieldset.
2010-07-23 mikerForward-port r17024: include null fields, via .toStoreI...
2010-07-23 phasefxlogic error preventing deletion of addresses in patron...
2010-07-23 phasefxsupport printing of stat cats and surveys from patron...
2010-07-23 ericksonlog the IP address of the connecting client
2010-07-22 senatorAcq: revert something I didn't mean in r17013
2010-07-22 ericksonAdded option to link a (freerange) lineitem to a catalog
2010-07-22 ericksonfixed bug in related lineitems page where it was attemp...
2010-07-22 gmcbug #608937: make barcode search from main patron searc...
2010-07-22 senatorAcq: attempt to fix issue where adding copies in an...
2010-07-22 senatorAcq: always show "add to new selection list" / "create...
2010-07-22 mikerupgrade script and version bump for r17007
2010-07-22 mikerretain the indicators on located uri 856 merge during...
2010-07-21 ericksonadded an 'Add Brief Record' button to the PO interface...
2010-07-21 ericksonadd collection code as non-i18n version of shelving...
2010-07-21 ericksonpushed view-in-catalog link up to the main lineitem...
2010-07-21 mikerprotect acn, acp and auri from our $lib faking
2010-07-21 mikeradd parameter support to acn, acp and auri unapi axes
2010-07-21 mikeradd copy_circ_lib and copy_owning_lib to circ matrix...
2010-07-21 gmcimprove documentation of macros available to receipt...
2010-07-21 mikerindex which /greatly/ speeds collection of pending...
2010-07-21 scottmkTwo new tables in action schema: fieldset and fieldset_...
2010-07-20 gmcset truncation to 1 for all biblios.net Z39.50 attributes
2010-07-20 ericksonlogin just before starting work and log out after each...
2010-07-20 ericksonflush the xmpp socket before attempting to process...
2010-07-20 ericksonadded support for selecting individual copy statuses...
2010-07-20 mikerPatch from John Craig providing a saner timestamp clean...
2010-07-20 mikerbackporting r16982: use the correct table and field...
2010-07-20 ericksonmd5 module is deprecated; move to hashlib
2010-07-19 mikeruse abs() to get page number in either direction
2010-07-19 mikeruse LEFT JOIN to allow a single query to count copies...
2010-07-19 ericksonupdated default estimated hold wait display to handle...
2010-07-19 ericksonwhen calculating estimed hold wait time, don't ignore...
2010-07-19 ericksonrepaired sql syntax for upgrade log commit
2010-07-18 mikerput the null return back, in case that is important...
2010-07-18 mikerremove ingest service call from authority import thanks...
2010-07-17 dbsTeach marc2sre.pl MFHD record ingest script to read...
2010-07-17 dbsSwitch to ingesting authority records automatically...
2010-07-17 dbsFix schema creation breakage. Damn you dangling commas.
2010-07-16 gmcadd seed for COPY_NEEDED_FOR_HOLD.override permission
2010-07-16 dbsIt is important to update the upgrade_log to prevent...
2010-07-16 ericksonreturn NULL terminator to indicate successful read...
2010-07-16 phasefxget rid of the chrome instantiated sound object so...
2010-07-16 gmcmake --timeout actually work if setting a timeout ...
2010-07-16 dbsserial.record_entry already had an owner column spelled...
2010-07-16 dbsAdd the new owner column to the are object in the IDL
2010-07-16 ericksonrearrange while loop to prevent error: Can't 'last...
2010-07-16 gmcadd --timeout switch to marc_export
2010-07-16 gmcwhitespace consistency improvements
2010-07-16 mikeruse a left join instead of -not-exists for anti-join...
2010-07-15 senatorThis should have been part of r16946. Now the Translat...
2010-07-15 phasefxHave open-ils.circ.circulation.due_date.update return...
2010-07-15 phasefxmore configuration options for date/timepicker dialog...
2010-07-15 phasefxwrong variable; could refresh the wrong rows
2010-07-15 phasefxallow open-ils.circ.hold.update.batch to apply nulls...
2010-07-15 phasefxadd copy circ lib to alternative item details view
2010-07-15 senatormake openils.widget.TranslatorPopup a little more envir...
2010-07-15 mikerARG! Missed a semicolon. Perl, be like JS and make...
2010-07-15 ericksonreturn # of imported and failed records to the caller
2010-07-15 dbsProtect authority records from real deletion and add...
2010-07-15 mikercompanion to "browse", which drops you into the middle...
2010-07-15 dbsDelete links to deleted bib records as part of biblio...
2010-07-15 gmcbug 605921: fix bib search hang on queries like "title...
2010-07-15 gmcbug 605884: make MARC expert search of control fields...
2010-07-15 dbsasset.merge_record_assets() needs auth_link declaration...
2010-07-15 dbsOn second thought, delete authority links pointing...
2010-07-15 dbsTeach assets.merge_record_assets() to also merge author...
2010-07-14 dbsAuthority records get some fixed-field love in the...
2010-07-14 dbsCSS makes things visible, or not. Display the nascent...
2010-07-14 scottmkWhen returning a list of bind variables: If a default_...
2010-07-14 dbsSet the 004 of the new MFHD record to the ID of the...
2010-07-14 dbsIn theory, this would be a step towards MFHD records...
2010-07-14 dbsvalidate.tag.id_list: Return an empty list instead...
2010-07-14 dbsImprove auto-authority-control processing script:
2010-07-13 dbsBe more relaxed about what we receive in Vandelay ...
2010-07-13 mikerremove even more namespace prefixes ... take THAT, IE!
2010-07-13 dbsRelax bib type parsing a little and allow spaces (like...
2010-07-13 scottmkQstore: support LIMIT and OFFSET clauses.
2010-07-13 dbsMake maintain_901() more robust in the presence of...
2010-07-13 dbsStub script for adding authority control to an existing...
2010-07-13 scottmkAdd limit_count and offset_count columns to query.store...
2010-07-13 dbsAdd 100$e (relator) and 711$c (Location of meeting...
2010-07-12 dbsWhitespace consistency for Vandelay
2010-07-12 dbsPrevent MARC batch import from blindly trusting the...
2010-07-12 senatorMake a translate button available in the name column...
2010-07-12 phasefxprintable_output() for the patron editor, given that...
2010-07-12 phasefxprinting the contents of iframes is sometimes problemat...
2010-07-12 gmcprotect against deletion of serial.unit rows
2010-07-12 gmccache OPAC-visibility of copies and bibs
2010-07-12 dbsSeveral fixes for authority-controlled field and contro...
2010-07-12 dbsNFC() needs Unicode::Normalize - strange that this...
2010-07-12 mikerfacet query correction
2010-07-11 mikerthinko in upgrade script
2010-07-11 mikerbreak facets out to a separate table for speed
2010-07-09 dbsdojo == elegant; refactor cursor up/down and hide fixed...
2010-07-09 dbsNew feature: maintain control numbers (001, 003, 035...
2010-07-09 dbsRestore whitespace consistency (spaces not tabs)