2021-09-21 Josh StomproLP#1642000 - Add Call number prefix, suffix and part...
2021-09-21 Josh StomproLP#1642000 - Bootstrap Opac - Add CN Prefix, Suffix...
2021-09-21 Josh StomproLP#1642000 - Add CN Prefix, Suffix and Parts to opac...
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1844121: prevent staff login by expired barcode
2021-09-21 Terran McCannaLP1904754 Former precat still displays precat info
2021-09-21 Bill EricksonLP1904593 Remove errant color[sic].log() call
2021-09-21 Bill EricksonLP1903357 Angstcat Hold Activate Date Validation
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1737019: stamp schema update
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1737019: add release notes entry
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1737019: (follow-up) more tweaks
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1737019: (follow-up) fix issue in schema update
2021-09-21 Tiffany LittleLP#1737019 Add an active flag to funding sources
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1929242: stamp DB update
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1929242: edit release notes
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1929242: (follow-up) additional tweaks
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1929242: (follow-up) add grid config WS setting
2021-09-20 Rogan HambyLP#1929242: add missing comma
2021-09-20 Rogan HambyLP#1929242: add release notes
2021-09-20 Rogan HambyLP#1929242: add interface for editing bib record notes
2021-09-20 Chris SharpLP#1846354 - stamp upgrade script
2021-09-20 Jason Etheridgelp1846354 additional tweaks and fixes
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1846354: update Angular new penalty dialog
2021-09-20 Jason Etheridgelp1846354 misc fixes
2021-09-20 Galen Charltonlp1846354 revisions to upgrade script
2021-09-20 Mike RylanderLP#1846354 various speed improvements
2021-09-20 Jason Etheridgelp1846354 toward consolidated patron notes
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1928363: add release notes entry
2021-09-20 Bill EricksonLP1928363 Fix PCRUD permission
2021-09-20 Bill EricksonLP1928363 Item circ info for Holdings tab
2021-09-20 Adam BowlingLP1937875: Remove GitHub reference from package.js
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1904593: stamp DB update
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1904593: added release notes
2021-09-20 Rogan HambyLP#1904593: new library setting for My Account URL
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1906855: add release notes entry
2021-09-20 Terran McCannaLP1906855 Additional CSS for mobile display
2021-09-20 Terran McCannaLP1906855 Show Covers in My Account
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1922273: stamp DB update
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1922273: add release note
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1922273: (follow-up) adjust positioning of filters
2021-09-20 Jeff DavisLP#1922273: use a setting to determine which advanced...
2021-09-20 Jeff DavisLP#1922273: staff catalog: put is_simple filter options...
2021-09-20 Dan BriemLP#1917338 Angular: Holdings view column picker missing...
2021-09-20 Jason BoyerLP1908614: Show the Age Hold Protection name in the...
2021-09-20 Terran McCannaLP1786971 z39.50 incorporate Bill's changes
2021-09-20 Bill EricksonLP1786971 TCN fetching and maintenance tweaks
2021-09-20 Terran McCannaLP1786971 z39.50 add TCN to overlay popups as well
2021-09-20 Jessica WoolfordLP1786971 z39.50 using TCN instead of ID
2021-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1928359: add release notes entry
2021-09-20 Bill EricksonLP1928359 Add item circ info to Item Table
2021-09-20 Tiffany LittleLP1906826: Changes column header for purchase order...
2021-09-20 Dan BriemLP#1929587 Place hold button in staff client
2021-09-20 Josh StomproLP1866667 - Clear current_copy when pickup_lib is chang...
2021-09-20 Josh StomproLP#1821804 - Cloned patron address set to pending
2021-09-20 Jason Etheridgelp1859502 fix A/T ApplyPatronPenalty reactor
2021-09-15 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script
2021-09-15 Jason Etheridgelp1905028 lost items and price versus acq cost
2021-09-08 Terran McCannaLP1752356 Offline Block List Download Date
2021-09-08 Bill EricksonLP1752356 Offline expired patrons download date additions
2021-09-08 Mike RisherLP1752356 Offline block list date addition
2021-09-08 Jason BoyerLP1170795 Stamp Database Update
2021-09-08 Jason BoyerLP1170795: Void deposits on checkin
2021-09-08 blakeLP1170795: Void deposits on checkin
2021-09-08 Mike RylanderLP#1823983: repeat_delay check removes event definition...
2021-09-08 Garry CollumLP1809157 SMS Carriers display not in alphabetical...
2021-09-07 Jeff DavisLP#1932051: serialize adding items to bucket from Item...
2021-09-07 Chris SharpLP#1932051: Batch calls for add items to bucket
2021-09-02 Dan BriemLP#1743611 Circ History by Year Info
2021-08-27 Jason BoyerLP827356: Stamp Ugrade Script
2021-08-27 Rogan Hambylp827356 new rules protect bre -1, acn -1 and acl 1...
2021-08-27 Jason BoyerLP1931162: Stamp Upgrade Script
2021-08-27 Mike RylanderLP#1931162: DYM needs some situational optimization
2021-08-18 Jason Etheridgelp1908439 Auto-override enhancment
2021-08-16 Jason BoyerRepair missing line in seed data causing build failures
2021-08-15 Galen CharltonLP#1888723: stamp DB update
2021-08-15 Galen CharltonLP#1888723: tweak eg-item-location-select
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Disable special copy statuses in status selector
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Support disabling select entries in combobox
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Item location select honors context org
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Avoid save warning on vol load; vol save...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Traditional catalog still uses traditional...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Remove ref. to nonexistent workstation setting
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Manage mode for single-copy edits notes/tags...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular volcopy Apply All actions
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Merge repairs
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Avoid defaulting CN labels for existing CN's
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Adds call number edit link to catalog copy...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Remove no longer needed (click) handler
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Sort new-volum holding orgs alphabetically
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Use existing user setting for copy templates
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Repair Add Item Alerts action
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Value summaries '1 copy' vs 'x copies'
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Volcopy strings should be global
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Copy value counts separation
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Call number modification repair
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Detect unapplied changes; improve tab change
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Improve copy default status lookup
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Unsaved changes navigation warning
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Add/Manage item notes from catalog holdings
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Item notes dialog and volcopy entry point
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Copy tag dialog placeholder fixes