2006-05-04 |
djfiander | '0' is a valid sequence number (it comes after '9'... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | minor cleanups |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | Add a bunch of tests, and stock field checks |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | Make sure to set BL: Patron Valid when the patron is... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | Fix formatting, export FID_PATRON_BIRTHDATE FID_PATRON_... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | Add support for FID_PATRON_BIRTHDATE (PB) and FID_PATRO... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | Add stub methods sip_birthdate and ptype, to support... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-30 |
djfiander | Change port for raw socket connection from 5300 (chosen... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Very basic tests. This will be a big test case. I... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Generalize handling of tagged fields, so we can reuse... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Fix Patron Information message handling to parallel... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Replace call to nonexistent method 'hold_items_count... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Return an item title, even if the checkout failed ... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Clean up handling of Patron Status Response messages... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-26 |
djfiander | Create code to test tagged field values, create tests... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-21 |
djfiander | Initial test environment |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-21 |
djfiander | Clean up handling of SIP boolean flags, and fix interfa... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-19 |
djfiander | Remove hold_items_count method, and move the code to... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Implement code to handle Renew All messages. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Minor cleanups. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Minor cleanups. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | add messages for Renew, Renew All, and Patron Enable |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Move add_count() to Sip.pm from Sip::MsgType.pm |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Implement stubs necessary for Renew All support. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Switch to AUTOLOAD-based field access |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Stub code to handle renewals |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Add stub code necessary to support item renewal |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-16 |
djfiander | Add support for Renew message |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Change IP on service so that it will work regardless... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Stub code to handle status returned by a "hold" transac... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Clean up some test messages so they work against the... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Add support for Hold message |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Add support for placing, altering, and cancelling holds |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Use the new $patron->block() method. Implement support... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Move block() from the ILS into the ILS::Patron. Create the |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-15 |
djfiander | Get handling of institution IDs right. Make "block_pat... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Add support for Status Update message |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Add stub to handle Status Update message |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | use the new ILS::check_inst_id to verify the institutio... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Added stub routines that provide support for the Item... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Sip::timestamp now takes an optional parameter (seconds... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | new ILS takes an institution configuration as input... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Added code to verify the institution id, and to manage... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Delete handling of "FID_FEE_ITEMS", since it doesn... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-14 |
djfiander | Delete non-existent "FID_FEE_ITEMS", since we heard... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-12 |
djfiander | Don't use "ILS::pay_fee()", use "$ils->pay_fee()" |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-12 |
djfiander | Change label for tag generation |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-12 |
djfiander | More documentation |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-12 |
djfiander | Initial documentation for the ILS.pm portable interface... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-07 |
miker-pines | adding loadable module support |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Base makefile that just simplifies some common operations |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Stub for Fee Paid functionality. Right now this is... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Implement stub support for Checkin operations in the ILS |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Implement Superclass handlers necessary for Checkin... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Implement Checking and Fee Paid response messages |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Fix calculation of ends of lists of items used in the... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Add support necessary for Checkin operation |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Implement Checkin and Fee Payment stubs |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-04-05 |
djfiander | Strip off error detection fields, since they're automat... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-29 |
djfiander | Add support for End Patron Session message |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-29 |
djfiander | Add end_patron_session stub |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-29 |
djfiander | Added Patron Information request message |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-29 |
djfiander | Move $last_response here from Sip/MsgType.pm |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-29 |
djfiander | Restructure code to handle Patron Information message... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-29 |
djfiander | Create stub APIs that provide information needed for... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-26 |
djfiander | Defined field identify FID_FEE_ITEMS. This field id... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-26 |
djfiander | Moved utility functions from Sip::Msgtype to here. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-26 |
djfiander | Add support for "Patron Information" message and move... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-22 |
djfiander | changed service IP address |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-22 |
djfiander | Create fields to store pending "screen message" and... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-22 |
djfiander | "block patron" stub implemented. Basically just flag... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-22 |
djfiander | Block Patron implemented. This required extracting... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Deleted sub y_or_n(), since it duplicates |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Define subs that provide status information necessary for |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Delete vestigal build_checkout_failed subroutine, convert |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Implement Checkout message type based on the new ILS... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Checkout transaction stub module. Derived from the... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Beginnings of the stub Transaction class. All ILS... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Implement Checkout operation stub using the Transaction and |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Beginnings of the Item stub module: support for the... |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-21 |
djfiander | Fix package name, initialize ILS module. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2006-03-09 |
djfiander | Initial revision |
commit | commitdiff | tree |