2010-09-02 dbsForward-port org unit setting types from r17392
2010-09-02 dbsi18n for biblio source editor and label prefix/suffix...
2010-09-02 dbsExperiment with putting a .pot under version control...
2010-09-01 senatorSerials: checkbox for batch receive interface to en...
2010-09-01 senatorSerials: improve the alternative batch receive interfac...
2010-09-01 ericksonadded explicit IDL class loading for cbreb, cbrebi...
2010-08-31 ericksondisable non-usergroup profiles in user registration...
2010-08-31 ericksonallow pass-thru of filteringtreeselect disableQuery...
2010-08-31 ericksonadded support for specifying a dojo.data-style query...
2010-08-31 phasefxprintable_output() support in util.browser had stopped...
2010-08-31 ericksondistribution formula config UI repairs/enhancements
2010-08-31 senatorBooking: fix a bug in selecting the start/end date...
2010-08-31 phasefxfixes a bug when purging offline transactions after...
2010-08-31 ericksonuse current_loc as the circ_lib for checkin if provided...
2010-08-31 ericksonuse circ_lib param instead of direct ws_ou acccess
2010-08-31 ericksondistrib formula streamlined drag-n-drop UI.
2010-08-31 ericksonistanceOf is not of this world; use dojo.isArray instead
2010-08-31 ericksonpcrud.apply repairs.
2010-08-31 mikerAllow the OPAC to autoload IDL classes instead of eithe...
2010-08-31 dbsMake the bib source selector in Vandelay MARC batch...
2010-08-31 dbsAdd explicit rtype options to more invokers of the...
2010-08-30 dbsAdd a bib_source editor widget to the MARC editor
2010-08-30 ericksonadded option (suppressEditFields) to suppress fields...
2010-08-30 ericksondisallow self-check login w/ inactive barcode
2010-08-30 ericksonshow lineitem ID for each lineitem in lineitem table...
2010-08-30 senatorBasic auto-grid based editor for copy templates. Usefu...
2010-08-30 phasefxoption to not include claims returned circs in summary...
2010-08-30 phasefxshow penalty/message notes on "Stop Sign Page"
2010-08-30 phasefxreceipt printer context
2010-08-30 phasefxallows us to set printer context for list-based print...
2010-08-30 phasefxmail printer context
2010-08-30 phasefxlabel printer context
2010-08-30 phasefxinfrastructure for context sensitive print setting
2010-08-30 senatorMake "show item details" consistent for top AND bottom...
2010-08-30 dbsComplete the label font settings namespace change and...
2010-08-30 dbsAdd upgrade script to go along with r13763 (thanks...
2010-08-30 dbsDisplay blank instead of 'undefined' for undefined...
2010-08-30 dbsUse different label printing strategies for XUL 1.9...
2010-08-30 dbsRefine the backspace operation in spine label editor
2010-08-27 dbsTeach the spine label editor to use the label prefixes...
2010-08-27 senatorSerials: closer to full working receiving in the batch...
2010-08-27 dbsAdd label_prefix and label_suffix columns to asset...
2010-08-27 phasefxsupport hiding of patron credit functionality. To...
2010-08-27 dbsCleaner implementation of LC subclass / Cutter spine...
2010-08-27 dbsSplit spine labels between the alpha and numeric part...
2010-08-27 dbsRestrict authority record fields to 1xx and 5xx when...
2010-08-26 phasefxmissing COMMIT;
2010-08-26 ericksonuse openils.Util.printHtmlString for invoice printing...
2010-08-26 ericksonadded support for returning hold shelf expire time...
2010-08-26 ericksondepth could be 0, don't undef on false; repaired url...
2010-08-26 mikerexamples of how to specify default preferred language...
2010-08-26 dbsFix mismatches between cat.spine.font.* and cat.label...
2010-08-26 senatorFix OPAC renewals, broken by an imperfect booking test.
2010-08-26 dbsSpine label editor: make ENTER at the end of a line...
2010-08-26 dbsProvide a visual delimiter for the spine/pocket label...
2010-08-26 dbsAdd explicit identification of the master authority...
2010-08-26 dbsAdd font-weight to label settings to support boldness
2010-08-26 dbsMake spine label settings configurable as org unit...
2010-08-25 mikerupdate standing penalty query for blocked barcode list...
2010-08-25 ericksonadded sample apache config for the IP-based redirector
2010-08-25 ericksonadded support for configuring redirect depth, skin...
2010-08-25 phasefxtsbere to the rescue for the server-xul make target...
2010-08-25 phasefxcirc.missing_pieces.copy_status org unit setting to...
2010-08-25 dbsProvide i18n support for some coust labels and descriptions
2010-08-25 dbsTeach the spine label editor some manners: insert/delet...
2010-08-24 phasefxone more label change for the trunk client
2010-08-24 phasefxchange Evergreen Staff Client folder and link names...
2010-08-24 phasefxStaff Client Build/Update Enhancements patch from Thoma...
2010-08-24 phasefxa suggestion from tsbere, this raises the existing...
2010-08-24 atz1-line fix for false 404 from sylvar
2010-08-24 scottmkCorrecting some miscellaneous anomalies in the org...
2010-08-23 ericksonmore typos, arg, let's try this again
2010-08-23 ericksontypos in path name for new circ conify UIs
2010-08-23 ericksonconify UIs for config.rule_ stuff;
2010-08-23 phasefxAllow true deletion of existing addresses in patron...
2010-08-23 atzPaste error
2010-08-23 atzPerltidy
2010-08-23 atzFailure to open a file(handle) should be a fatal error.
2010-08-23 gmcdisplay copy counts correctly in staff search results
2010-08-23 ericksonperl 5.8 requires quotes around the version #
2010-08-22 dbsShow the number of bibs linked to each authority record
2010-08-21 mikerwe need an index on LOWER(barcode) with r17018
2010-08-20 gmcfix seed for item_barcode Vandelay bib attribute definition
2010-08-20 senatorBooking: finish the forward-port from rel_1_6
2010-08-20 atzAllow STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID to be passed in or set...
2010-08-20 atzAdd type="text/javascript" to <script> tags where needed.
2010-08-20 ericksonre-tab to use tabs for consistency with rest of file...
2010-08-20 ericksonadded sample SIP config for patron_type_uses_code option
2010-08-20 ericksonadded internal_id handler
2010-08-20 senatorBooking: more progress on the forward-port from rel_1_6
2010-08-20 dbsAdd an API for counting the number of bibs linked to...
2010-08-20 ericksonadded support for a SIP config option that forces the...
2010-08-20 phasefxeliminate false positives for ContentCafe features...
2010-08-20 dbsApply a little bit of style to group form elements...
2010-08-20 ericksonduring LI creation, adopt the provider of the PO if...
2010-08-20 ericksonuntil distrib formula skip_count is used (and possibly...
2010-08-20 ericksonpropagate estimated price to created copy as copy price...
2010-08-20 ericksonrepair faulty lineitem detachment from invoices
2010-08-20 dbsHook up the authority management interface to the middl...
2010-08-20 dbsAdd the authority record merge middle-layer API (open...