2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Allow the status bar to be hidden
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Separate stock and custom penalty type models
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Supply top-level method for uncanceling...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Fix boolean assumption
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Sort by class, and keep columns from one...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Adjust the default for penalty type so it...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add invalid-address alert
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add Check Number input
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add the ability (and action) to uncancel...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Ignore the "current_copy" field, we already...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Teach autogrid how to ignore fields explicitly
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add patron barcode and alias to hold lists...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Fix "scan item for missing pieces" label...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Make "Checkout" the consistent spelling...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Comment out Hide/Show All in autogrid
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add label to custom penalty dropdown
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Push explicitly added columns to the top...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add catalog search to the search menu in...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add checkout/in workstation colums to the...
2015-02-04 Ben ShumForward-port 2.7.2-2.7.3 upgrade script
2015-02-04 Jason StephensonLP#1418164: Fix 0905.schema.user_currnet_normalize_head...
2015-02-04 Bill EricksonLP#1261777 repair cloned addr owner link
2015-02-04 Ben ShumLP#1390138: Clarify 2.6-2.7 upgrade path
2015-02-04 Ben ShumLP#1390138: Remove references to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx...
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updating Upgrade and Install docs for 2.7
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updating Upgrade and Install docs for 2.7
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Another update for install/update docs...
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updated upgrade docs for 2.7.1
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updated upgrade docs for 2.7.1.
2015-02-03 Ben ShumLP#1413660: Stamping upgrade script to change z3950...
2015-02-03 Bill EricksonLP#1413660 Mark 39.50 config function STABLE
2015-02-03 Dan WellsLP#1078593 Regenerate summaries when deleting issuances
2015-02-03 Dan WellsLP#1078593 Add method for regenerating serial summaries
2015-02-03 Dan WellsLP#1078593 Assorted small Serial.pm fixes
2015-02-03 Ben ShumLP#1415572: Stamping upgrade script for ensuring correc...
2015-02-03 Galen CharltonLP#1415572: ensure correct version of authority.normali...
2015-02-03 Ben ShumLP#1414112: Stamping upgrade script for spaces in recor...
2015-02-03 Chris SharpLP#1414112: Correct usage of WITH clause for UPDATE.
2015-02-03 Mike RylanderLP#1414112: Seed data and avoid reingest
2015-02-03 Galen CharltonLP#1414112: avoid excluding record attribute values...
2015-01-29 Jason StephensonLP#1415898 Fix Potential Cstore Starvation in the OPAC
2015-01-29 Jason StephensonLP#1415898 Fix Potential Cstore Starvation in KPAC
2015-01-23 Ben ShumLP#1412893: Only apply lost and paid status with the...
2015-01-22 Dan ScottLP#1409844: Towards more meaningful catalogue <title...
2015-01-22 Remington SteedLP#1396161: Improve public docs and change osrf-config...
2015-01-22 Josh StomproLP#1396161: action_trigger_runner.pl documentation...
2015-01-22 Dan ScottLP#1413490 Fix <table><table> markup
2015-01-22 Ben ShumLP#1373594: Also ignore subfield 7 in get_graphics_880s
2015-01-22 Bill EricksonLP#1407171 Avoid DEFLATEing fm_IDL.xml
2015-01-22 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1398926: Allow symbol popup to trigger on new marc...
2015-01-22 Josh StomproLP 1372197: Fixed another link to evergreen-ils.org...
2015-01-22 Josh StomproLP 1373197: fixed default "Get Help With Evergreen...
2015-01-22 Chris SharpLP#1310619: Changing relationship between rcil and...
2015-01-22 Chris SharpLP#1310619: Add links in reporter.classic_item_list...
2015-01-21 Dan WellsLP#1408803 Add 'persist' login type to auth_proxy sampl...
2015-01-13 Ben ShumLP#980296: Stamping upgrade script for void lost on...
2015-01-13 Kathy LussierLP#980296: Release notes entry for voiding lost on...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: pgtap tests for the void on claims returned...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: Update void on claims returned for longoverd...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: Add void of lost processing fee on claims...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: Void Lost Fines if copy claims returned.
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 Add 'bzr' to 'packager' targets
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 dev/pack makefile.install repairs
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 dev/packager Makefile.install additions
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 developer/packager Makefile.install targets
2015-01-13 Dan ScottLP#1407507: Update relator codes
2015-01-13 Kathy LussierLP#1074096: Remove Bib Call Number Search
2015-01-12 Bill EricksonLP#1386347 stamping upgrade for hold clear copy maps
2015-01-12 Bill EricksonLP#1386347 clear maps at fulfillment time
2015-01-12 Bill EricksonLP#1386347 Remove more unneeded map deleters
2015-01-12 Mike RylanderLP#1386347: Clear hold-copy-map efficiently
2015-01-12 Ben ShumLP#1395456: (Fixing) Add back missing 0901 upgrade...
2015-01-08 Jason StephensonLP#1396359: Add entries for 345 and 346 tags to en...
2015-01-08 Jason StephensonLP#1396359: Add tooltips for 264, 344, & 347 tags to...
2015-01-07 Dan WellsChanges to smooth out make_release
2015-01-06 Dan WellsForward-port 2.6.4 upgrade script
2015-01-05 Bill EricksonLP#1406367 Fine generator skips no-fines transactions...
2015-01-05 Bill EricksonLP#1406367 Fine generator skips no-fines transactions
2015-01-05 Bill EricksonLP#1406367 Reduce Fine gen. API memory use
2015-01-02 Pasi KallinenMake Vandelay merge profile names translatable.
2014-12-23 Michael PetersLP#1319964 "Summaries & More" displays improperly in...
2014-12-17 Ben ShumForward-port 2.7.1-2.7.2 upgrade script
2014-12-17 Ben ShumForward port 2.7.0-2.7.1 upgrade script
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1402905 Use stricter matching for UPC values
2014-12-16 Mike RylanderLP#921142: Bring back automatic padding of short fixed...
2014-12-16 Ben ShumLP#1394356: Stamping upgrade script for patron purge...
2014-12-16 Bill EricksonLP#1394356 Patron purge circs retain post code
2014-12-16 Ben ShumLP#1400376: Stamping upgrade script for fix to metabib...
2014-12-16 Mike RylanderLP#1400376: Don't allow NULL attrs to polute an HSTORE...
2014-12-16 Ben ShumLP#1389403: Stamping upgrade script for normalizer...
2014-12-16 Dan WellsLP#1389403 Normalizer detection compatibility with...
2014-12-16 Dan WellsLP#1389403 Add normalizer detection to call number...
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1401286: Cleaner display of URIs in search results
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1400082 - avoid uninitialized var warning at TPAC...
2014-12-16 Jason StephensonLP#1401271: Add missing dependency for Date::Manip...
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1400100 - Avoid extra </div> when OpenURL is enabled
2014-12-16 Ben ShumUpdate 2.6-2.7.0-upgrade-db.sql to reflect that it...
2014-12-16 Ben ShumRe-order parts of 0887 upgrade script
2014-12-12 Yamil SuarezDocs: Circulation - Patron Record web client updated...
2014-12-10 Jason StephensonLP#1401177: Stamping upgrade script of unique_mr_attrs...