2005-09-06 mikernormalizing wide chars
2005-09-06 ericksonsmall bug fixes
2005-09-06 ericksonchanged router binary to opensrf_router to prevent...
2005-09-06 ericksonadded CONNECT handling
2005-09-02 ericksonadded some more api wrappers
2005-09-02 ericksonadded dbmath
2005-09-02 ericksonmath server (really dbmath code)
2005-09-02 ericksonYoung C server code added
2005-09-01 ericksonchanged the CC_OPTS and LD_FLAGS to CFLAGS, LDFLAGS...
2005-08-31 ericksonall opensrf related headers are shoved into opensrf/*.h
2005-08-31 ericksonsee diffs
2005-08-31 ericksonadding config code
2005-08-31 ericksonaddiing some xml utility code
2005-08-31 ericksonnew json api changes
2005-08-29 mikerseparate REST gateway now compiles ... installation...
2005-08-26 ericksonadding utility methods
2005-08-25 ericksontypo
2005-08-25 mikerprotect hash keys by quoting
2005-08-25 mikerprotect hash keys by quoting
2005-08-25 mikerprotect hash keys by quoting
2005-08-25 ericksonremoved 'test' dependency
2005-08-25 ericksonforgot to add these...
2005-08-25 ericksoncleaning up the JSON code some
2005-08-25 ericksonremoved libjson
2005-08-25 ericksonadded basic xpath support to JSON
2005-08-24 ericksonfixed message hints to go with new code
2005-08-24 ericksonmade json formatter a little smarter/better
2005-08-23 ericksonadded the pretty printer here
2005-08-22 ericksonfixed problem where a NULL unixconfig was causing segfault
2005-08-22 ericksonadded a header file for the gateway
2005-08-22 ericksonnow copying over example srfsh file
2005-08-22 ericksonadded an example srfsh file
2005-08-22 ericksonmoved router, gateways to a single config file opensrf_...
2005-08-21 ericksonmake slightly smarter
2005-08-20 ericksonupdated make process to copy over new web stuff and...
2005-08-17 ericksondisabled REUSE since it was affecting router
2005-08-17 mikeradd socket options to allow socket recovery and speed...
2005-08-17 ericksonadded external file to hold the commonly used jabber XML
2005-08-17 ericksonfixed a problem in utils where I was using a va_list...
2005-08-16 ericksonadded the setting for unixpath
2005-08-16 ericksonmoved transport code over to utils/socket_bundle so...
2005-08-16 ericksonadded method to allow waiting for a single client socke...
2005-08-16 ericksonpatched up to work with new jserver
2005-08-16 ericksonjserver now has ability to listen on a specified IP...
2005-08-16 ericksonadded ability to bind to a specific IP address for...
2005-08-16 ericksonadded client connect code for INET and UNIX. UNIX...
2005-08-16 ericksonremoved dependency to self in makefile
2005-08-15 ericksonadded microseconds to get_timestamp_millis()
2005-08-12 ericksonremoved debug line
2005-08-12 mikergetting rid of some spurious warnings
2005-08-12 ericksoncode cleanup and memory debugging
2005-08-11 ericksonremoved some comments
2005-08-11 ericksonmoved C over to all JSON all the time
2005-08-11 mikerfixing preconstructed Result test in AppSession
2005-08-11 mikerminor bug fixes and removal of some extra stringifications
2005-08-11 mikertesting reveals bugs, bugs get squashed!
2005-08-11 pinesmoving from XML to JSON in the core messaging
2005-08-05 ericksonmuch work toward the dtd-on-the-fly architecture for...
2005-08-05 ericksonmove the log_free to after the cleanup is done so we...
2005-08-05 ericksonmoving to OpenILS
2005-08-05 ericksonremoved some unused comments, etc.
2005-08-04 ericksonapachetools is some generic apache module helper functions
2005-08-04 mikerooops... octal ;)
2005-08-04 ericksonnow allow S and E in class hints :)
2005-08-03 ericksonsome code cleanup, some unfinished projects, etc.
2005-08-03 ericksonadded a stringisnum function
2005-08-03 mikerremoving some minor debuging info
2005-08-03 mikerdaemonizing and hushing warnings; logger reopens files...
2005-08-03 mikerstaving off memory leaks
2005-08-03 mikermoor boogz
2005-08-03 mikerbugfix for buffer_fadd
2005-08-03 mikereither my escaper is to naive, or something is wonky...
2005-08-03 mikerquoting xml characters, bug fixes
2005-08-03 mikerremoving (confusing) extranious definition
2005-08-02 mikerbugfix
2005-08-02 mikerbug fix
2005-08-02 mikermaking class handling more generic
2005-08-02 mikerfixing bare "array" inside fieldmapper objects
2005-08-02 mikerthe rest gatewaty, eets alive!
2005-08-02 mikerchanges to support the REST gateway
2005-08-01 ericksonchanged add_index to set_index to match some updated...
2005-08-01 ericksonC based xinclude processor
2005-07-29 mikerfixing number bug in JSON
2005-07-28 mikerpassing numbers as bare strings
2005-07-27 ericksonchecking in... see diffs
2005-07-27 ericksonfixed bug in opensrf_all
2005-07-27 ericksonmoved redirect to latest mod_perl
2005-07-27 ericksonmore config file mangling
2005-07-27 ericksonremoving unix files
2005-07-27 ericksonmore debugging
2005-07-26 ericksonfor convenience, changed to work with new default layout
2005-07-26 ericksonmore install goodness, fixed some bugs, etc
2005-07-26 ericksonusing Logger instead of Log
2005-07-26 ericksonmore install goodness, fixed random jserver bug
2005-07-25 ericksonadded a line of hopefull helpful debug output
2005-07-25 ericksoncopying over the opensrf.xml config file
2005-07-25 ericksonexample config file
2005-07-25 ericksonadded handler for STATUS_CONTINUE
2005-07-25 mikeradding echo method
2005-07-25 mikerdefault to api_level 1