2010-09-15 atzAllow noauth option for retrieval method to support EDI
2010-09-15 atzDeepen test mode feedback (into top level EDI function)
2010-09-15 atzless hardcoding, more good
2010-09-15 atzHandle ls w/ fileglobs
2010-09-15 atzUpdate comment (trivial)
2010-09-15 atzedi_fetcher overhaul, test_client improvement
2010-09-15 atzcomment out debugging entry
2010-09-15 atzUpdate README
2010-09-15 atzBeginning of modperl EDI message viewer
2010-09-15 atzMore ORDRSP processing
2010-09-15 atzTons of EDI test files
2010-09-15 atzFilling in another missing page_title
2010-09-15 atzperltidy and cleanup
2010-09-15 atzExpanding handling (unfinished) for LI/LID QTY codes
2010-09-15 atzMinor cleanup
2010-09-15 atzTrivial clarification
2010-09-15 atzAllow state='retry'
2010-09-15 atzScripts obsolete
2010-09-15 atzOverhaul ORDRSP processing based on new Business::EDI...
2010-09-15 atzExtra test_client functionality.
2010-09-15 atzedi_translator sample EDI/JEDI docs
2010-09-15 gmcMARC tooltip updates
2010-09-15 ericksonadded useful exception that is typical w/ autofieldwidg...
2010-09-15 ericksonadded some additional auto-idl classes to load for...
2010-09-14 senatorAdd in more classes for IDL chunking, needed in serials...
2010-09-14 senatorWork by miker to add IDL chunking where it affects...
2010-09-14 senatorOPAC display of fully compressed serials holding. Mostl...
2010-09-14 ericksonadditional issuance holds supporting code; in this...
2010-09-14 senatorAdd PayfloPro support to credit card processing
2010-09-14 phasefxregexp for robust filename mangling
2010-09-14 mikerunbreak item count in result list of slimpac
2010-09-14 phasefxFor some reason I already had cat.default_classificatio...
2010-09-14 mikershow holdings in the stock slimpac -- holdings format...
2010-09-14 mikerand, of course, the attendant typo
2010-09-14 mikersome fleshing logic detangling
2010-09-14 scottmkFix a function that moves translations in config.i18n_core,
2010-09-14 dbsIntegrate authority browse and creation support into...
2010-09-13 gmcadd cat.default_classification_scheme OU setting type...
2010-09-13 gmcfix retrieval of cat.default_classification_scheme
2010-09-13 dbsUpdate README: create the database from template0 to...
2010-09-13 mikera little defensive programming
2010-09-13 mikermethod for generating a set of compressed holdings...
2010-09-13 mikerarg...typo ... again (but not really a problem)
2010-09-13 mikerarg...typo
2010-09-13 mikerwe need to move permissions around for a Great Renumber...
2010-09-13 atzTypo
2010-09-13 atzPrevent failure of update scripts.
2010-09-13 mikerhave fielder cache some frequently used data
2010-09-13 mikerteach fielder to cache (off by default), with a default...
2010-09-13 dbsREADME tweaks: Remove --create-bootstrap from eg_db_con...
2010-09-13 scottmkAdd a Perl script for extracting permission names from...
2010-09-13 gmcmake the other two k_* MARC templates usable by default
2010-09-13 ericksonwrap custom props file reader in try/catch to prevent...
2010-09-12 senatorSerials: little bugfixin on this OPAC-oriented method
2010-09-12 phasefxAllows you to create *_custom.properties files for...
2010-09-12 senatorSerials: dojo/autogrid-based scaffolding for building...
2010-09-12 phasefxstaff.circ_modifier.display localization for rendering...
2010-09-12 senatorSerials: make it possible to predict issues for all...
2010-09-12 mikeradd maxValuesPerFacet attr/param
2010-09-12 senatorSerials: support predicting issuances until a specified...
2010-09-11 mikeradd "type" (siss.holding_type) and "status" (sitem...
2010-09-11 mikerMethod for retrieving received issuances attached to...
2010-09-11 mikerthinko in schwarzian transform, and provide a tiebreake...
2010-09-11 dbsTypo fix in Vandelay item attribute definition editor
2010-09-11 mikerIn IE, tell Evergreen to return just the initially...
2010-09-10 senatorAdd "refresh grid" buttons to some consistently glitchy...
2010-09-10 senatorMake it a little more straightfoward to refresh an...
2010-09-10 senatorAcq: no reason to deprive the user of back/forward...
2010-09-10 mikeruse mod_deflate when and where we can (opac, and not...
2010-09-10 phasefxenable the Refund action in the new billing interface
2010-09-10 phasefxminor tweaks to patron retrieval within the billing...
2010-09-10 phasefxfixes a bug where where the Staff column in a Payments...
2010-09-10 phasefxsome defense in patron.util.set_penalty_css against...
2010-09-10 phasefxindentation
2010-09-10 mikermore, different layers
2010-09-10 mikerAllow the caller to specify a max number of facet value...
2010-09-10 dbs'use parent' consistently throughout OfflineStore.pm
2010-09-10 dbsWhy yes, there _is_ a missing backslash at the end...
2010-09-10 phasefxui.patron.registration.require_address org unit setting...
2010-09-10 phasefxIn list.fm_columns, allow us to dictate the data object...
2010-09-10 phasefxrender patron barcode in patron search results
2010-09-10 phasefxGive the ability to duplicate column definitions by...
2010-09-10 phasefxmove Patron Search over to fm_columns instead of patron...
2010-09-10 phasefxthe method behind patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_i...
2010-09-10 dbsEnable Class::DBI::Frozen::301 use for offline transact...
2010-09-10 dbsRemove the previously deprecated CGI interfaces for...
2010-09-10 atzTwo files that should probably be deleted.
2010-09-10 atzScript is executable
2010-09-10 atzAdapt update.sh to make process changes
2010-09-10 ericksonadded command line option for defining a stderr output...
2010-09-10 senatorBooking: stop the "new resource type" dialog from execu...
2010-09-09 phasefxbetter synchronization between holds interface and...
2010-09-09 phasefxput these buttons under the sway of Dojo so that they...
2010-09-09 senatorImprove on 17547 to support a default value for /creati...
2010-09-09 ericksonadded support for viewing and editing existing issuance...
2010-09-09 ericksonadded alternate issuance flesh call that only fleshes...
2010-09-09 phasefxChange the field order in asset.call_number_class if...
2010-09-09 phasefxStyling tweaks to brief bib summary bar. More tooltips...
2010-09-09 senatorMake overrideEditWidgets to an AutoGrid able to accept...
2010-09-09 mikerloop over users in a group, as the plan for usrgroup...