2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: teach egConfirmDialog how to set custom label...
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: fix deleting fields in MARC editor
2016-02-02 Galen Charltonwebstaff: make some MARC editor strings translateable
2016-02-02 Mike Rylanderwebstaff: Select on focus for tag, indicators, and...
2016-02-02 Mike Rylanderwebstaff: Provide context menu options for adding and...
2016-02-01 Jason StephensonLP#1528596: Add another eval/warning check in marc_export.
2016-02-01 Jason StephensonLP#1539088: marc_export prints "Waiting for input"...
2016-01-26 Jason StephensonForward port 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 db upgrade script.
2016-01-25 Jason StephensonREADME: Note about web staff client prerequisites ...
2016-01-25 Ben ShumREADME: first draft changes to incorporate steps for...
2016-01-22 Yamil SuarezDocs: Circulation - Patron Record web staff client...
2016-01-13 Mike RylanderLP#1522538: Improper detection of jtitle search type
2016-01-05 Jason StephensonLP 1519465: POs with spaces in the name cause EDI problems.
2016-01-05 Jason BoyerLP1522686: Force SSL for Web Staff, Add Basic Redirect...
2016-01-05 Galen CharltonLP#1530158: ensure that Business::OnlinePayment::Payflo...
2016-01-05 Dan WellsLP#1526543 Truthiness check for reset_password is flawed
2015-12-16 Kathy LussierFixing upgrade 0950 upgrade script
2015-12-15 Kathy LussierLP#1319998 Stamping upgrade script
2015-12-15 blakeLP1319998_materialized_summary_billing_del_ADDS_to_bala...
2015-11-30 Josh StomproLP#1519925 - Allow MARC Federated Search to search...
2015-11-18 Ben ShumDocs: fix typo for version upgrade 2.8.4-2.9.0 in serve...
2015-11-18 Kathy LussierDocs: Missed some acknowledgements in the 2.9.1 point...
2015-11-18 Ben ShumDocs: Change references to release 2.9.1
2015-11-18 Kathy LussierDocs: Addition to 2.8.5 point release notes
2015-11-18 Kathy LussierDocs: 2.8.5 point release notes
2015-11-18 Kathy LussierAdding bug fixes and acknowledgements to 2.9.1. Release...
2015-11-18 Mike RylanderLP#1516707: Phrase search ignores CD modifiers
2015-11-17 blakeLP1402018_Acq_Copy_location_UI_scoped_to_registered_wor...
2015-11-17 Steven ChanFix LP1175711, OPAC can't renew item on booking resourc...
2015-11-16 Jason StephensonLP 1516786: 0938 Upgrade Script ends in END and not...
2015-11-13 Jason StephensonLP#1513554 - Stamping Upgrade Script
2015-11-13 Kathy LussierLP#1513554 - Doc update for cancel reason selection
2015-11-13 Chris SharpLP#1513554 - Prevent deletion of reserved rows.
2015-11-12 Yamil SuarezLP# 1483506 public.first_agg & public.first pgTAP tests
2015-11-12 Josh StomproLP#1483500 - pgtap Test for evergreen.lowercase
2015-11-12 Bill EricksonLP#1483508 PGTAP tests for text_concat / agg_text
2015-11-12 Ben ShumUpdate core committer information on the staff client...
2015-11-06 Kathy Lussierlp1486294: Add sample order record file to datasets
2015-11-06 Bill EricksonLP#1486294 ACQ sapmle holding subfield maps
2015-11-06 Bill EricksonLP#1486294 ACQ sample data
2015-11-05 Ben ShumLP#937789: Stamping upgrade script for part deletion
2015-11-05 Remington SteedLP#937789: Hide 'deleted' from parts table & editor
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#937789: various improvements to logical deletion...
2015-11-05 Mike RylanderLP#937789: fake-delete support for monograph parts
2015-11-05 Kate ButlerDocs: add 'Place another hold link' docs
2015-11-05 Pasi KallinenLP#1092018: Make the reports UI use UTF-8.
2015-11-05 Kathy LussierLP#1487527: turn consortium-wide search scope on by...
2015-11-05 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1487527: Release Notes and disable toggles by default
2015-11-05 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1487527: Add config.tt2 options and a basic search...
2015-11-05 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1487527: Search Results checkbox for "Set Depth...
2015-11-05 Josh StomproLP#1511828: sort proximities numerically when targeting...
2015-11-05 Josh StomproLP#1400801 - Updated email validation regex for Org...
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1164174: add release notes
2015-11-05 Mark CooperLP#1164174: have authority linker handle author/title...
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1464765: stamp upgrade script
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1464765: (follow-up) remove unneeded bits from schem...
2015-11-05 Jason BoyerLP1464765: Speed Up Number Padding for Sort Keys
2015-11-05 Adam BowlingLP#1406387 Fix for Holds Placement Advanced Options
2015-11-05 Bill EricksonLP#1501471: Stamping SQL update
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1501471: add some unit tests for batch OU retrieval
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1501471: add DB function for batch retrieval of...
2015-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1501471: check OU setting view_perms only when needed
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1251415: (follow-up) fix typos
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1251415: (follow-up) update release note extension
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1251415: juv-to-adult release notes
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1251415: Juv-to-adult live test
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1251415: Skip deleted users in juvenile update
2015-11-04 Steven CallenderLP#1251415: Use the juvenile setting when removing...
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1502152: (follow-up) fix a typo
2015-11-04 Jason StephensonLP 1502152: Improve marc_export warnings.
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1384740: remove ersatz --auth-source switch
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1384740: (follow-up) change extension of release...
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1384740 MARC stream importer auth release notes
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1384740 MARC stream (etc) use auth nonce
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1384740 marc_stream_importer no-import repairs
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1384740 marc_stream_importer test script
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1384740 marc_stream_importer auth and cleanup
2015-11-04 Jake LitrellLP#1340852: Retain search params for copy location...
2015-11-04 Yamil SuarezLP#1467634: Hide saved searches from screen readers...
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1503782: fix horizontal scrollbar in MARC import...
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1406786: fix remapping copies during parts merge
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1482336: use *.adoc as extension for extant release...
2015-11-04 Josh StomproLP#1482336 - Add *.adoc support to create_release_notes.sh
2015-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1504615: add release notes
2015-11-04 Dan PearlLP#1504615: include part names when sorting copies...
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1510641 Release notes (PO actions selector)
2015-11-04 Bill EricksonLP#1510641 Always show actions selector in PO view
2015-10-24 Galen CharltonLP#1509479: set a limit on loops in QP's decompose...
2015-10-24 Galen CharltonLP#1509479: fix infinite loop bug in QueryParser
2015-10-22 Bill EricksonLP#838525 DoB as date SQL upgrade repairs
2015-10-09 Remington SteedDocs: Rename bullet images to fix epub build error
2015-10-09 Remington SteedRelease Notes: Move/copy relevant sections to Upgrade...
2015-10-02 Jason StephensonLP 1502156: Fix marc_export error when dumping authorities.
2015-10-02 Remington SteedDocs 2.9: Add summary of Web Client changes
2015-10-01 Dan ScottDoc build: update the implicit ID for release notes
2015-10-01 Remington SteedDocs: Update release notes reference to 2.9
2015-10-01 Dan ScottDoc build: use the implicit ID for lib settings editor
2015-10-01 Dan ScottDoc build: link to the right media file
2015-10-01 Dan ScottDoc build: use XML-compliant IDs
2015-10-01 Dan ScottAvoid duplicate IDs in doc build