2017-09-27 Bill EricksonLP#1718036 Webstaff about page transatable
2017-09-27 Kathy LussierLP#1718036: Adding more information to About page
2017-09-27 Bill EricksonLP#1718036 Webstaff about page
2017-09-27 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release note entry for docs re-org
2017-09-27 Jane SandbergDocs: replacing OPAC with Public catalog
2017-09-27 Jane SandbergDocs: streamlining release notes for user buckets;...
2017-09-27 Kathy LussierDocs: Adding more acknowledgements for web client contr...
2017-09-27 Kathy LussierDocs: Web client release notes and acknowledgements
2017-09-26 Galen CharltonLP#1714026: stamp schema update
2017-09-26 Chris SharpLP#1714026 - Schema-qualify maintain_control_numbers...
2017-09-26 Galen CharltonLP#1622696: don't ask to credit card type
2017-09-26 Bill EricksonLP#1622696 Webstaff credit card payment support
2017-09-26 Mike RylanderLP#1719694: Add missing column in baseline schema for...
2017-09-25 Galen CharltonLP#1713764: fix 'Retrieve Patron' action from webstaff...
2017-09-25 Bill EricksonLP#1643927 Copy note captures initials; shows date
2017-09-25 Bill EricksonLP#1622364 Avoid precat dialog submit on ISBN enter
2017-09-21 Mike RylanderLP#1717777: Ensure the en-US is always represented...
2017-09-21 Kathy LussierDocs: Add an entry for web staff client offline circ
2017-09-21 Kathy LussierMore release note edits for 3.0
2017-09-21 Galen Charltonforward-port 2.12.5-2.12.6 schema update
2017-09-21 Dan WellsForward-port 2.11.9 upgrade script
2017-09-21 Ben ShumTranslation updates - po files
2017-09-21 Ben ShumTranslation updates - newpot
2017-09-21 Ben ShumLP#1718549: Bump NodeJS version to v6.11.3
2017-09-21 Ben ShumLP#1718549: Use Nodejs source install for all distributions
2017-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1718301: catch it when multiple connection attempts...
2017-09-20 Mike RylanderLP#1717777: absorb all PO files for a locale
2017-09-20 Cesar VelezLP#1700635: enable eg-marc-editor for queued records...
2017-09-20 Mike RylanderMinor documentation adjustment for upgrade instructions
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1715503: make eg_db_config refuse to create DB if...
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1715503: make upgrade script abort if not running...
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1715503: update install & upgrade doc to require...
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1718300: fold update into 2.12.5-3.0-beta schema...
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1718300: stamp schema update
2017-09-20 Mike RylanderLP#1718300: Fix serial.unit visibility at creation...
2017-09-20 Bill EricksonLP#1718301 Offline db connections via promise
2017-09-20 Ben ShumDocs: fixup asciidoc syntax for main install README
2017-09-20 Galen Charltonadd acknowledgments dervied from Git history
2017-09-20 Galen Charltonmove significant upgrade considerations to one section...
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1708048: bump up minimum required OpenSRF version
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1708048: mention Stretch support in upgrade doc
2017-09-20 Jason StephensonLP#1708048: Fix ld issues by renaming libraries.
2017-09-20 Ben ShumLP#1708048: Add support for Debian 9 Stretch
2017-09-20 Kathy LussierDocs: 2.12.6 Release Notes
2017-09-20 Kathy LussierDocs: 2.11.9 release notes
2017-09-20 Ben ShumLP#1629078: Add missing strings in web client for i18n
2017-09-20 Galen CharltonLP#1706124: minor tweaks
2017-09-20 Kathy LussierLP#1706124: Make include inactive patrons checkbox...
2017-09-19 Jane SandbergMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2017-09-19 Jane SandbergDocs: cleaning up cat manual
2017-09-19 Jane SandbergDocs: fixing small mistake in cat manual
2017-09-18 Ben ShumLP#1717715: Fix typo in webstaff serials
2017-09-18 Bill EricksonLP#1537233 Copy bucket handles mis-scans, improve focus
2017-09-18 Bill EricksonLP#1712637 Patron edit hold pickup location repairs
2017-09-18 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: splitting action/triggers into command...
2017-09-18 Jane SandbergDocs: adding the MARC Templates documentation back
2017-09-18 Jane SandbergDocs: TPAC bib_source variable
2017-09-18 Jane SandbergDocs: adding info about purging patron data
2017-09-18 Jane SandbergDocs: ebook api integrations from release notes
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: moving SQL from circ manual to command...
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs: adding info about TPAC microdata + linked data
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: Moving clark_kent to the command line manual
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: Removing zip code setup from staff client...
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs: cleaning up headings, other small fixes
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs: adding screenshot of uncataloged types editor
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs: adding info about pre-cat and non-cat for sysadmins
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2017-09-17 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: splitting self-check documentation into...
2017-09-17 Cesar VelezLP#1705068 - fix workstation already exists cancel...
2017-09-17 Galen CharltonLP#1713151: display owning OU in volcopy editor locatio...
2017-09-15 Galen CharltonLP#1708951: fix tabbing in webstaff catalog app for...
2017-09-15 Cesar VelezLP#1697716 - Webstaff adds ability to display actor...
2017-09-15 Galen CharltonLP#1716486: fix hotkeys
2017-09-15 Kathy LussierLP#1716475: Add label for mobile carrier select menu
2017-09-15 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: adding OPAC chapter to all relevant manuals
2017-09-13 Galen CharltonLP#1713160: fix crash viewing circ history in public...
2017-09-13 Jillianne PresleyDocs reorg: Adding a cataloging manual
2017-09-13 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: Correcting contents of staff client system...
2017-09-13 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: Adding a new manual for system administrati...
2017-09-11 Jillianne PresleyDocs reorg: Adding a manual about integrating Evergreen...
2017-09-11 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: cleanup syntax in the command line admin...
2017-09-11 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: correcting title of OPAC manual
2017-09-11 Jillianne PresleyDocs reorg: adding a serials manual
2017-09-10 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: adding a manual for using the OPAC
2017-09-10 Jillianne PresleyDocs reorg: Adding a manual for command line administrators
2017-09-09 Jillianne PresleyDocs reorg: adding acquisitions manual
2017-09-08 Jane SandbergDocs reorg: adding a circulation manual
2017-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: adding to the patron myopac holds/circ history...
2017-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: making support scripts adoc formatting more consi...
2017-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: updates to My Lists in patron account docs
2017-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: updates to Added Content instructions
2017-09-07 Dan WellsClean up RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT
2017-09-07 Dan WellsFix thinko in 3.0 release notes
2017-09-07 Dan WellsSlightly rename release notes to follow existing convention
2017-09-07 Jane SandbergDocs: copy-editing 3.0 release notes
2017-09-07 Galen Charltonadd organizations who sponsored develpoment written...
2017-09-07 Galen Charltonstart work on 3.0 release notes
2017-09-07 Mike RylanderIncorporate view update from LP#1714589
2017-09-07 Mike RylanderProposed 2.12.5-3.0 upgrade SQL
2017-09-05 Jason BoyerLP1714589: Use Explicit Definition for aacs