2015-01-22 Jason Etheridgebump node.js from 0.10.33 to 0.10.35
2014-12-03 Jason Etheridgebump NODEJS_VERSION to 0.10.33
2014-11-13 Jason Etheridgeminor tweak to visudo instructions
2014-11-13 Jason Etheridgequick instructions
2014-11-06 Jason Etheridgeactually 3 errors here, not 1
2014-11-05 Jason Etheridgeexpect the error in osrfsys.log produced by live_t...
2014-09-16 Bill Ericksononly perform live tests if LIVETEST is set
2014-09-12 Jason EtheridgeRevert "point to collab/phasefx/lp1350042-grid-print...
2014-09-12 Jason Etheridgepoint to collab/phasefx/lp1350042-grid-print-and-show...
2014-09-12 Bill EricksonEG browser client build + test
2014-05-14 Jason Etheridgeand a date for when we try to restart ejabberd
2014-05-14 Jason Etheridgelitter the output with more dates
2014-05-14 Jason Etheridgelarger sleep after restarting ejabberd
2014-03-05 Jason Etheridgeadjust expected errors for Evergreen pre-req fetching
2014-03-05 Jason Etheridgeexpecting errors
2014-03-05 Jason Etheridgeutf-8 charset in web output
2014-02-21 Jason Etheridgetreat ERROR: as an error
2013-12-27 Jason Etheridgedon't need sudo here, we're already running as root
2013-12-27 Jason Etheridgeconfigure the timezone
2013-12-27 Jason Etheridgelink to Gitweb
2013-12-27 Jason Etheridgemore organized archive folder
2013-12-27 Jason EtheridgeLet's expect cronoutput.txt to be web accessible while...
2013-12-27 Jason Etheridgedon't need to sort output of dpkg --list
2013-12-27 Jason EtheridgeLet's highlight [ERR's in osrfsys.log
2013-12-26 Jason Etheridgemake it easier to compare system information between...
2013-12-26 Jason Etheridgeexpose more surrounding output
2013-12-26 Jason Etheridgeactual log output
2013-12-26 Jason Etheridge2>&1 needs to be after > output.txt, but let us use...
2013-12-26 Mike Rylandersome tweaks by miker to the test launcher
2013-11-14 Jason Etheridgepoint to our dedicated vm
2013-10-17 Jason Etheridgelink to archive
2013-10-11 Jason Etheridgecopy/paste-o
2013-10-11 Jason Etheridgesome fixes
2013-10-10 Jason Etheridgepoor man method of making exceptions for errors
2013-10-10 Jason Etheridgedashes, not hyphens, and there is a restart-all
2013-10-10 Jason Etheridgemove getopts back to main scope
2013-10-10 Jason Etheridgeident error
2013-10-10 Jason Etheridgerefactored, untested
2013-10-10 Jason Etheridgeback to master
2013-10-09 Jason Etheridgeexperiment with a master-derived topic branch
2013-10-09 Jason Etheridgeexperiment with a master-derived topic branch
2013-10-09 Jason Etheridgemore separated output
2013-10-07 Jason Etheridgecopy/paste errors; cleaning this up
2013-10-07 Jason Etheridgemore output
2013-10-07 Jason Etheridgethinko
2013-10-07 Jason Etheridgemore separation of output
2013-10-07 Jason Etheridgemore output
2013-10-07 Jason Etheridgeosrf_control does not have restart_all
2013-10-03 Jason Etheridgeuse osrf_control
2013-10-03 Jason Etheridgethe one script to fire it all off
2013-09-19 Jason Etheridgesupport sql/Pg/live_t
2013-09-19 Jason Etheridgethe perl livetests have not yet been committed, but...
2013-09-19 Jason Etheridgegit pull in the webifier
2013-08-21 Jason Etheridgeback to integration branch for testing
2013-08-21 Jason Etheridgehandle general test failure
2013-08-21 Jason EtheridgeMove from integration branch to master
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgego to correct directory
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgecss tweak
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgemore the merrier
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgefix quotes
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgemore output
2013-08-13 Jason Etheridgeadd overall timing info
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgesys info tweaks
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgesystem info
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgegit logs
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgeshow commit tips
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgelink the rss
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgelet's peg this as the new home
2013-08-12 Jason Etheridgeadd RSS to the webifier. temporary URL for now
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgehave the output parser generate a set of HTML files
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgepoint to a better named integration branch
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgecleanup
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgemore tweaks for EG make check
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgenot finding oils_utils.h
2013-08-09 Jason Etheridgetry to prevent EG make check from failing
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgeecho the return value from these tests
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgestyle expected failures differently
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgecolorize some of the output from settings-tester
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgeinclude output
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgewithin the HTML output, link to first error
2013-08-08 Jason Etheridgetypo
2013-08-07 Jason Etheridgesample CSS for
2013-08-07 Jason Etheridgefilters to trim/highlight test output
2013-08-07 Jason Etheridgeinvoke 'make check' with OpenSRF and Evergreen
2013-08-06 Jason Etheridgeinclude the right PATH
2013-08-06 Jason
2013-08-05 Jason Etheridgepoint to new integration branch
2013-07-16 Jason Etheridgeintegrate pgTAP with a -t option for live testing
2013-07-16 Jason Etheridgeadd -s argument for loading sample data
2013-07-11 Jason Etheridgeadds arguments for full-auto install and run
2013-05-16 Bill Ericksonwheezy installer; updates to match eg master
2013-05-16 Bill Ericksonsqueeze installer updates to match eg master
2013-05-16 Bill EricksonUpdating squeeze auto-installer
2012-06-26 Bill EricksonUse the repo version of the rsyslog config file
2012-06-21 Bill Ericksonmerge wheezy target into master checkout instead of...
2012-06-21 Bill Ericksonwheezy installer uses wheezy target branches pending...
2012-06-18 Bill EricksonDebian squeeze evergreen installer script
2012-06-01 Bill EricksonLaunchpad digest script
2012-03-23 Bill Ericksonupdate config; cleanup
2012-03-23 Bill Ericksonre-add ld_lib_path to opensrf bashrc