2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Removing development bits from the display
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Docs: release notes and docs updates
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Booking module refresh
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Fixes incorrect IDL relationship for bresv...
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897 and LP1721036: stamping upgrade scripts
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897 (follow-up): Fixing oils_i18n_gettext key
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897: One more carousel local admin link repair
2019-09-04 Mike RylanderLP1832897: Avoid query errors related to optional carou...
2019-09-04 Mike RylanderLP1832897: Belt-and-suspenders for making sure max_item...
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897: Marking some carousel fields required in...
2019-09-04 Bill EricksonLP1832897 Carousel local admin link repair
2019-09-04 Bill EricksonLP1832897 FM Editor fieldOptions sanity check
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add release notes
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add public catalog display of carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: business logic for carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add miscellaneous carousels functionality...
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add administrative interfaces for carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add tables, IDL, and seed data for carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add Glide as a Javascript dependency for...
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: improvements to the Angular admin-page...
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: improvements to eg-fm-record-editor
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add Angular widget to for selecting multipl...
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: Angular combobox: add idlIncludeLibraryInLa...
2019-09-01 Remington SteedLP#1721036: Add url to item tags (DB, IDL, and OPAC...
2019-09-01 Jason Etheridgelp1790169 call compileSort after closing showColumnDialog
2019-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1790169: ensure that the sort priority actually...
2019-08-09 Galen Charltonfix bad conflict resolution made merging LP#1825851
2019-08-08 Galen CharltonLP#1836808: add release notes
2019-08-08 Mike Risherlp1836808 add cancel button to merge edit
2019-08-08 Galen CharltonLP#1825851: stamp schema update
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 Print template admin misc. repairs/improvements
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 Print template failure warnings
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 Server print templates Release Notes
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 Server managed/processed print templates
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 Add Perl HTML::Defang dependency
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 Combobox display template option
2019-08-08 Bill EricksonLP1825851 CStoreEditor instance specific personality
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834665 Bib summary formats and jacket
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834665 MARC editor success/fail toasts
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834665 Flat text editor uses '$' delimiter
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834665 Angular catalog MARC flat text editor
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834665 Import marcrecord.js to Angular
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834662 Minor lingering lint repair
2019-08-26 Jane SandbergLP1834662: Fix incorrect locale fallback
2019-08-26 Jane SandbergLP1834662: Various fixes to the datetime select
2019-08-26 Bill EricksonLP1834662 Allow date format defaults to persist.
2019-08-26 Jane SandbergLP1834662: Add date-related components to Angular client.
2019-08-22 Jane SandbergDocs: adding alt text to MARC Editor chapter images
2019-08-22 Derek C. ZoladzDocs: LP #1803415: Location of MARC Editor 'Delete...
2019-08-22 Dan WellsForward-port 3.3.3 upgrade script
2019-08-22 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.8 upgrade script
2019-08-22 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.14 upgrade script
2019-08-22 dluchenbillDocs: add checkin trigger holds and cancel transit
2019-08-22 April DurrenceDocs: add info about merge tracking
2019-08-22 Andrea Buntz... docs: error correction to 3.1.14 release notes
2019-08-22 Dan WellsLP#1796945 Match new path_label/alias standard
2019-08-22 Dan WellsLP#1796945 Reporter cloning and creation fixes
2019-08-22 Dan WellsTranslation updates - po files
2019-08-22 Dan WellsTranslation updates - newpot
2019-08-22 Jane SandbergLP1840852: Separates two MARCXML datafields in sample...
2019-08-21 Dan WellsUpdate upgrade instructions
2019-08-21 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Adding 3.3.3 release notes
2019-08-21 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Adding missing entry to 3.2.8 release notes
2019-08-21 Jane SandbergDocs: Adding 3.1.14 release notes
2019-08-21 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Adding 3.1.14 release notes
2019-08-19 Mike Risherlp1739292 merge UI displays record summary
2019-08-14 Bill EricksonLP1839548 Angular catalog holds patron barcode link
2019-08-14 James FournieLP1751800 - fix fields fields reversing
2019-08-14 Galen CharltonLP#1785061: move the filter value munging to the templa...
2019-08-14 Remington SteedLP#1785061: Split filter value on comma for "in list...
2019-08-06 Jane SandbergLP1735768: adding labels to inputs in the public catalog
2019-08-06 Galen CharltonLP#1837059: stamp DB update
2019-08-06 Galen CharltonLP#1837059: (follow-up) add release notes
2019-08-06 Galen CharltonLP#1837059: (follow-up) mark help text for i18n
2019-08-06 Bill EricksonLP1837059 Address alert config help text
2019-08-06 Bill EricksonLP1837059 Local admin workstation settings
2019-08-06 Bill EricksonLP1837059 Angular local admin page
2019-08-06 Bill EricksonLP1837059 Basic admin page can propagate disableOrgFilter
2019-08-06 Galen CharltonLP#1722827: stamp DB update
2019-08-06 Rogan HambyLP#1722827: trim spaces from 856$9 when parsing locatin...
2019-08-06 Michele MorganLP#1511765 Fix error when checking in with zero-balance...
2019-08-05 Bill EricksonLP1830912 Locally servered material icons
2019-08-05 Jane SandbergLP1802593: Correct formatting of language code in Angul...
2019-08-05 Jeff DavisLP#1787676: sort Z39.50 sources in JS, retaining Local...
2019-08-05 Jane SandbergLP1742523: Allow two strings in the mark damaged popup...
2019-08-03 Galen CharltonLP#1795937: (follow-up) propagte new favicon to Angular app
2019-08-03 Geoff SamsLP#1795937: Update favicon.ico to reflect new round...
2019-08-03 Jane SandbergLP1756564: Add sample data for the booking module
2019-08-03 Bill EricksonLP1803584 Avoid JS errors when clearing copy templates
2019-08-03 Jason BoyerLP1803584: Fix Clear button in template editor
2019-08-03 Jason BoyerLP1800484: Substitute 0 for missing Totals values
2019-08-03 Jane SandbergLP1838136: .editorconfig matches current practices
2019-08-02 Galen CharltonLP#1829567: (follow-up) fix styling regression on a...
2019-08-02 Bill EricksonLP1829567 Angular navbar access key additions
2019-08-02 Bill EricksonLP1829567 Angular access key improvements
2019-08-02 Galen CharltonLP#1329920: (follow-up) set searchFormat as well
2019-08-02 Tiffany LittleLP#1329920 Add fund year to distribution formula fund...
2019-08-02 Rogan HambyLP#1650409: improve authority_control_fields.pl's ...
2019-08-02 Jane Sandbergdocs: LP1778712 (follow-up) new screenshots to reflect...
2019-08-02 Jeanette Lundgrendocs: LP1778712 replace 6 screenshots circ items docume...