2014-09-10 Ben ShumMove new color note to release notes 2.7
2014-09-10 Kathy Lussierlp1261791 Adjustment to background color for mobile...
2014-09-10 Kathy LussierRelease notes entry for new mobile-header-text-color
2014-09-10 Suzanne PaternoLP 1261791 - Mobile Search links for my account screens
2014-09-09 Josh StomproDocs: Fixed small typo in docs/reports/reporter_daemon.txt
2014-09-09 Josh StomproDocs: Updated usage of autogen.sh to not use param 'u'
2014-09-09 Josh StomproDocs: update to 'Address Alerts' feature content
2014-09-05 Kathy LussierRelease notes cleanup
2014-09-04 Remington SteedDocs: Fix filenames to match references in the docs
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 add missing ui-bootstrap dep to Gruntfile
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 Browser client templates/scripts (phase 1)
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 make_release -c for building browser client
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 link opensrf websockets JS scripts
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 browser client apache config additions
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 detect is-staff mode for browser client
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 streaming holds pull list API
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 streaming patron search API
2014-08-29 Bill EricksonLP#1350042 PCRUD access for various IDL classes
2014-08-29 Josh StomproDocs: added Address Alert documentation for local admin...
2014-08-28 Dan ScottFix broken prereq installer for debian wheezy
2014-08-28 Terran McCannaLP#1282783: Use patron hold notification defaults for...
2014-08-28 Michele Morganlp949101 Hold Columns for Item Status
2014-08-28 Dan ScottLP#1362210: Install PostgreSQL packages where we can
2014-08-27 Bill EricksonLP#1306675 TPAC maketext default handler
2014-08-27 Elliot VorisLP#1233757 Correct Spelling Error in Checkout Override...
2014-08-27 Jason EtheridgeLP#1010027: tweak patron columns in patron search interface
2014-08-27 Jason EtheridgeLP#1010027: more internal options for xul lists
2014-08-27 Ben ShumLP#1189556: stamping upgrade script for URL_VERIFY...
2014-08-27 Chris SharpLP#1189556: Fix typo in URL_VERIFY permission description
2014-08-27 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1322341: Count part holds on records
2014-08-27 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1277551: Limit simplified pull list to available...
2014-08-27 Ben ShumLP#1314370: Enable dojo all the time in the catalog
2014-08-27 Blake HendersonLP1277556 Fast Item Add no longer opens record after...
2014-08-27 Liam WhalenLP1084269, LP1050043 Expert Search Fixes
2014-08-27 Kathy Lussierlp1182605 Add sort value for holds interfaces
2014-08-27 Victoria Lewislp1182605 Abstracting out common functionality from...
2014-08-27 Kyle TomitaLP1182605 : LC call numbers sort improperly in tabular...
2014-08-26 Dan WellsFix currently harmless but still confusing sigil error
2014-08-26 Dan WellsLP#1078787 Fix serial scoping in TPAC
2014-08-25 Mike RylanderLP#800478: Stamping upgrade script for fund transfer fix
2014-08-25 Bill EricksonLP#800478 repair logic error in acq fund transfer
2014-08-21 Galen CharltonLP#1359934: prevent error opening patron search form
2014-08-19 Yamil SuarezDocs: Removed use of deprecated file suffix for eg_db_c...
2014-08-14 Ben ShumCompile release notes for Evergreen 2.7.0
2014-08-14 Ben ShumPre-2.7 Release notes cleanup
2014-08-14 Ben ShumFixes for create_release_notes.sh
2014-08-12 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 text input repairs
2014-08-12 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 report edit scheduling repairs
2014-08-11 Jason StephensonLP1355319: Add missing Parse::RecDescent perl dependency.
2014-08-08 Kathy LussierRelease note repairs and additions
2014-08-08 Kathy LussierSecondary permission groups release note
2014-08-08 Dan ScottLP#1292705 Fix broken is*() methods in fm_IDL2js.xsl
2014-08-08 Jennifer PringleSecondary Permissions Documentation and Screenshots.
2014-08-08 James FournieAdd multiple permission groups editor to user registrat...
2014-08-08 Thomas BerezanskyUpdate ContentCafe Added Content Module
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 avoid run now + later combined schedule
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 propagate 'in list' values for editing
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 report editing additional repairs
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 report editing misc. repairs
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 View/Edit Report Release Notes
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 View Edit Reports
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1329503 Reporter report.fleshed.retrieve API
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1332138 hide doc URL in report editor when no URL...
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1332138 Report Doc/Hints Release Notes
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1332138 Report template / field docs repairs
2014-08-08 Mike RylanderLP#1332138 Report template / field documentation
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1346421 TPAC copy view/edit links release notes
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1346421 TPAC copy view / edit links
2014-08-08 Bill EricksonLP#1346421 TPAC permission check function.
2014-08-08 Yamil SuarezLP#1304462: Release notes about expanded RDA tag 264...
2014-08-08 Ben ShumLP#1304462: Use other 264 types in search results if...
2014-08-08 Ben ShumLP#1304462: Stop using combined pubinfo for search...
2014-08-08 Dan ScottLP#1304462: Add schema.org copyrightYear, manufacturer...
2014-08-08 Jason StephensonLP#1304462: Add additional RDA information to TTOPAC...
2014-08-08 Dan ScottLP# 1308768 Make RDA bibs loadable for testing purposes
2014-08-08 Yamil SuarezLP# 1308768 Second set of test RDA records from LC...
2014-08-08 Yamil SuarezLP# 1308768 Add 4 sample RDA records from LoC
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1292705 trim unneeded fields from IDL2js
2014-08-07 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1347793: TPAC added content by ID release notes
2014-08-07 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1347793: Teach TPac to load AC by Bib ID
2014-08-07 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1246745: Remove OK message from SIP2 messages
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1351317 ACQ fund selector filters cont.
2014-08-07 Yamil SuarezDocs: various AsciiDoc formatting fixes for docs
2014-08-07 Ben ShumLP#1351355: Add release note on change to XLSX format...
2014-08-07 Ben ShumLP#1351355: Use libexcel-writer-xlsx-perl package for...
2014-08-07 Mike RylanderLP#1351355: Switch to XLSX format for Excel report...
2014-08-07 Ben ShumLP#1270289 - stamping upgrade scripts for acq cancel...
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 remove redundant lineitem cancel display
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 support canceling delayed copies
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 sort ACQ cancel reason selectors
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 Release notes
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 Show delay/cancel reason print PO / worksheets
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 Support canceling already-canceled lineitems
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 Show cancel reason labels for lineitems...
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 improve stock acq cancel reason labels
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 Show delay count in ACQ lineitem summary
2014-08-07 Bill EricksonLP#1270289 Split canceled into delayed vs canceled
2014-08-07 Kathy LussierOpenSRF Services Update
2014-08-07 Yamil SuarezDocs: Improved AsciiDoc formating for tpac_meta_record_...
2014-08-07 Mike RylanderLP#1339190: Have Evergreen save authtoken state to...