2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: pgtap tests for the void on claims returned...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: Update void on claims returned for longoverd...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: Add void of lost processing fee on claims...
2015-01-13 Jason StephensonLP#980296: Void Lost Fines if copy claims returned.
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 Add 'bzr' to 'packager' targets
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 dev/pack makefile.install repairs
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 dev/packager Makefile.install additions
2015-01-13 Bill EricksonLP#1392759 developer/packager Makefile.install targets
2015-01-13 Dan ScottLP#1407507: Update relator codes
2015-01-13 Kathy LussierLP#1074096: Remove Bib Call Number Search
2015-01-12 Bill EricksonLP#1386347 stamping upgrade for hold clear copy maps
2015-01-12 Bill EricksonLP#1386347 clear maps at fulfillment time
2015-01-12 Bill EricksonLP#1386347 Remove more unneeded map deleters
2015-01-12 Mike RylanderLP#1386347: Clear hold-copy-map efficiently
2015-01-12 Ben ShumLP#1395456: (Fixing) Add back missing 0901 upgrade...
2015-01-08 Jason StephensonLP#1396359: Add entries for 345 and 346 tags to en...
2015-01-08 Jason StephensonLP#1396359: Add tooltips for 264, 344, & 347 tags to...
2015-01-07 Dan WellsChanges to smooth out make_release
2015-01-06 Dan WellsForward-port 2.6.4 upgrade script
2015-01-05 Bill EricksonLP#1406367 Fine generator skips no-fines transactions...
2015-01-05 Bill EricksonLP#1406367 Fine generator skips no-fines transactions
2015-01-05 Bill EricksonLP#1406367 Reduce Fine gen. API memory use
2015-01-02 Pasi KallinenMake Vandelay merge profile names translatable.
2014-12-23 Michael PetersLP#1319964 "Summaries & More" displays improperly in...
2014-12-17 Ben ShumForward-port 2.7.1-2.7.2 upgrade script
2014-12-17 Ben ShumForward port 2.7.0-2.7.1 upgrade script
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1402905 Use stricter matching for UPC values
2014-12-16 Mike RylanderLP#921142: Bring back automatic padding of short fixed...
2014-12-16 Ben ShumLP#1394356: Stamping upgrade script for patron purge...
2014-12-16 Bill EricksonLP#1394356 Patron purge circs retain post code
2014-12-16 Ben ShumLP#1400376: Stamping upgrade script for fix to metabib...
2014-12-16 Mike RylanderLP#1400376: Don't allow NULL attrs to polute an HSTORE...
2014-12-16 Ben ShumLP#1389403: Stamping upgrade script for normalizer...
2014-12-16 Dan WellsLP#1389403 Normalizer detection compatibility with...
2014-12-16 Dan WellsLP#1389403 Add normalizer detection to call number...
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1401286: Cleaner display of URIs in search results
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1400082 - avoid uninitialized var warning at TPAC...
2014-12-16 Jason StephensonLP#1401271: Add missing dependency for Date::Manip...
2014-12-16 Dan ScottLP#1400100 - Avoid extra </div> when OpenURL is enabled
2014-12-16 Ben ShumUpdate 2.6-2.7.0-upgrade-db.sql to reflect that it...
2014-12-16 Ben ShumRe-order parts of 0887 upgrade script
2014-12-12 Yamil SuarezDocs: Circulation - Patron Record web client updated...
2014-12-10 Jason StephensonLP#1401177: Stamping upgrade script of unique_mr_attrs...
2014-12-10 Mike RylanderLP#1401177: uniquify attrs across a metarecord
2014-12-05 Kathy LussierDOCS: Tab documentation for web client
2014-12-05 Kathy LussierDOCS: Logging into the web client
2014-12-05 Remington SteedDocs: Web Client preview intro
2014-12-05 Kathy LussierMinor fix to web client section headers in root.txt
2014-12-04 Kathy LussierWeb client section headings
2014-11-26 Lynn FloydDocs: Update to template receipt docs
2014-11-19 Dan WellsRevert "LP#1198465 Allow fine generator to respect...
2014-11-19 Dan WellsRevert "LP#1198465 lost overdues generated in main...
2014-11-13 alzrLP#1207529: Add /openils assumption note
2014-11-13 alzrLP#1207529: Make sure $PATH includes /openils/bin when...
2014-11-13 Josh StomproLP#1384932: document the zips.txt ZIP code database...
2014-11-13 Jason StephensonLP#1246371: Allow BibCommon::title_is_empty to accept...
2014-11-13 Galen CharltonLP#1083639: use "cp -r" instead of "cp -R"
2014-11-13 Josh StomproLP#1083639 - Added command to copy fonts into the KPAC2...
2014-11-13 Josh StomproLP#1116387 - adding kpac setup notes.
2014-11-13 Kathy LussierAdd KPAC configuration info to the community docs
2014-11-13 Fredric T ParksLP#1246839: marc_stream_importer.pl no longer crashes...
2014-11-11 Bill EricksonLP#1198465 lost overdues generated in main xact
2014-11-11 Mike RylanderLP#1198465 Allow fine generator to respect a stop_fines...
2014-11-11 Josh StomproLP#1133158 - Fix typos in action_trigger_runner.pl
2014-11-11 Jason EtheridgeLP#1386260: DST bugs in perl live tests (04-overdue_wit...
2014-11-11 Jason EtheridgeLP#1386260: DST bugs in perl live tests (03-overdue_circ.t)
2014-11-11 Ben ShumLP#1391290: Stamping upgrade script for authority reing...
2014-11-11 Chris SharpLP#1391290: Respect setting to disable authority propag...
2014-11-11 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1012308: Teach the staff client to use titlesort
2014-11-11 Liam WhalenLP1282277_LP1282286_Unitialized_Vars_FIx
2014-11-11 Liam WhalenLP1282277 & LP1282286 Double call to MARC edit save...
2014-11-11 Liam WhalenLP1282277 & LP1282286 Fixed error with Copy Editor
2014-11-11 Liam WhalenLP1282277 & LP1282286 MARC edit save warning & TCN...
2014-11-11 Bill EricksonLP#1203734 copy circ counts include anon. circs
2014-11-11 Pasi KallinenLP#1095290: Wrap record navigation template next and...
2014-11-11 Ben ShumLP#778989: Stamping upgrade script for copy location...
2014-11-11 Chris SharpLP#778989: Adding DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS to allow for...
2014-11-11 Thomas BerezanskyLP#778989: Add circ lib to location fixer
2014-11-11 Thomas BerezanskyLP#778989: Attempt to find "Correct" copy location
2014-11-10 Yamil SuarezDocs: remove extra '\r' in cataloging/MARC_batch_edit.txt
2014-11-10 Timothy SpindlerDocs: Documentation for MARC Batch Edit
2014-11-10 Thomas BerezanskyUse xact_start for due date calc instead of now
2014-11-10 Yamil SuarezDocumentation: LP#1386854 - Locally Hosted Added Content.
2014-11-07 Mike RylanderLP#1390225: Fail to care about errors from auth.session...
2014-11-07 Mike RylanderLP#1390225: redirect to ctx.home_page instead of throug...
2014-11-05 Mike RylanderLP#1248636: Clear session at OPAC logout
2014-11-05 Dan WellsForward-port 2.6.3 upgrade script
2014-11-05 Dan WellsForward-port 2.5.7 upgrade script
2014-11-05 Ben ShumForward port 2.6-2.7 upgrade script
2014-11-05 Bill EricksonLP#1366964 Update libdbi connection test error parsing
2014-11-04 Chris SharpLP1383697: Long Overdue needs to be a "magical status...
2014-10-30 Dan Scottlp1383763 - Display OpenURL embargo statement
2014-10-27 Dananji LiyanageDocs: Changed 'Importing materials' in the staff client...
2014-10-24 Galen CharltonLP#1384868: limit fund drop-downs on the invoice page...
2014-10-24 Dananji LiyanageDocs: add default icon definitions LP#1371598
2014-10-15 Bill EricksonLP#1261486 Action/trigger aggregator script repairs
2014-10-10 Dan WellsLP#1379824 Make PermaCrud.js disconnect() actually...
2014-10-10 Dan ScottLP#1305958 Change copy table header atts to scope attri...
2014-10-10 Ben ShumLP#1309664: Stamping upgrade script for new seed data...
2014-10-10 Mike RylanderLP#1309664: Add some fixed field seed data for COM...