2019-02-20 Kyle Huckinslp1806087 Place Holds Improvements
2019-02-20 Bill EricksonLP1806087 Angular catalog Ang7 & lint repairs
2019-02-20 Bill EricksonLP1806087 Experimental Angular catalog release notes
2019-02-20 Bill EricksonLP1806087 Org setting to enable experimental staff...
2019-02-20 Bill EricksonLP1806087 Angular staff catalog phase II.
2019-02-20 Jason StephensonLp 1813172: Option to Specify Attributes for Reingest...
2019-02-20 Katlyn Becklp1717551 Holdings view action menu clarity adjustment
2019-02-20 Bill EricksonLP1813647 Titles for Angular admin and splash page
2019-02-20 Bill EricksonLP1813647 Angular page title component & sandbox example
2019-02-19 Dan WellsLP#1779158 Stamping upgrade scripts for Angular Vandelay
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Angular7 and ng-lint updates
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Import field id/class mismatch fix
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Always clear import selection
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Vandelay workstation setting repairs/additions
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Import non-matching saved template repair
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Cache new queues / display active queues
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP1779158 Angular alert dialog component
2019-02-19 Kyle Huckinslp1779158 Inspect Queue Improvements
2019-02-19 Kyle Huckinslp1779158 Vandelay Authority Import Tweaks
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1779158 Vandelay UI accessibilty/usability improvements
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1800481 Vandelay import form templates
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1779158 Ang6 Vandelay Release Notes
2019-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1779158 Ang6 Vandelay UI Port
2019-02-19 Jason StephensonLp 1808580: Remove Installation Support for Ubuntu...
2019-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1802594: (follow-up) avoid a regression on "Copy...
2019-02-18 Sam LinkLP1802594 - Splash Page Image Alt Text
2019-02-18 Jason StephensonLp 1813290: Fix IAMBROWSER check in ac lineitem table.
2019-02-18 Jane SandbergLP1796225: Only auto-focus search on the home page
2019-02-18 Jason BoyerLP1799963: Adjust fix to Staff Default Adv Search
2019-02-18 Cesar VelezLP#1799963 - fix catalog advanced search type default
2019-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1806709: stamp schema update
2019-02-18 Jason StephensonLp 1806709: Add circ.patron.billhistory_xacts persist...
2019-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1726568: expose circ lib and owning lib fields to...
2019-02-18 Jeff DavisLP#1752665: suppress located URIs in holdings view
2019-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1812733: stamp schema update
2019-02-18 Galen CharltonLP#1812733: put in correct version of actor.usr_delete()
2019-02-18 Chris SharpLP#1812733 - Repair actor.usr_delete function.
2019-02-13 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script
2019-02-13 Bill EricksonLP1811156 Angular server admin grid settings
2019-02-13 Bill EricksonLP1811156 Activate Angular server admin page
2019-02-07 Chris SharpLP#1715767 - stamping upgrade scripts
2019-02-07 Jeff DavisLP#1715767: remove privacy waiver entries when purging...
2019-02-07 Jeff DavisLP#1715767: remove privacy waiver entries when referenc...
2019-02-07 Jeff DavisLP#1715767: Allow others to use my account (privacy...
2019-02-05 Jason StephensonLp 1805897: Add Release Note
2019-02-05 Rogan HambyLp 1805897: Add Item Status to the Holdings of marc_exp...
2019-01-30 Bill EricksonLP#1801984 Upgrading Angular 6 to Angular 7
2019-01-28 James FournieLP1783421 - Make Copy Alerts permission not global
2019-01-25 Bill EricksonLP1809288 Angular Booking Admin release notes
2019-01-25 Bill EricksonLP1809288 Stamping SQL upgrade for booking admin
2019-01-25 Jane SandbergLP1809288: Fix a small javascript error when value...
2019-01-25 Bill EricksonLP1809288 Avoid booking grid prefix doubling
2019-01-25 Bill EricksonLP1809288 Angular fm-editor read-only additions
2019-01-25 Jane SandbergLP1809288: Make some brt fields read-only
2019-01-25 Jane SandbergLP1809288: Add workstation grid settings for booking...
2019-01-25 Jane SandbergLP1809288: Port Booking Admin to Angular
2019-01-23 Bill EricksonLP1808268 eg2 grid action disableOnRows sanity check
2019-01-23 Bill EricksonLP#1808268 eg2 grid rename action disable option
2019-01-23 Jane SandbergLP1808268: Add [disable] option to <eg-grid-toolbar...
2019-01-22 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.3 upgrade script
2019-01-22 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.9 upgrade script
2019-01-22 Cesar VelezLP#1727345 - fix bibsource when importing or overlaying
2019-01-21 Ben ShumLP#1812698 - stamping upgrade script
2019-01-21 Chris SharpLP#1812698 - Fix broken pubdate display
2019-01-18 Bill EricksonLP1807764 Angular grid gets datePlusTime option
2019-01-16 Jane SandbergDocs: adding one more note to 3.2.3 release notes
2019-01-16 Jason BoyerLP1805856: Open new windows for record operations
2019-01-16 Jane SandbergLP1805856: Open records in new tabs
2019-01-16 Jane SandbergDocs: adding release notes for 3.2.3
2019-01-16 Jane SandbergDocs: adding 3.1.9 release notes
2019-01-16 Jason BoyerLP1742521: Receipt Count Repair
2019-01-16 Jeff DavisLP1804716: grab recall-able copies before they are...
2019-01-16 Jason StephensonLp 1803734: Only push on-order purchase orders in edi_o...
2019-01-15 Jason StephensonLp 1801998: Deprecate Hatch Storage Grammar Fix
2019-01-15 Bill EricksonLP#1801998 Deprecate Hatch for data storage
2019-01-15 Cesar VelezLP#1737800 - add delete action to pending patrons
2019-01-08 Bill EricksonLP1810802 org_top() SQL upgrade repairs
2019-01-02 Cesar VelezLP1765179 - fix issue with pending/staged user reg
2018-12-23 abneimandocs: LP1258628: screenshots & updates to actiontrigger...
2018-12-18 Jane SandbergLP1782652: Make template dropdown larger in Volume...
2018-12-17 Bill EricksonLP1806968 Stamping SQL upgrade: Vand. session tracker...
2018-12-17 Bill EricksonLP#1806968 Teach Vandelay to pass correct auth tracker...
2018-12-17 Bill EricksonLP#1806968 Vand ses. tracker upgrade SQL additions
2018-12-17 Kyle HuckinsLP#1806968 Vandelay record_type sql fix
2018-12-17 Jane SandbergLP1807523: Adding some randomness to DOM ID generation
2018-12-17 Jane SandbergLP1807523: Associating labels and inputs in angular...
2018-12-15 Ben ShumTranslation updates - newpot
2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1730726: Stamping upgrade script
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLP 1730726: Add Release Notes for PostgreSQL 10 Support.
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLp 1730726: Fix lp1501781-unaccent_and_squash.pg for...
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLp 1730726: Fix lp1501781-unaccent_and_squash.pg for...
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLp 1730726: Fix a number of PgTap tests for PostgreSQL 10.
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLp 1730726: Basic Patch to build the database with...
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLP#1793585: Add Release Notes
2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1793585: Fix PostgreSQL apt repo source setup
2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1793585: Change to use MARC::File::XML
2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1793585: PGSQL dependency update
2018-12-14 Jason StephensonLP#1793585: Fix Unescaped left brace in regex Perl...
2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1793585: Update README to include Bionic references
2018-12-14 Ben ShumLP#1793585: Support Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver