2011-06-03 Thomas BerezanskySip Statcats - Actor/Asset Statcats via SIP2
2011-06-02 Mike RylanderMerge ... transit_abort_perms from git.evergreen-ils...
2011-06-02 Bill EricksonPermission to allow transit abort on lost/missing
2011-06-02 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of
2011-06-01 Dan ScottWhitespace cleanup in aisle 3 (O:A:Reporter)
2011-06-01 Michael PetersLP#740466 add order by name method to to...
2011-06-01 Bill EricksonCollections exemption user setting
2011-06-01 Dan WellsSerial holdings display consistency fix
2011-06-01 Dan WellsMissing db upgrade number bump
2011-06-01 Dan WellsRemove specific admin perms, reorganize seed file
2011-06-01 Dan WellsChange a few permission levels and assignments
2011-06-01 Jason EtheridgePush the grp perm mappings into the seed data
2011-06-01 Jason Etheridgewrong group ids for system admin and global admin
2011-06-01 Jason Etheridgeput CREATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST into Users, not Staff
2011-06-01 Jason Etheridgemap these perms to stock perm groups
2011-06-01 Jason Etheridgeadded other permissions missing in rel_2_1
2011-06-01 Jason Etheridgesome recent cataloging permissions, but I'm unsure...
2011-06-01 Dan ScottMake database schema patch dependencies work more better
2011-06-01 Dan ScottMake patch-checking function able to raise a notice
2011-05-31 Bill EricksonRepaired typo on schema and upgrade SQL
2011-05-31 Michael PetersLP#739444 Incrementing opac.dtd copyright date
2011-05-27 Jason Etheridgeindicate what date format to use for offline patron...
2011-05-27 Thomas BerezanskyFix Hold Capture checkin mode
2011-05-26 Mike RylanderPatch suggested by Jason Boyer for LP#788601
2011-05-26 Dan WellsDistinguish between 'Show Groups' checkboxes in Serial...
2011-05-26 Dan WellsMerge branch 'master' of
2011-05-26 Dan WellsChecking for 'twisty' leads to false negatives in Seria...
2011-05-26 Jason EtheridgeDon't rely on call number column being rendered before...
2011-05-26 Jason Etheridgewrong target for parts holds in open-ils.circ.holds...
2011-05-26 Jason Etheridgebrowser.js debugging / robustification. Replace some...
2011-05-26 Jason Etheridgedebugging aid, take the "thread trace" for a given...
2011-05-26 Jason Etheridgedebugging aid. split dump output produced by replaceme...
2011-05-25 Jason Etheridgemissed this way back when. fix multiple event override...
2011-05-25 Dan ScottFix authority linking script typo
2011-05-25 Dan ScottMerge branch 'master' of
2011-05-25 Thomas BerezanskyWhen auto-versioning, use last piece of branch
2011-05-25 Dan ScottMerge branch 'master' of
2011-05-25 Galen Charltontrival whitespace cleanup
2011-05-25 Thomas BerezanskyAdd --nonum to make-db-patch
2011-05-25 Dan ScottTrivial line-wrapping patch for call number class defaults
2011-05-25 Dan WellsMake label_class on any new call numbers default to...
2011-05-24 Dan WellsBring serial.unit in line with asset.copy
2011-05-24 Jason Etheridgeremove restriction on resetting pw to random number...
2011-05-24 Jason Etheridgewrong identifier and lingering copy/paste-o in code...
2011-05-23 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of
2011-05-23 Mike RylanderRevert "Wrap proximity refreshing in a transaction...
2011-05-23 Dan WellsApply Apache file expiration to the current official...
2011-05-20 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix bad seed data in an A/T template
2011-05-20 Jason EtheridgeRestore the Replace Barcode option in Holdings Maintena...
2011-05-20 Dan WellsMerge branch 'master' of
2011-05-20 Dan WellsFix advanced receive bug in manage_items.js
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgealign the batch edit menus in the vol creator. mostly...
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgeusability tweak for controlling screen real estate...
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgeusability tweak, pull the Create button out of the...
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgecss hooks so we can hide class, affix, and part columns...
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgeusability tweak, spread the template bar across the...
2011-05-20 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix a problem with open-ils.circ.holds.retrieve_all_fro...
2011-05-20 Mike RylanderRevert "When placing holds on a bib with monographic...
2011-05-20 Jason EtheridgeWhen placing holds on a bib with monographic part,...
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgeorder any monograph parts by sort key when placing...
2011-05-20 Jason EtheridgeCN prefix/suffix columns in xul-based hold interfaces
2011-05-20 Jason Etheridgelabel consistency in vol/item creator
2011-05-20 Galen Charltonadd missing upgrade step to create staging schema
2011-05-19 Mike RylanderThe term "foreign" has undesirable implied meaning...
2011-05-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'user/senator/lp-784062' of git.evergreen...
2011-05-19 Thomas BerezanskyMake DATE_FORMAT macro check inputs
2011-05-19 Thomas BerezanskyAdd Shelf Expire Time to hold slip, date formatter
2011-05-18 Lebbeous Fogle... Add permission checking for updating and deleting volumes.
2011-05-18 Galen Charltontrival whitespace changes
2011-05-18 Galen Charltonprovide hint to sysadmin if memcached issue is preventi...
2011-05-18 Dan ScottMake Perl 'make check' work without 'make all'
2011-05-18 Mike RylanderWe need to update config.upgrade_log
2011-05-18 Mike RylanderRecord the current upgrade version number in the baseli...
2011-05-18 Mike RylanderFix the definition of some of the tracking functions
2011-05-18 Galen Charltonavoid error when generating fines on checkin
2011-05-18 senatorLet's have this upgrade script not use that upgrade_dep...
2011-05-18 Galen Charltonuse correct name of upgrade check function
2011-05-18 Thomas BerezanskyMore make-db-patch goodness: wrap existing
2011-05-18 Jason Etheridgefix CN prefix/suffix display in XUL interfaces so we...
2011-05-18 Jason EtheridgeInclude call number prefix/suffix in display and sortin...
2011-05-18 Jason Etheridgehave the call number checkbox for pocket labels include...
2011-05-18 Jason EtheridgeCan't use encodeURI and decodeURI for everything with...
2011-05-17 Galen Charltononly use the label to initialize call number browse
2011-05-17 Galen Charltonadd a bit of context to upgrade SQL hints
2011-05-17 Thomas BerezanskyImprovements to
2011-05-17 Mike RylanderConvert/move SQL script for Lazy Circ
2011-05-17 Thomas BerezanskyLazy Circ (AKA partial barcode lookup)
2011-05-17 Dan ScottLP#783486: Improve authority lookup performance
2011-05-17 Galen Charltonstop hold permit check from crashing if age protection...
2011-05-16 Mike RylanderIgnore "deleted" authority records when using the tag...
2011-05-16 Dan WellsBorrow on_or_after() from MFHD/ in MFHD/
2011-05-16 Galen CharltonMerge branch 'master' of
2011-05-16 Galen Charltonstandardize name of 2.0-2.1 upgrade script
2011-05-16 Jason Etheridgepersist partial changes to new copies in vol/copy edito...
2011-05-16 Jason Etheridgesimpler language, and the behavior of this action is...
2011-05-16 Galen Charltonfirst pass at 2.0 to 2.1 upgrade script
2011-05-15 Jason Etheridgeusability tweak
2011-05-15 Jason Etheridgedefault the label class according to library setting...
2011-05-15 Jason Etheridgeremove this comment, testing the repo & email
2011-05-15 Thomas BerezanskyNuke one more Trunk reference: windowssetup.nsi