2015-08-06 Bill EricksonForward-port 2.8 translation import
2015-08-06 Jason StephensonLP#1479953: Stamping Upgrade Script
2015-08-06 Jason StephensonLP#1479953: Rename indexes to *_idx and add pgTAP test.
2015-08-06 Jeff DavisLP#1479953: Add indexes to vqbr foreign key references
2015-07-29 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Load negative balance test transactions...
2015-07-29 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Move negative balance test xacts into sampl...
2015-07-29 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Add missing util function for tests
2015-07-28 Ben ShumLP#1347807: Release note for "No Image" configuration...
2015-07-28 Thomas BerezanskyLP#1347807: Add example "No Image" configuration
2015-07-28 Mike RylanderLP#1465385: Fix some syntax issues with make_release
2015-07-28 Ben ShumLP#1454879: Release notes for Account Expiration Date...
2015-07-28 Terran McCannaLP1454879: Add Account Expiration Date to OPAC
2015-07-28 Bill EricksonLP#1476370 Selfcheck inactivity warning release notes
2015-07-28 Bill EricksonLP1476370 Selfcheck logout warning, checkout resets
2015-07-28 Ben ShumLP#1466201: Release note for disabling Google Analytics...
2015-07-28 Kathy Lussierlp1466201 Disable Google Analytics in the staff client
2015-07-28 Ben ShumLP#1198465: Stamping upgrade script for conditional...
2015-07-28 Kathy LussierLP 1198465: Adapt some language in the negative balance...
2015-07-28 Remington SteedLP 1198465: More tests for conditional negative balances
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Make conditional negative balances test...
2015-07-28 Remington SteedLP 1198465: Initial tests for conditional negative...
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Clean up terminology
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Set restored overdue timestamp to time...
2015-07-28 Remington SteedLP 1198465: Account for overdues voided the old way
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Delay creation of bill map for special...
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Fix and improve void/adjustment code
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Refactor logic into gatekeeper functions
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Rename internal functions for clarity
2015-07-28 Dan WellsLP 1198465: Restore voiding code, rename adjustment...
2015-07-28 Jason StephensonLP 1198465: Fix typo in BILL_ALREADY_VOIDED event
2015-07-28 Jason StephensonLP 1198465: Update CDBI/money.pm for adjustment_payment
2015-07-28 Jason StephensonLP 1198465: Update logic in checkin_handle_lost_or_lo_n...
2015-07-28 Jason StephensonLP 1198465: Modify O::A::Circ::Circulator->checkin_hand...
2015-07-28 Jason StephensonLP 1198465: Add code for adjustment payments
2015-07-28 Jason EtheridgeLP#1478299: fix location for asset used in test
2015-07-24 Bill EricksonLP#1155771 Copy location sample data additions
2015-07-24 Bill EricksonLP#1155771 Copy location sample data additions
2015-07-24 Bill EricksonLP#1155771 Sample data : copy locations, location groups
2015-07-23 Jeff DavisLP#1477677 - fix JS TypeError that prevents stat cats...
2015-07-06 Angela Kilsdonk2.8 doc image name change
2015-07-01 Bill EricksonLP#1312308 circ scripts, penalty removal release notes
2015-07-01 Bill EricksonLP#1312308 remove deprecated open-ils.penalty service
2015-07-01 Bill EricksonLP#1312308 script circ and deps removal
2015-06-25 Angela KilsdonkDocs: 2.8 Patron Message Center
2015-06-24 Angela KilsdonkDocs: 2.6 Duplicate Serials Barcode Alert
2015-06-24 Angela KilsdonkMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2015-06-24 Angela KilsdonkNew Documentation for 2.8
2015-06-24 Yamil SuarezLP#1468362 fix release me syntax and update acknowledge...
2015-06-23 Josh StomproDocs: Update action trigger docs to add missing fields.
2015-06-19 Yamil SuarezLP#1465830: authority linker now ignores $e and $4...
2015-06-18 Ben ShumDocs: Change references to release 2.8.2 for server...
2015-06-17 Bill EricksonPorting 2.8.1 -> 2.8.2 SQL upgrade
2015-06-17 Bill EricksonLP#1446816 HTML-escape notes in XUL patron alert page
2015-06-17 Kathy LussierRelease notes for 2.8.2
2015-06-17 Ben ShumRemove alpha and RC scripts for 2.3-2.4
2015-06-17 Ben ShumLP#1205061: Add IF EXISTS to some DROP statements in...
2015-06-17 Josh StomproDocumentation LP1369203 - Removed formatting around...
2015-06-17 Josh StomproDocs: Updated opensearch example with new label format
2015-06-17 Josh StomproDocs: LP#1387639 - Barcode Completion Documentation
2015-06-16 Jason Etheridgefix live_t/08-lp1366964-libdbi-error.t
2015-06-15 Jason StephensonLP 902255: Fix upgrade script.
2015-06-15 Jason StephensonLP 902255: Stamping upgrade script
2015-06-15 Mike RylanderLP#902255: Use simple alert box
2015-06-15 Mike RylanderLP#902255: Correct "ILS Event at check in" logic
2015-06-15 Mike RylanderLP#902255: Protect against hold double-capture
2015-06-15 Ben ShumLP#1463145 - Debian Jessie needs libexcel-writer-xlsx...
2015-06-12 Adam BowlingLP#1365661 Found patrons with same name not opening
2015-06-12 Michael PetersLP#1154656 MARC Expert Search "Add Rows" adds duplicate row
2015-06-12 Chris SharpLP#1342227 - Allow EDI Ruby dependency installation...
2015-06-12 blakeLP1424646 Paid-For Long Overdue Items Still Appear...
2015-06-11 Remington SteedDocs LP#1371646: Add better screenshots
2015-06-11 Chris SharpLP1444623: Remove "Safe" CPAN dependency from Debian...
2015-06-11 Jason StephensonLP#638509: Handle COPY_STATUS_LOST and COPY_STATUS_LONG...
2015-06-11 Jason StephensonLP#638509: Remove the stop_fines checks from do_renew...
2015-06-11 Terran McCannaLP#1396263: Fix for 'Return to Record' link breaks...
2015-06-11 Blake HendersonLP1440148 Long overdue Items out TPAC OPAC display...
2015-06-11 Mike RylanderLP#1463973: Use dollar-quoting for report literals
2015-06-11 Chris SharpLP#1446860 - Correct mistaken logic in previous fix.
2015-06-11 Chris SharpLP#1446860 Staff were able to edit their own accounts.
2015-06-11 Jeff DavisLP#1074096: Remove Bib Call Number from query type...
2015-06-11 Jason EtheridgeLP#1452883: prevent staff client warnings w/ Google...
2015-06-11 Kathy LussierLP#1403966: Remove publication-specific information...
2015-06-11 Blake HendersonLP#1194860: You have permission to override some of...
2015-06-11 Josh StomproLP#1456021 Enable apache modcgi during install for...
2015-06-11 Josh StomproLP#1457094 Switch to package libtemplate-plugin-posix...
2015-06-11 Bradley BonnerLP#757533: adds scrollbars (when necessary) to the...
2015-06-10 Dan WellsLP#1289486 Stamping upgrade for dropping acq audit...
2015-06-10 Mike RylanderLP#1289486: Remove blocking constraint from audit table
2015-06-10 Dan WellsLP#1447168 Stamping upgrade script for index on ash...
2015-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1447168: add an index on authority.simple_heading...
2015-06-10 Mike RylanderLP#1449709: Always get a real hostname for the cache key
2015-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1452366: allow EGWeb context loaders to have child_i...
2015-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1452352: use fresh CStore editors when populating...
2015-06-10 Mike RylanderLP#1452352: don't leak $ctx when initializing TPAC...
2015-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1452352: fix generation of locale-specific RO object...
2015-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1449709: add release notes
2015-06-10 Galen CharltonLP#1449709: caching compiled Template Toolkit templates
2015-06-10 Mike RylanderLP#1449709: Persist template processor for speed
2015-06-10 Remington SteedDocs: Replace broken link, go to new LSE section
2015-06-10 Remington SteedDocs: Fix spelling errors in Library Settings docs