2011-04-02 mikerAdd realistic row estimates to tree-ish functions ...
2011-04-01 ericksonPatch from Thomas Berezansky to address unneccessary...
2011-04-01 dbwellsBetter search normalization de-duping when 'params...
2011-03-31 dbwellsUse identifer indexes for older ISxN API methods (LP...
2011-03-31 phasefxLogic error trying to merge the date component of one...
2011-03-30 mikerPatch from Thomas Berezansky; see https://bugs.launchpa...
2011-03-30 phasefxadd item columns to xul-based holds lists
2011-03-30 dbsChange label to "Reset Password" and get button out...
2011-03-30 dbsRestore the Reset Password button on patron editor
2011-03-30 gmcfix typo in facet_force_nfc definition
2011-03-29 mikerForce facet values to Unicode NFC to reduce spurious...
2011-03-29 mikerInspired by a 1.6 patch from Brandon Uhlman to collect...
2011-03-29 ericksonin the case of multiple xact event error responses...
2011-03-29 ericksonrepair coded_value_map staff client menu entry. was...
2011-03-29 mikerMissed function in upgrade script
2011-03-29 phasefxfix error with profile filter and horizontal patron...
2011-03-29 mikerMonograph Parts; Unified vol/copy wizard; Call Number...
2011-03-29 gmcbug 744687: fix multi-field MARC expert search
2011-03-28 dbwellsFix call-number sorting for non-generic sort keys ...
2011-03-28 dbwellsMARC View print problem workaround (LP Bug #742033)
2011-03-28 dbsAddress LP 744393: Arabic text in en-CA offline.properties
2011-03-28 phasefxfix up receipt options persistence in billing interface...
2011-03-28 phasefxclear print.always_print_silent instead of setting...
2011-03-25 phasefxfixes things like the stat cat editor, since that extra...
2011-03-25 phasefxdata.lookup was broken for cases where data.list[key...
2011-03-25 dbsAvoid Apache warnings resulting from duplicate NameVirt...
2011-03-24 phasefxShortcuts for all users, not just current user.
2011-03-22 phasefxhave checkILSEvent handle events that aren't in ils_eve...
2011-03-22 dbwellsHonor the 'active' flag in QueryParser.pm for search...
2011-03-22 dbsBuild libjs from source for now until the Perl threadin...
2011-03-22 dbsAnother layer of escaping for the escapes in the DB...
2011-03-21 mikerRemove thready building -- we do not use threads anyway...
2011-03-21 dbsEnable update_db.sh to handle upgrading databases with...
2011-03-21 mikercorrecting bad timespecs in the example crontab
2011-03-21 phasefxno, this was correct. doh :) the list version uses...
2011-03-21 phasefxthis "count" method gets the same parameters as the...
2011-03-19 mikerIn-database Grace intervals
2011-03-18 mikerMake sure "ol" propagates through BibTemplate subject...
2011-03-18 phasefxSwitch to AccessControl plugin, more reliable.
2011-03-18 ericksonadded field_safe attr to ccs, aout, and crahp classes...
2011-03-18 mikerIntelligent Metarecord Format Selection for Holds
2011-03-18 mikerAllow the "result_field" to be used as the default...
2011-03-17 phasefxPre-modified xulrunner-stub files + icons
2011-03-17 phasefxCopy is not valid. How I missed that before I don't...
2011-03-17 phasefxDefault to no license page (for the staff client installer)
2011-03-17 dbwellsTreat call number fields 090 and 092 as local LC and...
2011-03-16 mikerMake a back-compat version of item_lang for QP
2011-03-16 ericksonmake payment receipt print/email run inside a transacti...
2011-03-16 mikerAddresses LP bug #736167, correctly populate hold forma...
2011-03-16 mikerupgrade script matching r19759-r19761
2011-03-16 phasefxdedicated renewal interface should use receipt printer
2011-03-16 mikerPatch from Steve Callendar addressing CN sort order...
2011-03-16 mikerPatch from Steve Callendar addressing holdability tests...
2011-03-16 dbsSet default db schema search path to public,pg_catalog
2011-03-15 mikerteach the 1.6-2.0 reingest generator about "tnf"-tag...
2011-03-15 phasefxMisc. changes to installer including:
2011-03-15 phasefxDefault workstation name to something sensible.
2011-03-15 dbsPrevent creation of report folders with empty folder...
2011-03-14 ericksonuntil futher investigation, roll back the changes of...
2011-03-14 ericksonclass cxt has no field named 'field_class', removing...
2011-03-14 ericksonMore menu work for record attr/coded map config UIs
2011-03-14 dbsPure whitespace (tabs to spaces) for dojo.fieldmapper
2011-03-14 dbsApply jshint suggestions for cleanup to dojo.fieldmapper
2011-03-13 dbsNormalize patron profile search function in "Search...
2011-03-13 dbsApply patch to add a patron profile filter to the ...
2011-03-13 dbsRemove unsupported versions of PostgreSQL FTS configs
2011-03-12 dbsClean up build errors when creating/recreating database...
2011-03-12 dbsUse valid DDL for forgotten index on actor.card
2011-03-12 dbsResolve inconsistent results when invoking LOWER()...
2011-03-11 ericksononly append street2 to CC payment address if no address...
2011-03-11 senatorBackport r19709 from trunk
2011-03-11 dbsUpdate the README to include explict LC_CTYPE/LC_COLLAT...
2011-03-11 dbsLANG=C results in SQL_ASCII encoding by default for...
2011-03-11 ericksonuse the existing util method for mvr-izing, since it...
2011-03-11 dbsEnsure incoming query values to patron search are UTF8...
2011-03-10 ericksonadd patron barcode to CC transaction description for...
2011-03-10 phasefxThis is tsbere's work: git.mvlcstaff.org/?p=tsbere...
2011-03-10 senatorBackport r19682 from trunk
2011-03-10 ericksonas an alternate/addition to applying per-setting permis...
2011-03-09 dbs'newpo' in install_all_locales was wiping out all fr...
2011-03-09 mikerPatch from Thomas Berezansky:
2011-03-09 dbsDraw pre-cataloged items (author and title) in My Accou...
2011-03-09 dbwellsFix LP bug #727432, "overpaying with patron credit...
2011-03-08 dbsCorrect implementing function name for open-ils.resolve...
2011-03-08 dbsBe more defensive when parsing SFX target results
2011-03-08 dbsAdd missing ampersand to ind1 attribute in identifier...
2011-03-08 dbwellsAddress LP bug #724583, "Paying Bills with Patron Credi...
2011-03-07 mikerMore data ordering issues
2011-03-07 mikerInsert order matters, moving down
2011-03-07 mikerconfig.videorecording_format_map moved to SVF
2011-03-07 mikerAccidentally removed during SVF merge, put it back
2011-03-07 mikerWe now require PG 9.0+, say as much in the README
2011-03-07 mikerBackport SVF merge to 2.1
2011-03-07 dbsFix cloning of AutoField widgets: LP #728055
2011-03-05 dbsCorrect search index definitions for subject|complete...
2011-03-04 dbwellsRespect a setting of depth=0. In particular, this fixes...
2011-03-04 dbsSRU: Restructure the hash returned from open-ils.superc...
2011-03-04 dbsAdd complete set of Evergreen search aliases and attrib...
2011-03-03 ericksonwhen using the force-reload option to reset timeout...
2011-03-03 dbsEnable MFHD tests to find their testdata