2015-02-19 Chris SharpLP#1419813 Fix default joins for config.rule_age_hold_p...
2015-02-19 Kathy LussierLP#1366026: Adding release notes entry for display...
2015-02-19 Jason BoyerLP1366026: Add Active Date to Record Detail Page
2015-02-19 Kathy Lussierlp1422555: Shorter permalink on record summary page
2015-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1350371 ACQ dupe orders release notes
2015-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1350371 display existing copies
2015-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1350371 detect dupe PO name on edit
2015-02-19 Bill EricksonLP#1350371 PO name on create w/ dupe detect
2015-02-18 Dan ScottFix typo in release notes for TPAC discoverability
2015-02-18 Yamil SuarezLP#1403967: show 'subject heading thesaurus' value...
2015-02-18 Dan ScottTPAC discoverability release notes entry
2015-02-18 Mike RylanderLP1171984: Stamping upgrade script
2015-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1171984 vandelay authority rec attr create repair
2015-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1171984 Vandelay auth. match release notes
2015-02-18 Bill EricksonLP#1171984 Vandelay authority record matching
2015-02-18 Jason StephensonLP#957466: Stamping Upgrade Script
2015-02-18 Jason StephensonLP#957466 Vandelay set the 905$u on imported bib record...
2015-02-18 Remington SteedLP#957466: Update editor/edit_date/source on overlay
2015-02-16 Mike RylanderLP#1413592: DB upgrade script numbering
2015-02-16 Kathy Lussierlp1413592: Release notes entry for no changes to fully...
2015-02-16 Mike RylanderLP#1413592: Avoid generating fines in "consider zero...
2015-02-16 Mike RylanderLP#1413592: Don't change lost/long-overdue fines/fees...
2015-02-16 Ben ShumLP#1410532: Add release note for "show more details...
2015-02-16 Ben ShumLP#1413769: Add release note for new link to My Lists
2015-02-16 Christine MorganLP#1413769: Better access to My Lists
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1411106: Add URIs to the list of bib records for...
2015-02-16 Ben ShumLP#1410532: Follow-up to fix config option for "Show...
2015-02-16 Art RhynoLP#1410532: TPAC - Make "Show more details" in results...
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1410532: TPAC "Show more details" config option
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1406025: Provide graceful human output for HTTP...
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1406025: Return 404 or 410 HTTP status codes for...
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1414033: Add rel="nofollow" to search/browse links
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1419977: Map subject headings to schema:about
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1406451: Prevent some catalogue pages from being...
2015-02-16 Ben ShumLP#1406451: Set rel=canonical for record and library...
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1406013: Improve schema.org expression for electroni...
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1405812: Relate contributors to the id.loc.gov relat...
2015-02-16 Dan ScottLP#1402921: Add the ability to link to sameAs and examp...
2015-02-13 Dan ScottLP#1421673 Typo in webby: "Databse ID"
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Check for a copy before trying to use it...
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 browser client noncat circ display
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 browser client noncat counts in patron summary
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 browser client interval parser
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 PCRUD access for noncat circs in IDL
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 patron search form focus repairs cont.
2015-02-12 Galen CharltonLP#1402797 use null as default payment amount
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 webby: catalog record -> view holds org...
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 Repair browser client dropdown buttons - #2
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Allow, and use, disabling of button-ish...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Only enable the Apply Payment button when...
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 webby: checkin fine tally patron bills link
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Actually do search button, too
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Focus patron search field on search, expand...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Use .finally() instead of hash-y syntax~
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Apply focus in the .finally() in case there...
2015-02-12 Jason EtheridgeLP#1402797 fix checkout focus after patron load
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 Repair browser client dropdown buttons
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 webby: repair Hatch type=text printing
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 Avoid org tree retrieval race condition...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Adjust timestamp with local timezone before...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add usr and requestor columns to the hold...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Begin teaching grid about class hierarchies...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Fetch old circ when the user is not the...
2015-02-12 Bill EricksonLP#1402797 Browser client checkout 'Done' clears curren...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Remove useless options in record bucket...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Allow the status bar to be hidden
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Separate stock and custom penalty type models
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Supply top-level method for uncanceling...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Fix boolean assumption
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Sort by class, and keep columns from one...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Adjust the default for penalty type so it...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add invalid-address alert
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add Check Number input
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add the ability (and action) to uncancel...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Ignore the "current_copy" field, we already...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Teach autogrid how to ignore fields explicitly
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add patron barcode and alias to hold lists...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Fix "scan item for missing pieces" label...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Make "Checkout" the consistent spelling...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Comment out Hide/Show All in autogrid
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add label to custom penalty dropdown
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Push explicitly added columns to the top...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add catalog search to the search menu in...
2015-02-12 Mike RylanderLP#1402797 Add checkout/in workstation colums to the...
2015-02-04 Ben ShumForward-port 2.7.2-2.7.3 upgrade script
2015-02-04 Jason StephensonLP#1418164: Fix 0905.schema.user_currnet_normalize_head...
2015-02-04 Bill EricksonLP#1261777 repair cloned addr owner link
2015-02-04 Ben ShumLP#1390138: Clarify 2.6-2.7 upgrade path
2015-02-04 Ben ShumLP#1390138: Remove references to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx...
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updating Upgrade and Install docs for 2.7
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updating Upgrade and Install docs for 2.7
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Another update for install/update docs...
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updated upgrade docs for 2.7.1
2015-02-04 Josh StomproLP#1390138: Updated upgrade docs for 2.7.1.
2015-02-03 Ben ShumLP#1413660: Stamping upgrade script to change z3950...
2015-02-03 Bill EricksonLP#1413660 Mark 39.50 config function STABLE
2015-02-03 Dan WellsLP#1078593 Regenerate summaries when deleting issuances
2015-02-03 Dan WellsLP#1078593 Add method for regenerating serial summaries
2015-02-03 Dan WellsLP#1078593 Assorted small Serial.pm fixes
2015-02-03 Ben ShumLP#1415572: Stamping upgrade script for ensuring correc...