2013-05-17 Andy WitterMove eg_vhost.conf from template to in place configuration
2013-05-16 Andy WitterUpdated eg_db_config in the evergreen deb
2013-05-16 Andy Witterupdated evergreen deb file to fix eg_db_config path.
2013-05-16 Andy WitterUpdate from to eg_db_config
2013-05-15 Andy WitterUpdate compatibility for Evergreen 2.4.0
2013-05-15 Andy WitterUpdate compatibility with 2.4.0
2013-05-15 Andy Witterupdate to OpenSRF 2.2.0 # Evergreen ILS 2.4.0
2013-05-15 Michael PetersMake sure check_file_age and check_lock get copied...
2013-05-15 Michael PetersAdd NFS monitoring of reports NFS share
2013-05-15 Michael PetersAdd NFS monitoring to database servers
2013-05-14 Andy Witterfixed check_lock and check_file_age bug
2013-05-14 Michael PetersAdd check_lock plugin for NRPE monitoring
2013-05-14 Michael PetersFix typos in services.cfg
2013-05-14 Michael PetersAdd check_file_age for monitoring
2013-05-14 Michael PetersAdd lock file NRPE checks
2013-05-14 Andy WitterAdd check_lock for monitoring
2013-05-14 Andy WitterIncrease version number, create GenaSYS-2.4.0 branch
2013-05-13 Andy Witterupdate version genasys_rel_2_3_6 GenaSYS-2.3.6
2013-05-13 Andy Witterfix lvs /var/www bug.
2013-05-13 Andy WitterMake sure custom folder is created
2013-05-13 Andy WitterRevert "Add to list of monitoring servers...
2013-05-09 Andy WitterAdd to list of monitoring servers for local...
2013-05-09 Andy Witterfix services_icinga.cfg not being renamed.
2013-05-09 Andy Witterremove service check_data_disk for now.
2013-05-09 Andy Witteradd hostgroup ssh-servers and fix installation order
2013-05-09 Andy Witterfix hostgroups duplicate bug
2013-05-09 Andy Witterinclude the extinfo_icinga.cfg file
2013-05-09 Andy WitterAdd extinfo_icinga.cfg
2013-05-09 Andy WitterMove original hostgroups.cfg to hostgroups.cfg-orig
2013-05-09 Andy WitterAdd "all servers" to hostgroups.cfg
2013-05-09 Andy WitterRemove old function for setting up monitoring.
2013-05-09 Andy WitterAdded nagios-nrpe-plugin to monitoring servers
2013-05-08 Andy WitterFix uppercase CHECK_NRPE bug
2013-05-08 Andy Witterfix swap usage bug
2013-05-08 Andy Witterfixed fielder and vandelay max children bugs
2013-05-08 Andy Witterfixed comment for setup-funtions.
2013-05-08 Andy Witterfixed hostgroup bug for db-servers
2013-05-08 Andy Witterremoved contacts.cfg for now
2013-05-08 Andy updated monitring configuration
2013-05-08 Andy Witterexclude not_used for now
2013-05-08 Andy WitterAdd sysstat to apt.list files for all nodes
2013-05-03 Andy Witterremove install of icinga from the apt.list
2013-05-03 Andy Witteradd monitoring configuration
2013-05-03 Andy Witteradd generation of config files for monitoring
2013-05-03 Andy Witterupdate gitignore
2013-05-03 Andy Witterignore the customized evergreen deb
2013-05-01 Andy WitterFix hostgroups all servers duplicate bug
2013-04-30 Andy Witteradded monitor to installation order
2013-04-30 Andy Witterfix cannot stat hostgroups.cfg bug
2013-04-30 Andy WitterAdd the dynamic generation of hostgroups.cfg file for...
2013-04-30 Andy Witterremoved swap file
2013-04-30 Andy WitterAdd templates for the monitor host
2013-04-30 Andy Witterinclude monitor directory
2013-04-26 Andy WitterAdd host.cfg file to monitor servers.
2013-04-26 Andy WitterAdd installation of icinga on monitor server(s).
2013-04-26 Andy WitterAdd generation of icinga/nagios hosts.cfg
2013-04-26 Andy Witterfixed default-ssl missing bug.
2013-04-26 Andy Witteradd monitor folder for now
2013-04-25 Andy WitterAdd monitoring services(icinga/nagios) to monitor01
2013-04-23 Andy WitterFixed utility ssh-keys bug
2013-04-23 Andy WitterFix version information
2013-04-22 Andy Witterremoved old evergreen deb
2013-04-22 Andy WitterUpdate version to 2.3.6
2013-04-18 Andy WitterCreate ssl_cert directory if it does not exist
2013-04-16 Andy Witteradding SGRL to list of libraries serviced by UMS
2013-04-16 Andy WitterChange permissions to executable
2013-04-16 Andy WitterMerge branch 'master' of
2013-04-16 Andy Witterupdating .gitignore with conf_files
2013-04-16 Andy WitterMove maintenance page to lvs install apache2 ssl and...
2012-12-18 Andy Witterpreserving quotes when echoing to /root/.bashrc
2012-12-17 Andy Witteradding rsyslog information
2012-12-17 Andy Witterremoving hardcoding of hostnames in postfix config...
2012-12-17 Andy Wittercorrecting typo in lvs interfaces file
2012-12-17 Andy Wittercorrecting problem with dns server config
2012-12-17 Andy Witterupdating version info; correcting postfix configuration
2012-12-17 Andy Witteradding pines-utilities to GenaSYS
2012-12-13 Chris Sharpadding hostname prefix handling for opensrf.xml and...
2012-12-13 Andy Witterfixed regressions as a result of adding the prefix...
2012-12-13 Andy Witterchanged dns-server option to dns-nameservers
2012-12-13 Andy Witterfixed syntax error causing bind to fail to start
2012-12-10 Chris Sharpcreating public/private domains for reporter01
2012-12-07 Andy WitterMerge branch 'master' of
2012-12-07 Andy Wittercommitting changes
2012-12-07 Chris Sharpcorrecting typo
2012-12-04 Andy Witterupdated opensrf and evergreen packages
2012-11-29 Andy Witterfix the install order of libtemplate deb to be before...
2012-11-19 rootfix bug for tpac added template-plugin-posix
2012-11-16 rootAdded reverse dns configuration for the cluster.
2012-11-15 rootDeleted Old Files
2012-11-15 rootAdd full DNS support for the cluster.
2012-11-15 rootMajor Update.
2012-04-26 Andy Wittercommitting recent changes getting ready for push
2012-04-19 rootadding .gitignore
2012-03-23 rootinitial commit